Drug-facilitated sexual assault, impaired trauma memory, and implications for mental health treatment. Eur J Psychotraumatol. 2022; 13(1):2057165.
Fields L, Young DA, Patel AR, Munroe C, Shumway M, Bell S, Richer LA. PMID: 35558683; PMCID: PMC9090424.
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PubMed Mentions:
1 Fields:
Communities Healing And Transforming Trauma (CHATT): A Trauma-Informed Speakers' Bureau for Survivors of Violence. J Trauma Dissociation. 2020 Jul-Sep; 21(4):437-451.
Fields L, Valdez CE, Richmond C, Murphy MJ, Halloran M, Boccellari A, Shumway M. PMID: 32584709.
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PubMed Mentions: Fields:
Fields., L.. Trauma-Informed, Evidence-Based Psychotherapy. In S Wiggall & A Boccellari (eds.) The University of California San Francisco Trauma Recovery Center Manual: Removing Barriers to Care and Transforming Services for Survivors of Violent Crime. 2017.
Fields, L.
War-exposed newcomer adolescent immigrants facing daily life stressors in the United States. International Journal of Intercultural Relations. 2017; (60):120-131.
Patel SG, Staudenmeyer AH, Wickham R, Firmender WM, Fields L, & Miller AB.
Stress and trauma disorders. In J.C. Norcross, G.R. VandenBos, & D.K. Freedheim (Eds.-in-Chief), N. Pole (Associate Ed.), APA handbook of clinical psychology: Vol. 4. Psychopathology and health. 2016; 97-133.
Pole N, Fields, L., and D'Andrea, W.
Characterizing Drug-Facilitated Sexual Assault Subtypes and Treatment Engagement of Victims at a Hospital-Based Rape Treatment Center. J Interpers Violence. 2017 05; 32(10):1524-1542.
Richer LA, Fields L, Bell S, Heppner J, Dodge J, Boccellari A, Shumway M. PMID: 26063789.
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PubMed Mentions:
2 Fields:
Scientist-practitioner training at the internship and postdoctoral level: Reflections over three decades. Training and Education in Professional Psychology. 2015; 2(9):105-112.
Muñoz, RF, Sorensen, JL, Areán, PA, Lieberman, AF, Fields, L, Gruber, VA, Hall, SM, Kramer, JH, Leykin, Y, McBurnett, K, McQuaid, JR, Pfiffner, LJ, Prochaska, JJ, Scheidt, SD, Shumway, M, Tsoh, JY, van Horn, P, Sosa, H & McNiel, DE.
Measuring teaching effectiveness in a pre-clinical multi-instructor course: A case study in the development and application of a Brief Instructor Rating Scale. Teaching and Learning in Medicine. 2005; 2(17):119-129.
Leamon MH, and Fields L.
RE Hales & SC Yudofsky (eds.), American Psychiatric Press Textbook of Psychiatry, Fourth Edition. Couple and family therapy. 2003.
Fields L, Morrison TL, & Beels, CC.
Medical students in jail: The psychiatric clerkship in an outpatient correctional setting. Academic Psychiatry. 2001; (25):167-172.
Leamon MH, Fields L, Cox PD, Scott C, and Mirrasou M.
An integrated brief approach to treating OCD. Directions in Clinical and Counseling Psychology. 2000; 7(11):73-80.
Fields, L.
The salience of ethnic identity and its relationship to self-esteem, perceived efficacy, and prosocial attitudes in early adolescence. Journal of Adolescence. 1999; (22):867-880.
Smith EP, Walker K, Fields L, Brookins C, and Seay RC.
An integrative brief treatment approach for obsessive-compulsive disorder. Journal of Psychotherapy Integration. 1999; 3(8):161-172.
Fields, L.
Coping and adjustment during childhood and adolescence. Clinical Psychology Review. 1997; (17):937-976.
Fields L, and Prinz RJ.