Miriam Dimmler, PhD

Title(s)Professor, Psychiatry
SchoolSchool of Medicine
Address1001 Potrero Avenue, #001
San Francisco CA 94110
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    Other Positions
    Title(s)UCSF Weill Institute for Neurosciences

    Collapse Biography 
    Collapse Education and Training
    Columbia College of Columbia University BA1997Psychology + Biological Sciences
    University of California, BerkeleyPhD2007Clinical Science + Community Psychology, Department of Psychology
    University of California, San FranciscoPredoctoral Fellow2007Clinical Psychology Training Program in Public Service and Minority Mental, Department of Psychiatry
    University of California, San FranciscoPostdoctoral Scholar2008Community Academic Research Training Alliance, Department of Psychiatry
    Collapse Awards and Honors
    UCSF Center for Community Engagement2017Excellence in Partnership Award in the Community Health & Policy Development

    Collapse Overview