Marjorie Barter, EdD, RN

Title(s)Professor, Community Health Systems
SchoolSchool of Nursing
Address2 Koret Way
San Francisco CA 94143
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    Collapse Biography 
    Collapse Education and Training
    University of San Francisco, San FranciscoEdD05/1990Education Organization Leadership
    University of California, San FranciscoMSN01/1979Nursing Administration
    California State University, SacramentoBSN08/1977Nursing

    Collapse Overview 
    Collapse Overview
    Dr. Marjorie Barter was appointed to a UCSF faculty position in 2023. She also served on faculty at the University of San Francisco School of Nursing and Health Professions from 1991-2019, and she was granted status as an Emerita Professor in 2012. She served as Department Chair for USF graduate courses for twelve years and led the design and implementation of several programs: the master’s entry program for Healthcare Systems Leadership, the Clinical Nurse Leader program and the DNP programs in Healthcare Systems Leadership and Executive Leadership. She held certifications in Executive Nursing Practice (CENP 2010-19) and Clinical Nurse Leader (CNL 2006-18) and served as in item writer for CENP and CNL certifying exams.

    In 2004, Dr. Barter secured a $1,346,080 grant and served as Grant Director and Program Director to implement the Clinical Nurse Leader MSN program at USF. Dr. Barter served on the Editorial Board of the Journal of Nursing Administration from 1992-2012 and has been a manuscript reviewer for several professional journals. She has published numerous articles in professional journals.

    In 2012, Dr. Barter retired from her USF tenured professorship and taught as an adjunct faculty until 2019. She served as DNP Program Director from 2012-2015. She taught courses in Strategic Leadership, Legal Issues and Risk Management, Evidence-based Practice, Qualifying Project Courses, Practicum courses at all levels, and DNP Residency courses. She served as Project Committee Chair for numerous DNP students.

    Her areas of interest are strategic leadership, innovation, enterprise risk management, and quality /process improvement.