Stephen Chang, PharmD, MPH
Title(s) | Volunteer Assistant Clinical Professor, Clinical Pharmacy |
School | School of Pharmacy |
Address | 533 Parnassus Avenue, #U585 San Francisco CA 94117
vCard | Download vCard |
University of the Sciences , Philadelphia | Pharm.D. | 2008 | Pharmacy |
University of Washington, Seattle | MPH | 2015 | Epidemiology & Biostatistics |
University of California, San Francisco | Precision Health Science Postdoctoral Fellowship | 2016 | CTSI |
Altmetrics Details
PMC Citations indicate the number of times the publication was cited by articles in PubMed Central, and the Altmetric score represents citations in news articles and social media.
(Note that publications are often cited in additional ways that are not shown here.)
Fields are based on how the National Library of Medicine (NLM) classifies the publication's journal and might not represent the specific topic of the publication.
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Pan-Cancer Pharmacogenomic Analysis of Patient-Derived Tumor Cells Using Clinically Relevant Drug Exposures. Mol Cancer Ther. 2023 09 05; 22(9):1100-1111.
Chang SH, Ice RJ, Chen M, Sidorov M, Woo RWL, Rodriguez-Brotons A, Jian D, Kim HK, Kim A, Stone DE, Nazarian A, Oh A, Tranah GJ, Nosrati M, de Semir D, Dar AA, Desprez PY, Kashani-Sabet M, Soroceanu L, McAllister SD. PMID: 37440705.
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PubMed Mentions: Fields:
The Tabula Sapiens: A multiple-organ, single-cell transcriptomic atlas of humans. Science. 2022 05 13; 376(6594):eabl4896.
Tabula Sapiens Consortium*, Jones RC, Karkanias J, Krasnow MA, Pisco AO, Quake SR, Salzman J, Yosef N, Bulthaup B, Brown P, Harper W, Hemenez M, Ponnusamy R, Salehi A, Sanagavarapu BA, Spallino E, Aaron KA, Concepcion W, Gardner JM, Kelly B, Neidlinger N, Wang Z, Crasta S, Kolluru S, Morri M, Tan SY, Travaglini KJ, Xu C, Alcántara-Hernández M, Almanzar N, Antony J, Beyersdorf B, Burhan D, Calcuttawala K, Carter MM, Chan CKF, Chang CA, Chang S, Colville A, Culver RN, Cvijovic I, D'Amato G, Ezran C, Galdos FX, Gillich A, Goodyer WR, Hang Y, Hayashi A, Houshdaran S, Huang X, Irwin JC, Jang S, Juanico JV, Kershner AM, Kim S, Kiss B, Kong W, Kumar ME, Kuo AH, Li B, Loeb GB, Lu WJ, Mantri S, Markovic M, McAlpine PL, de Morree A, Mrouj K, Mukherjee S, Muser T, Neuhöfer P, Nguyen TD, Perez K, Puluca N, Qi Z, Rao P, Raquer-McKay H, Schaum N, Scott B, Seddighzadeh B, Segal J, Sen S, Sikandar S, Spencer SP, Steffes LC, Subramaniam VR, Swarup A, Swift M, Van Treuren W, Trimm E, Veizades S, Vijayakumar S, Vo KC, Vorperian SK, Wang W, Weinstein HNW, Winkler J, Wu TTH, Xie J, Yung AR, Zhang Y, Detweiler AM, Mekonen H, Neff NF, Sit RV, Tan M, Yan J, Bean GR, Charu V, Forgó E, Martin BA, Ozawa MG, Silva O, Toland A, Vemuri VNP, Afik S, Awayan K, Botvinnik OB, Byrne A, Chen M, Dehghannasiri R, Gayoso A, Granados AA, Li Q, Mahmoudabadi G, McGeever A, Olivieri JE, Park M, Ravikumar N, Stanley G, Tan W, Tarashansky AJ, Vanheusden R, Wang P, Wang S, Xing G, Dethlefsen L, Ezran C, Gillich A, Hang Y, Ho PY, Irwin JC, Jang S, Leylek R, Liu S, Maltzman JS, Metzger RJ, Phansalkar R, Sasagawa K, Sinha R, Song H, Swarup A, Trimm E, Veizades S, Wang B, Beachy PA, Clarke MF, Giudice LC, Huang FW, Huang KC, Idoyaga J, Kim SK, Kuo CS, Nguyen P, Rando TA, Red-Horse K, Reiter J, Relman DA, Sonnenburg JL, Wu A, Wu SM, Wyss-Coray T. PMID: 35549404; PMCID: PMC9812260.
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PubMed Mentions:
322 Fields:
A functional genomics screen identifying blood cell development genes in Drosophila by undergraduates participating in a course-based research experience. G3 (Bethesda). 2021 01 18; 11(1).
Evans CJ, Olson JM, Mondal BC, Kandimalla P, Abbasi A, Abdusamad MM, Acosta O, Ainsworth JA, Akram HM, Albert RB, Alegria-Leal E, Alexander KY, Ayala AC, Balashova NS, Barber RM, Bassi H, Bennion SP, Beyder M, Bhatt KV, Bhoot C, Bradshaw AW, Brannigan TG, Cao B, Cashell YY, Chai T, Chan AW, Chan C, Chang I, Chang J, Chang MT, Chang PW, Chang S, Chari N, Chassiakos AJ, Chen IE, Chen VK, Chen Z, Cheng MR, Chiang M, Chiu V, Choi S, Chung JH, Contreras L, Corona E, Cruz CJ, Cruz RL, Dang JM, Dasari SP, De La Fuente JRO, Del Rio OMA, Dennis ER, Dertsakyan PS, Dey I, Distler RS, Dong Z, Dorman LC, Douglass MA, Ehresman AB, Fu IH, Fua A, Full SM, Ghaffari-Rafi A, Ghani AA, Giap B, Gill S, Gill ZS, Gills NJ, Godavarthi S, Golnazarian T, Goyal R, Gray R, Grunfeld AM, Gu KM, Gutierrez NC, Ha AN, Hamid I, Hanson A, Hao C, He C, He M, Hedtke JP, Hernandez YK, Hlaing H, Hobby FA, Hoi K, Hope AC, Hosseinian SM, Hsu A, Hsueh J, Hu E, Hu SS, Huang S, Huang W, Huynh M, Javier C, Jeon NE, Ji S, Johal J, John A, Johnson L, Kadakia S, Kakade N, Kamel S, Kaur R, Khatra JS, Kho JA, Kim C, Kim EJ, Kim HJ, Kim HW, Kim JH, Kim SA, Kim WK, Kit B, La C, Lai J, Lam V, Le NK, Lee CJ, Lee D, Lee DY, Lee J, Lee J, Lee J, Lee JY, Lee S, Lee TC, Lee V, Li AJ, Li J, Libro AM, Lien IC, Lim M, Lin JM, Liu CY, Liu SC, Louie I, Lu SW, Luo WY, Luu T, Madrigal JT, Mai Y, Miya DI, Mohammadi M, Mohanta S, Mokwena T, Montoya T, Mould DL, Murata MR, Muthaiya J, Naicker S, Neebe MR, Ngo A, Ngo DQ, Ngo JA, Nguyen AT, Nguyen HCX, Nguyen RH, Nguyen TTT, Nguyen VT, Nishida K, Oh SK, Omi KM, Onglatco MC, Almazan GO, Paguntalan J, Panchal M, Pang S, Parikh HB, Patel PD, Patel TH, Petersen JE, Pham S, Phan-Everson TM, Pokhriyal M, Popovich DW, Quaal AT, Querubin K, Resendiz A, Riabkova N, Rong F, Salarkia S, Sama N, Sang E, Sanville DA, Schoen ER, Shen Z, Siangchin K, Sibal G, Sin G, Sjarif J, Smith CJ, Soeboer AN, Sosa C, Spitters D, Stender B, Su CC, Summapund J, Sun BJ, Sutanto C, Tan JS, Tan NL, Tangmatitam P, Trac CK, Tran C, Tran D, Tran D, Tran V, Truong PA, Tsai BL, Tsai PH, Tsui CK, Uriu JK, Venkatesh S, Vo M, Vo NT, Vo P, Voros TC, Wan Y, Wang E, Wang J, Wang MK, Wang Y, Wei S, Wilson MN, Wong D, Wu E, Xing H, Xu JP, Yaftaly S, Yan K, Yang E, Yang R, Yao T, Yeo P, Yip V, Yogi P, Young GC, Yung MM, Zai A, Zhang C, Zhang XX, Zhao Z, Zhou R, Zhou Z, Abutouk M, Aguirre B, Ao C, Baranoff A, Beniwal A, Cai Z, Chan R, Chien KC, Chaudhary U, Chin P, Chowdhury P, Dalie J, Du EY, Estrada A, Feng E, Ghaly M, Graf R, Hernandez E, Herrera K, Ho VW, Honeychurch K, Hou Y, Huang JM, Ishii M, James N, Jang GE, Jin D, Juarez J, Kesaf AE, Khalsa SK, Kim H, Kovsky J, Kuang CL, Kumar S, Lam G, Lee C, Lee G, Li L, Lin J, Liu J, Ly J, Ma A, Markovic H, Medina C, Mungcal J, Naranbaatar B, Patel K, Petersen L, Phan A, Phung M, Priasti N, Ruano N, Salim T, Schnell K, Shah P, Shen J, Stutzman N, Sukhina A, Tian R, Vega-Loza A, Wang J, Wang J, Watanabe R, Wei B, Xie L, Ye J, Zhao J, Zimmerman J, Bracken C, Capili J, Char A, Chen M, Huang P, Ji S, Kim E, Kim K, Ko J, Laput SLG, Law S, Lee SK, Lee O, Lim D, Lin E, Marik K, Mytych J, O'Laughlin A, Pak J, Park C, Ryu R, Shinde A, Sosa M, Waite N, Williams M, Wong R, Woo J, Woo J, Yepuri V, Yim D, Huynh D, Wijiewarnasurya D, Shapiro C, Levis-Fitzgerald M, Jaworski L, Lopatto D, Clark IE, Johnson T, Banerjee U. PMID: 33561251; PMCID: PMC8022729.
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PubMed Mentions:
2 Fields:
Allopurinol pharmacogenetics: assessment of potential clinical usefulness. Pharmacogenomics. 2011 Dec; 12(12):1741-9.
Zineh I, Mummaneni P, Lyndly J, Amur S, La Grenade LA, Chang SH, Rogers H, Pacanowski MA. PMID: 22118056.
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PubMed Mentions:
16 Fields:
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Year | Publications |
2011 | 1 |
2021 | 1 |
2022 | 1 |
2023 | 1 |
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