American Thoracic Society Annual Meeting
. The Impact of Hospital Academic Status on Morbidity and Mortality for Patient with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in the United States: Insight from a Two Year Analysis of the Nation Inpatient Sample
. 2024.
A Khaled, A Ohri, E Almasri, A Ghimire. .
Ferri's Clincal Advisor. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. 2024.
A Ghimire, V Jain.
A Randomized Clinical Trial of Antimicrobial Duration for Cystic Fibrosis Pulmonary Exacerbation Treatment. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2021 12 01; 204(11):1295-1305.
Goss CH, Heltshe SL, West NE, Skalland M, Sanders DB, Jain R, Barto TL, Fogarty B, Marshall BC, VanDevanter DR, Flume PA, STOP2 Investigators. PMID: 34469706; PMCID: PMC8786075.
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A single home visit improves adherence and reduces healthcare utilization in patients with frequent exacerbations of Severe Asthma and COPD. Respiratory Medicine X. 2021.
Anil Ghimire, Richard Allison, Yunuen Lichtemberg, Jose Joseph Vempilly, Vipul V. Jain. View Publication.
American Thoracic Society Annual Meeting. Differences in Clinical and Radiological Characteristics of Patients with COPD Exacerbations that Require Pulmonary Consultation Versus Those Managed by Hospitalist Only. 2019.
A Ghimire, S Goyal, S Nandavaram, D Wang.
(Over)Studying the Frequent Exacerbator. Chest. 2019 01; 155(1):240-241.
Ghimire A. PMID: 30616728.
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Benzocaine-Associated Methemoglobinemia. Am J Ther. 2018 Nov/Dec; 25(6):e771-e772.
Khanal S, Modi R, Akhtar K, Ghimire A. PMID: 29912717.
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An Unusual Case of Levofloxacin Pill Aspiration Causing Respiratory Failure. Am J Ther. 2018 Sep/Oct; 25(5):e561-e563.
Shah S, Kosters M, Shah K, Ghimire A. PMID: 28806180.
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The Exacerbation Conundrum. Arch Bronconeumol (Engl Ed). 2019 Jan; 55(1):5-6.
Ghimire A, Han MK. PMID: 29789173.
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More than a drink: A rare anaphylactic reaction to sparkling water. Am J Emerg Med. 2018 Jan; 36(1):170.e1-170.e2.
Dean RK, Subedi R, Christiano P, Ghimire A. PMID: 29031480.
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Asthma and Obesity, Obesity Medicine : Management of Obesity in Women’s Health Care. 2017.
A Ghimire, M Iannuzzi.
Chest Annual Meeting. Pulmonary Venous Infarction: A Complication of Pulmonary Venous Thrombosis from Ablation Procedure for Atrial Fibrillation. 2014.
L Pawar, U Arshad, D Ananthan, A Ghimire. .
American Thoracic Society Annual Meeting. Enhanced Interleukin-15, NK and CD8 T Cell Responses During Influenza Virus Infection in Models of COPD. 2013.
D Dela Cruz, W Liu, MJ Kang, A Ghimire, J Siner, CG Lee, J Elias.
Fungal Infections in ICU, PCCSU. 2011.
A Ghimire, C. DeLa Cruz.
American Thoracic Society Annual Meeting. A Case of Pleuropericardial Effusion in a Patient with Ankylosing Spondylitis. 2010.
A Ghimire, F Ramos, J Puchalski.
A community-based, time-matched, case-control study of respiratory viruses and exacerbations of COPD. Respir Med. 2007 Dec; 101(12):2472-81.
Hutchinson AF, Ghimire AK, Thompson MA, Black JF, Brand CA, Lowe AJ, Smallwood DM, Vlahos R, Bozinovski S, Brown GV, Anderson GP, Irving LB. PMID: 17822891.
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