Kathleen Bonsmith, MD, MPH

Title(s)Assistant Professor, Pediatrics
SchoolSchool of Medicine
Address550 16th Street
San Francisco CA 94158
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    Collapse Biography 
    Collapse Education and Training
    University of Washington, Department of Pediatrics, Seattle, WA2021Health Services and Quality of Care Research Fellowship
    University of Washington, Pediatric Residency Program, Seattle, WA2019Pediatric Residency
    University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle, WAMD2016Medicine
    University of Sydney, Sydney, AustrailiaMPH2010Global Public Health
    University of California, Davis, Davis, CAMS2006Genetics
    Washington State University, Pullman, WABS2004Molecular genetics and cell biotechnology

    Collapse Overview 
    Collapse Overview
    I provide inpatient clinical care at the UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital at the Mission Bay campus. I care for children admitted to the Pediatric Hospital Medicine service in the acute care ward and also provide night time coverage of the Adolescent Medicine Service, Well Baby Nursery, and the Ped-Med Nursery. I work with and teach residents as well as medical students and pediatric hospital medicine fellows.