Prevalence and outcomes of high versus low ratio plasma to red blood cell resuscitation in a multi-institutional cohort of severely injured children. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2024 Sep 01; 97(3):452-459.
Mehl SC, Vogel AM, Glasgow AE, Moody S, Kotagal M, Williams RF, Kayton ML, Alberto EC, Burd RS, Schroeppel TJ, Baerg JE, Munoz A, Rothstein WB, Boomer LA, Campion EM, Robinson C, Nygaard RM, Richardson CJ, Garcia DI, Streck CJ, Gaffley M, Petty JK, Greenwell C, Pandya S, Waters AM, Russell RT, Yorkgitis BK, Mull J, Pence J, Santore MT, MacArthur TA, Klinkner DB, Safford SD, Trevilian T, Cunningham M, Black C, Rea J, Spurrier RG, Jensen AR, Farr BJ, Mooney DP, Ketha B, Dassinger MS, Goldenberg-Sandau A, Roman JS, Jenkins TM, Falcone RA, Polites S. PMID: 38497936.
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Crystalloid volume is associated with short-term morbidity in children with severe traumatic brain injury: An Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma multicenter trial post hoc analysis. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2023 07 01; 95(1):78-86.
MacArthur TA, Vogel AM, Glasgow AE, Moody S, Kotagal M, Williams RF, Kayton ML, Alberto EC, Burd RS, Schroeppel TJ, Baerg JE, Munoz A, Rothstein WB, Boomer LA, Campion EM, Robinson C, Nygaard RM, Richardson CJ, Garcia DI, Streck CJ, Gaffley M, Petty JK, Ryan M, Pandya S, Russell RT, Yorkgitis BK, Mull J, Pence J, Santore MT, Klinkner DB, Safford SD, Trevilian T, Jensen AR, Mooney DP, Ketha B, Dassinger MS, Goldenberg-Sandau A, Falcone RA, Polites SF. PMID: 37072882.
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Timing and volume of crystalloid and blood products in pediatric trauma: An Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma multicenter prospective observational study. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2020 07; 89(1):36-42.
Polites SF, Moody S, Williams RF, Kayton ML, Alberto EC, Burd RS, Schroeppel TJ, Baerg JE, Munoz A, Rothstein WB, Boomer LA, Campion EM, Robinson C, Nygaard RM, Richardson CJ, Garcia DI, Streck CJ, Gaffley M, Petty JK, Greenwell C, Pandya S, Waters AM, Russell RT, Yorkgitis BK, Mull J, Pence J, Santore MT, MacArthur T, Klinkner DB, Safford SD, Trevilian T, Vogel AM, Cunningham M, Black C, Rea J, Spurrier RG, Jensen AR, Farr BJ, Mooney DP, Ketha B, Dassinger MS, Goldenberg-Sandau A, Roman JS, Jenkins TM, Falcone RA. PMID: 32251263.
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Safe phlebotomy reduction in stable pediatric liver and spleen injuries. J Pediatr Surg. 2019 Nov; 54(11):2363-2368.
Denning NL, Abd El-Shafy I, Munoz A, Vannix I, Hazboun R, Luo-Owen X, Cordova JF, Baerg J, Cullinane DC, Prince JM. PMID: 31101423.
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Long term complications and outcomes in omphalocele. Semin Pediatr Surg. 2019 Apr; 28(2):118-121.
Baerg JE, Munoz AN. PMID: 31072460.
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Intestinal Function after Early versus Late Appendectomy in Children with Perforated Appendicitis. Am Surg. 2019 Jan 01; 85(1):76-81.
Munoz A, Hazboun R, Vannix I, Pepper VK, Vannix R, Tagge E, Moores D, Baerg J. PMID: 30760349.
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Young children with perforated appendicitis benefit from prompt appendectomy. J Pediatr Surg. 2019 Sep; 54(9):1809-1814.
Munoz A, Hazboun R, Vannix I, Pepper V, Crane T, Tagge E, Moores D, Baerg J. PMID: 30638663.
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Surgery Residents and Family Dynamics: Are Our Trainees Equipped to Handle Patient Care Beyond Disease? Am Surg. 2018 Oct 01; 84(10):1551-1554.
Pepper VK, Thirumoorthi A, Munoz A, Vannix R, Baerg J, Hernandez B, Tagge E. PMID: 30747667.
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