Jen Shockey, MPH

Title(s)Provider Training & Edu Mgr, Psychiatry
SchoolSchool of Medicine
Address1855 Folsom Street, #001
San Francisco CA 94103
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    Other Positions
    Title(s)UCSF Weill Institute for Neurosciences

    Collapse Biography 
    Collapse Education and Training
    San Jose State UniversityMPH2003Public Health
    University of California, San Francisco, CA2019Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Champion Training

    Collapse Overview 
    Collapse Overview
    Jen has worked at AHP since 2012 as a trainer, capacity building assistance specialist and curriculum writer. Jen became the Manager of the Provider Training and Education unit in 2018. Prior to working at AHP, they have worked in HIV/HCV Prevention since 1992 in a variety of positions from HIV testing and counseling, community outreach, syringe exchange and program management. Their extensive training and teaching background includes a variety of LGBTQ+ topics, including Trans Health, Diversity, and Inclusion. They also conduct trainings for the National HIV Classroom Learning Center on High-Impact Prevention Interventions such as Personalized Cognitive Counseling, Healthy Relationships, HIV Testing in Non-Clinical Settings and Testing Together.
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