Is positron emission tomography enough to rule out cardiac sarcoidosis? A case report. Eur Heart J Case Rep. 2021 Sep; 5(9):ytab300.
Huang S, Kunchakarra S, Rathod A. PMID: 34557632; PMCID: PMC8453392.
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Supracristal Ventricular Septal Defect Complicated by Formation of an Aorto-Right Ventricular Outflow Tract Fistula: A Rare Cause of Biventricular Enlargement. Methodist Debakey Cardiovasc J. 2021; 17(2):157-160.
Muhyieddeen A, Sadhale A, Kunchakarra S, Rathod A. PMID: 34326936; PMCID: PMC8298126.
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Recurrent ventricular tachycardia associated with lipomatous metaplasia of a myocardial scar. BMJ Case Rep. 2021 Mar 19; 14(3).
Muhyieddeen AH, Asadourian M, Kunchakarra S, Rathod A. PMID: 33741571; PMCID: PMC7986890.
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Where Is the Bubble? A Case of Systemic-to-Pulmonary Venous Shunt in Superior Vena Cava Occlusion. CASE (Phila). 2020 Dec; 4(6):482-484.
Asadourian M, Bhullar A, Kunchakarra S, Rathod A. PMID: 33376838; PMCID: PMC7756161.
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Unusual presentation of left ventricular rupture. BMJ Case Rep. 2020 Feb 02; 13(1).
Bhullar AS, Sandhu CS, Bhullar MS, Rathod A. PMID: 32014988; PMCID: PMC7021133.
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Response to Letter Regarding Article "Impact of Annual Operator and Institutional Volume on Percutaneous Coronary Intervention Outcomes: A 5-Year United States Experience (2005-2009)". Circulation. 2015 Aug 04; 132(5):e36-7.
Badheka AO, Patel NJ, Grover P, Singh V, Patel N, Arora S, Chothani A, Mehta K, Deshmukh A, Savani GT, Patel A, Panaich SS, Shah N, Rathod A, Brown M, Mohamad T, Makkar RR, Schreiber T, Grines CL, Rihal CS, Cohen MG. PMID: 26240270.
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Influence of hospital volume on outcomes of percutaneous atrial septal defect and patent foramen ovale closure: a 10-years US perspective. Catheter Cardiovasc Interv. 2015 May; 85(6):1073-81.
Singh V, Badheka AO, Patel NJ, Chothani A, Mehta K, Arora S, Patel N, Deshmukh A, Shah N, Savani GT, Rathod A, Manvar S, Thakkar B, Panchal V, Patel J, Palacios IF, Rihal CS, Cohen MG, O'Neill W, De Marchena E. PMID: 25534392.
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Utilization and adverse outcomes of percutaneous left atrial appendage closure for stroke prevention in atrial fibrillation in the United States: influence of hospital volume. Circ Arrhythm Electrophysiol. 2015 Feb; 8(1):42-8.
Badheka AO, Chothani A, Mehta K, Patel NJ, Deshmukh A, Hoosien M, Shah N, Singh V, Grover P, Savani GT, Panaich SS, Rathod A, Patel N, Arora S, Bhalara V, Coffey JO, O'Neill W, Makkar R, Grines CL, Schreiber T, Di Biase L, Natale A, Viles-Gonzalez JF. PMID: 25480543.
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Major electrocardiographic abnormalities and 25-hydroxy vitamin D deficiency: insights from National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey-III. Clin Cardiol. 2014 Nov; 37(11):660-6.
Tuliani TA, Shenoy M, Deshmukh A, Rathod A, Pant S, Badheka AO, Levine D, Afonso L. PMID: 25224216; PMCID: PMC6649437.
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Impact of annual operator and institutional volume on percutaneous coronary intervention outcomes: a 5-year United States experience (2005-2009). Circulation. 2014 Oct 14; 130(16):1392-406.
Badheka AO, Patel NJ, Grover P, Singh V, Patel N, Arora S, Chothani A, Mehta K, Deshmukh A, Savani GT, Patel A, Panaich SS, Shah N, Rathod A, Brown M, Mohamad T, Tamburrino FV, Kar S, Makkar R, O'Neill WW, De Marchena E, Schreiber T, Grines CL, Rihal CS, Cohen MG. PMID: 25189214.
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51 Fields:
Optimal blood pressure in patients with atrial fibrillation (from the AFFIRM Trial). Am J Cardiol. 2014 Sep 01; 114(5):727-36.
Badheka AO, Patel NJ, Grover PM, Shah N, Patel N, Singh V, Deshmukh AJ, Mehta K, Chothani A, Savani GT, Arora S, Rathod A, Marzouka GR, Lafferty J, Mehta JL, Mitrani RD. PMID: 25060415.
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Balloon mitral valvuloplasty in the United States: a 13-year perspective. Am J Med. 2014 Nov; 127(11):1126.e1-1126.e12.
Badheka AO, Shah N, Ghatak A, Patel NJ, Chothani A, Mehta K, Singh V, Patel N, Grover P, Deshmukh A, Panaich SS, Savani GT, Bhalara V, Arora S, Rathod A, Desai H, Kar S, Alfonso C, Palacios IF, Grines C, Schreiber T, Rihal CS, Makkar R, Cohen MG, O'Neill W, de Marchena E. PMID: 24859718.
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Contemporary trends of hospitalization for atrial fibrillation in the United States, 2000 through 2010: implications for healthcare planning. Circulation. 2014 Jun 10; 129(23):2371-9.
Patel NJ, Deshmukh A, Pant S, Singh V, Patel N, Arora S, Shah N, Chothani A, Savani GT, Mehta K, Parikh V, Rathod A, Badheka AO, Lafferty J, Kowalski M, Mehta JL, Mitrani RD, Viles-Gonzalez JF, Paydak H. PMID: 24842943.
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164 Fields:
Complication rates of atrial fibrillation ablations: comparison of safety outcomes from real world to contemporary randomized control trials. Int J Cardiol. 2014 Aug 01; 175(2):372-3.
Pothineni NV, Deshmukh A, Pant S, Patel NJ, Badheka A, Chothani A, Shah N, Mehta K, Savani GT, Singh V, Grover P, Bhalara V, Patel N, Arora S, Rathod A, Viles-Gonzalez J, Paydak H. PMID: 24948560.
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Influence of left ventricular remodeling on atrial fibrillation recurrence and cardiovascular hospitalizations in patients undergoing rhythm-control therapy. Int J Cardiol. 2014 Jun 15; 174(2):288-92.
Shah N, Badheka AO, Grover PM, Patel NJ, Chothani A, Mehta K, Hoosien M, Singh V, Savani GT, Deshmukh A, Rathod A, Patel N, Panaich SS, Arora S, Schwartz C, Blisker M, Coffey JO, Mitrani RD, Fuster V, Viles-Gonzalez JF. PMID: 24794553.
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Percutaneous aortic balloon valvotomy in the United States: a 13-year perspective. Am J Med. 2014 Aug; 127(8):744-753.e3.
Badheka AO, Patel NJ, Singh V, Shah N, Chothani A, Mehta K, Deshmukh A, Ghatak A, Rathod A, Desai H, Savani GT, Grover P, Patel N, Arora S, Grines CL, Schreiber T, Makkar R, Rihal CS, Cohen MG, De Marchena E, O'Neill WW. PMID: 24608018.
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Outcomes in atrial fibrillation patients with and without left ventricular hypertrophy when treated with a lenient rate-control or rhythm-control strategy. Am J Cardiol. 2014 Apr 01; 113(7):1159-65.
Badheka AO, Shah N, Grover PM, Patel NJ, Chothani A, Mehta K, Singh V, Deshmukh A, Savani GT, Rathod A, Panaich SS, Patel N, Arora S, Bhalara V, Coffey JO, Mitrani RD, Halperin JL, Viles-Gonzalez JF. PMID: 24507168.
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Neutrophil lymphocyte ratio significantly improves the Framingham risk score in prediction of coronary heart disease mortality: insights from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey-III. Int J Cardiol. 2014 Feb 15; 171(3):390-7.
Shah N, Parikh V, Patel N, Patel N, Badheka A, Deshmukh A, Rathod A, Lafferty J. PMID: 24388541.
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Impact of implantable cardioverter-defibrillator therapy on a secondary prevention population. JAMA Intern Med. 2013 Dec 9-23; 173(22):2093-4.
Rathod A, Badheka A, Deshmukh A. PMID: 24322466.
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Digoxin significantly improves all-cause mortality in atrial fibrillation patients with severely reduced left ventricular systolic function. Int J Cardiol. 2013 Nov 20; 169(5):e84-6.
Patel NJ, Hoosien M, Deshmukh A, Badheka AO, Grover PM, Shah N, Singh V, Mehta K, Chothani A, Savani GT, Arora S, Bhalara V, Patel N, Khalpada D, Rathod A, Vazzana TJ, Lafferty J, Viles-Gonzalez JF, Mitrani RD. PMID: 24377111.
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Non-influence of lipid lowering therapy in atrial fibrillation recurrence. Int J Cardiol. 2013 Oct 12; 168(5):5006-7.
Mehta K, Grover PM, Shah N, Patel NJ, Chothani A, Singh V, Savani GT, Deshmukh A, Rathod A, Patel N, Panaich SS, Arora S, Nalluri N, Khalpada D, Bhalaria V, Parmar NG, Badheka AO, Viles-Gonzalez JF, Mitrani RD. PMID: 23953261.
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Presence of anti-viral and anti-parasitic antibodies and cardiovascular mortality: insights from NHANES III. Int J Cardiol. 2013 Oct 12; 168(5):4826-30.
Grover PM, Badheka AO, Shah N, Patel NJ, Mehta K, Chothani A, Singh V, Savani GT, Deshmukh A, Rathod A, Patel N, Panaich SP, Arora S, Khalpada D, Bhalara V, Parmar NG, Mohamad T, Cohen MG. PMID: 23928344.
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ST-T wave abnormality in lead aVR and reclassification of cardiovascular risk (from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey-III). Am J Cardiol. 2013 Sep 15; 112(6):805-10.
Badheka AO, Patel NJ, Grover PM, Shah N, Singh V, Deshmukh A, Mehta K, Chothani A, Hoosien M, Rathod A, Savani GT, Marzouka GR, Gupta S, Mitrani RD, Moscucci M, Cohen MG. PMID: 23764245.
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QRS duration on electrocardiography and cardiovascular mortality (from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey-III). Am J Cardiol. 2013 Sep 01; 112(5):671-7.
Badheka AO, Singh V, Patel NJ, Deshmukh A, Shah N, Chothani A, Mehta K, Grover P, Savani GT, Gupta S, Rathod A, Marzouka GR, Mitrani RD, Moscucci M, Cohen MG. PMID: 23726176.
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Predictors of J-point elevation in a cross sectional US cohort. Int J Cardiol. 2013 Oct 03; 168(3):3082-3.
Badheka AO, Patel NJ, Singh V, Deshmukh A, Shah N, Grover P, Rathod A, Chothani A, Mehta K, Savani G, Myerburg RJ, Mitrani RD, Cohen MG. PMID: 23642813.
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Comparison of rate versus rhythm control in patients with atrial fibrillation and a pacemaker. Am J Cardiol. 2013 Jun 15; 111(12):1759-63.
Badheka AO, Marzouka GR, Rathod AD, Patel NJ, Myerburg RJ, Mitrani RD. PMID: 23540545.
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Electrocardiographic abnormalities and reclassification of cardiovascular risk: insights from NHANES-III. Am J Med. 2013 Apr; 126(4):319-326.e2.
Badheka AO, Patel N, Tuliani TA, Rathod A, Marzouka GR, Zalawadiya S, Deshmukh A, Moscucci M, Cohen MG. PMID: 23415052.
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The HARD2C score for predicting asymptomatic peripheral arterial disease. Angiology. 2012 Aug; 63(6):480-1.
Badheka AO, Tuliani T, Rathod A, Veeranna V, Afonso L. PMID: 22718081.
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Combined use of direct renin inhibitor and carvedilol in heart failure with preserved systolic function. Med Hypotheses. 2012 Oct; 79(4):448-51.
Badheka AO, Tuliani TA, Rathod A, Ali Kizilbash M, Bharadwaj A, Afonso L. PMID: 22800805.
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Statin therapy significantly reduces risk of ventricular tachyarrhythmias in patients with an implantable cardioverter defibrillator. Am J Ther. 2012 Jul; 19(4):261-8.
Jacob S, Manickam P, Rathod A, Badheka A, Afonso L, Aravindhakshan R. PMID: 21048429.
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Isolated nonspecific ST-segment and T-wave abnormalities in a cross-sectional United States population and Mortality (from NHANES III). Am J Cardiol. 2012 Aug 15; 110(4):521-5.
Badheka AO, Rathod A, Marzouka GR, Patel N, Bokhari SS, Moscucci M, Cohen MG. PMID: 22608358.
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Role of lipid lowering therapy and renin angiotensin blockade in outcomes of patients with atrial fibrillation. Am J Cardiol. 2012 Apr 15; 109(8):1238.
Badheka AO, Tuliani T, Rathod A, Shenoy M, Afonso L, Jacob S. PMID: 22464019.
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Long-term mortality and role of troponin elevation in hypertensive emergencies. Am J Cardiol. 2012 Feb 15; 109(4):600.
Badheka A, Shenoy M, Rathod A, Tuliani T, Afonso L. PMID: 22293226.
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Healthy Eating Index and mortality in a nationally representative elderly cohort. Arch Intern Med. 2012 Feb 13; 172(3):275-7.
Rathod AD, Bharadwaj AS, Badheka AO, Kizilbash M, Afonso L. PMID: 22332163.
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Device therapy in heart failure patients with chronic kidney disease. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2012 Jan 31; 59(5):542-3.
Badheka A, Rathod A, Tuliani T, Afonso L, Jacob S. PMID: 22281260.
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Comparison of mortality and morbidity in patients with atrial fibrillation and heart failure with preserved versus decreased left ventricular ejection fraction. Am J Cardiol. 2011 Nov 01; 108(9):1283-8.
Badheka AO, Rathod A, Kizilbash MA, Bhardwaj A, Ali O, Afonso L, Jacob S. PMID: 21855829.
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Obesity paradox in outcomes of atrial fibrillation. Am J Cardiol. 2011 Aug 01; 108(3):474.
Badheka AO, Rathod A, Bharadwaj A, Afonso L, Jacob S. PMID: 21757046.
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Outcomes and risk prediction model for peripheral arterial disease in patients with stable coronary artery disease. Angiology. 2011 Aug; 62(6):473-9.
Badheka AO, Rathod AD, Bharadwaj AS, Bhat S, Kizilbash MA, Veeranna V, Pidlaon V, Jacob S, Afonso L. PMID: 21788210.
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Prevalence, determinants, and clinical significance of cardiac troponin-I elevation in individuals admitted for a hypertensive emergency. J Clin Hypertens (Greenwich). 2011 Aug; 13(8):551-6.
Afonso L, Bandaru H, Rathod A, Badheka A, Ali Kizilbash M, Zmily H, Jacobsen G, Chattahi J, Mohamad T, Koneru J, Flack J, Weaver WD. PMID: 21806764; PMCID: PMC8108865.
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HumansPHPublic Health
Preserved or slightly depressed ejection fraction and outcomes after myocardial infarction. Postgrad Med J. 2011 Jun; 87(1028):400-4.
Badheka AO, Rathod A, Bharadwaj AS, Manickam P, Kizilbash MA, Veeranna V, Jacob S, Afonso L. PMID: 21441163.
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Comparative prognostic utility of conventional and novel lipid parameters for cardiovascular disease risk prediction: do novel lipid parameters offer an advantage? J Clin Lipidol. 2011 Mar-Apr; 5(2):82-90.
Manickam P, Rathod A, Panaich S, Hari P, Veeranna V, Badheka A, Jacob S, Afonso L. PMID: 21392721.
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Epileptic patients who survived sudden cardiac death have increased risk of recurrent arrhythmias and death. J Cardiovasc Med (Hagerstown). 2010 Nov; 11(11):810-4.
Badheka A, Rathod A, Kizilbash MA, Lai Z, Mohamad T, Shah A, Afonso L, Jacob S. PMID: 20543707.
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HumansPHPublic Health
Influence of obesity on outcomes in atrial fibrillation: yet another obesity paradox. Am J Med. 2010 Jul; 123(7):646-51.
Badheka AO, Rathod A, Kizilbash MA, Garg N, Mohamad T, Afonso L, Jacob S. PMID: 20609687.
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Renal disease and cardiac mortality in survivors of sudden cardiac death. Acta Cardiol. 2010 Jun; 65(3):323-8.
Rathod A, Badheka A, Kizilbash M, Manickam P, Mohamad T, Bhat S, Afonso L, Jacob S. PMID: 20666271.
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Impact of lipid-lowering therapy on outcomes in atrial fibrillation. Am J Cardiol. 2010 Jun 15; 105(12):1768-72.
Badheka AO, Rathod A, Kizilbash MA, Garg N, Mohamad T, Afonso L, Jacob S. PMID: 20538128.
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Utility of cardiac magnetic resonance imaging in evaluating left ventricular pseudoaneurysm. Congest Heart Fail. 2008 Mar-Apr; 14(2):91-4.
Dutta R, Kahn AM, Rathod A, Greenberg B. PMID: 18401218.
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