David Lee, MD

Title(s)Professor, Anesthesia
SchoolSchool of Medicine
AddressSan Francisco CA 94158
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    Collapse Biography 
    Collapse Education and Training
    University of ChicagoM.D.1994Pritzker School of Medicine
    Northwestern UniversityAnesthesiology Residency1998Anesthesiology
    University of California, San FranciscoPain Medicine Fellowship1999Anesthesiology

    Collapse Overview 
    Collapse Overview
    Board certified in both Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine, Dr. Lee provides full range of interventional pain medicine with an emphasis on spinal interventions, such as intraspinal injections, Gasserian ganglion, Stellate ganglion, splanchnic nerve, celiac plexus, superior hypogastric plexus and lumbar sympathetic blocks, radiofrequency ablations, neurolytic blocks, intradiscal therapy, spinal cord stimulation and intrathecal drug delivery; extensive experience in the management of chronic spinal, neurological, musculoskeletal, and cancer pain in a comprehensive pain management program.

    Collapse Research 
    Collapse Research Activities and Funding
    CryoEM guided enhancement of ribosome-targeting antibiotics
    NIH F32AI148120Aug 1, 2019 - Jul 31, 2022
    Role: Principal Investigator