Erin Simon

Title(s)Manager, Conference Services, Orthopaedic Surgery
SchoolSchool of Medicine
Address1001 Potrero Ave, #362
San Francisco CA 94110
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    Collapse Overview 
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    2009- Present:
    Communication and Event Producer, Orthopaedic Trauma Institute (OTI)
    UCSF Orthopaedic Trauma Institute (OTI);
    Zuckerberg San Francisco General
    University of California, San Francisco

    Other: Special Projects, for the Departments of Orthopaedic Surgery, Emergency Medicine, Plastic Surgery and other divisions within the University of California, San Francisco

    Founder and Manager:
    UCSF TEAMS (formerly Chatter) Event Planning Group

    Current Term:
    UCSF Department of Orthopaedics Communications Group

    Prior Terms:
    UCSF Staff Assembly Communications Officer
    ZSFG Hearts Signature Events Leadership and Fundraising Committee

    UCSF Passport Discount Card for UCSF-wide campus
    IATAN Association Travel Card for UCSF-wide campus

    Honors and Awards:
    UCSF IT Innovation Contest Winner
    MPINCC Event Planner of the Year Nominee

    Manager, Conference Services Unit,
    Office of Continuing Medical Education,
    Dean's Office,

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