Hoyle Leigh, MD

Title(s)Professor Emeritus, Psychiatry - Fresno
SchoolSchool of Medicine
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    Collapse Biography 
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    Yonsei University M.D.1965Medical School
    Montefiore Hospital & Medical CenterPsychiatry Residency Completion1969Psychiatry
    Montefiore Hospital & Medical CenterPsychosomatic Medicine Fellowship Completion1971Psychiatry
    Yale UniversityMAH1981
    Collapse Awards and Honors
    American Psychiatric Association2004Distinguished Life Fellow
    American College of Psychiatrists2007Fellow
    Academy of Psychosomatic Medicine2008Fellow

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    1. Global Psychosomatic Medicine & Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry: Theory, Research, Education, and Practice. 2019; 664. Leigh, H. View Publication.
    2. Neuropsychiatry, in Encyclopedia of Clinical Neuropsychology, Kreautzer J, Deluca J, Caplan R (Editors); (2018) DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-56782-2_670-2 . 2019. Leigh H.
    3. Preface to Leigh H (Editor): Global Psychosomatic Medicine & Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry: Theory, Research, Education, & Practice, Springer, 2019. 2019. Leigh H. View Publication.
    4. : Chapter 4 Major Trends of Psychosomatic Medicine and Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry in the United States and Canada, in Leigh H (Editor): Global Psychosomatic Medicine & Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry: Theory, Research, Education, & Practice, Springer, 2019. 2019. Leigh H.
    5. Chapter 22. Psychosomatic Medicine and Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry in the United States, in Leigh H (Editor): Global Psychosomatic Medicine & Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry: Theory, Research, Education, & Practice, Springer, 2019 . 2019. Leigh H.
    6. : Chapter 27 Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry and Psychosomatic Medicine – Where do we go from here? In Leigh H (Editor): Global Psychosomatic Medicine & Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry: Theory, Research, Education, & Practice, Springer, 2019. 2019. Leigh H.
    7. Korea 38-Parallels, A Historical Fiction. 2018; 360. Hoyle Leigh: . . View Publication.
    8. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) in Encyclopedia of Clinical Neuropsychology, Kreutzer J, Deluca J, Caplan B (Editors); (2018) DOI. 2018. Leigh H. View Publication.
    9. The Function of Consultation- Liaison Psychiatry, in Leigh H & Streltzer J: Handbook of Consultation Liaison Psychiatry, 2nd Edition, Springer, 2015, pp 11-14 . 2015. Leigh H.
    10. The Why and How of Psychiatric Consultation, in Leigh H & Streltzer J: Handbook of Consultation Liaison Psychiatry, 2nd Edition, Springer, 2015, pp 15-26 . 2015. Leigh H.
    11. The Common Reasons for Psychiatric Consultation, in Leigh H & Streltzer J: Handbook of Consultation Liaison Psychiatry, 2nd Edition, Springer, 2015, pp 27-38 . 2015. Leigh H.
    12. : Interviewing in Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry, in Leigh H & Streltzer J: Handbook of Consultation Liaison Psychiatry, 2nd Edition, Springer, 2015, pp 63-68 . 2015. Streltzer J & Leigh H.
    13. Basic Foundations of Diagnosis, Psychiatric Diagnosis, and Final Common Pathway Syndrome, in Leigh H & Streltzer J: Handbook of Consultation Liaison Psychiatry, 2nd Edition, Springer, 2015, pp 69-98. 2015. Leigh H.
    14. Systems and Ethical Issues in CL Psychiatry: Hospital as a Social System, Sick Role and Doctor Role, Ethical and Legal Issues, in Leigh H & Streltzer J: Handbook of Consultation Liaison Psychiatry, 2nd Edition, Springer, 2015, pp 129-138 . 2015. Leigh H.
    15. Anxiety and Anxiety Disorders, in Leigh H & Streltzer J: Handbook of Consultation Liaison Psychiatry, 2nd Edition, Springer, 2015, pp 213-224 . 2015. Leigh H.
    16. Affect, Mood, Emotions: Depressive Disorders and Bipolar and Related Disorders, in Leigh H & Streltzer J: Handbook of Consultation Liaison Psychiatry, 2nd Edition, Springer, 2015, pp 225-236 . 2015. Leigh H.
    17. Trauma and Stressor-Related Disorders 1: Acute Stress Disorder, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, , in Leigh H & Streltzer J: Handbook of Consultation Liaison Psychiatry, 2nd Edition, Springer, 2015, pp 237-242 . 2015. Leigh H.
    18. : Dissociative Disorders, , in Leigh H & Streltzer J: Handbook of Consultation Liaison Psychiatry, 2nd Edition, Springer, 2015, pp 259-264 . 2015. Leigh H.
    19. The Patient’s Personality, Personality Types, Traits, and Disorders in the CL Setting, in Leigh H & Streltzer J: Handbook of Consultation Liaison Psychiatry, 2nd Edition, Springer, 2015, pp 345-366 . 2015. Leigh H.
    20. Acute Settings and Conditions: Intensive Care Unit, Heart Disease, Stroke, Seizures, in Leigh H & Streltzer J: Handbook of Consultation Liaison Psychiatry, 2nd Edition, Springer, 2015, pp 367-374 . 2015. Leigh H.
    21. : Chronic Conditions, Lung Disease, Cancer, the Palliative Care Settings, and the Dying Patient, in Leigh H & Streltzer J: Handbook of Consultation Liaison Psychiatry, 2nd Edition, Springer, 2015, pp 385-396 . 2015. Leigh H.
    22. : Special Procedures: Intravenous Sedative Interviews, Hoover Test, Waddell Tests, and Hypnosis, in Leigh H & Streltzer J: Handbook of Consultation Liaison Psychiatry, 2nd Edition, Springer, 2015, pp 539-546. 2015. Leigh H & Streltzer J.
    23. Nature and Evolution of Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry and Psychosomatic Medicine, in Leigh H & Streltzer J: Handbook of Consultation Liaison Psychiatry, 2nd Edition, Springer, 2015, pp 3-10 . 2015. Leigh H.
    24. Handbook of Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry, 2nd Edition. 2015. Leigh H, Streltzer J.
    25. Genes, Memes, Culture, and Psychosomatic Medicine: An Integrative Model, in K.B. Koh (Ed), Somatization and Psychosomatic Symptoms, Springer, New York, 2013, pp 33-40 . 2013. Leigh H.
    26. Memory, Memes, Cognition, and Mental Illness– Toward a New Synthesis Journal of Cognitive Science 2012; 13: 329-354,. 2012. Leigh H. View Publication.
    27. Handbook of Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry. 2011. Leigh H, Streltzer J.
    28. Genes, Memes, Culture and Mental Illness: Toward and Integrated Model. 2010. Leigh H. View Publication.
    29. Neuropsychiatry in Kreutzer JS, DeLuca J, Caplan B (Eds), Encyclopedia of Clinical Neuropsychology, Springer, 2010, pp 1759-1761 . 2010. Leigh H.
    30. Telepsychiatry appointments in a continuing care setting: kept, cancelled and no-shows. J Telemed Telecare. 2009; 15(6):286-9. Leigh H, Cruz H, Mallios R. PMID: 19720765.
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    31. Telepsychiatry Appointments in a Continuing Care Setting: Kept, Cancelled, No Shows. Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare. 2009; 15:286-289. Leigh H, Cruz H, Mallios R .
    32. A proposal for a new multiaxial model of psychiatric diagnosis. A continuum-based patient model derived from evolutionary developmental gene-environment interaction. Psychopathology. 2009; 42(1):1-10. Leigh H. PMID: 19023229.
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    33. Teaching psychiatry in primary care residencies: do training directors of primary care and psychiatry see eye to eye? Acad Psychiatry. 2008 Nov-Dec; 32(6):504-9. Leigh H, Mallios R, Stewart D. PMID: 19190296.
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    34. Handbook of Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry, Springer. 2007. Leigh H and Streltzer J. View Publication.
    35. Mental health and psychiatry training in primary care residency programs. Part I. Who teaches, where, when and how satisfied? Gen Hosp Psychiatry. 2006 May-Jun; 28(3):189-94. Leigh H, Stewart D, Mallios R. PMID: 16675361.
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    36. Mental health and psychiatry training in primary care residency programs. Part II. What skills and diagnoses are taught, how adequate, and what affects training directors' satisfaction? Gen Hosp Psychiatry. 2006 May-Jun; 28(3):195-204. Leigh H, Stewart D, Mallios R. PMID: 16675362.
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    37. Repressive/defensive coping, endogenous opioids and health: How a life so perfect can make you sick. Psychiatric Research. 1999; 85:17-30. Jamner LD, Leigh H .
    38. Biopsychosocial Approaches in Primary Care: State of the Art and Challenges for the 21st Century, Plenum Press, New York, . 1997. Leigh H.
    39. From biopsychosocial model to patientology, in Leigh H (ed): Biopsychosocial Approaches in Primary Care: State of the Art and Challenges for the 21st Century, Plenum Press, New York, 1997 pp 137-148 . 1997. Leigh H.
    40. : Biopsychosocial approaches to depression in primary cae, in Leigh H (ed): Biopsychosocial Approaches in Primary Care: State of the Art and Challenges for the 21st Century, Plenum Press, New York, 1997 pp 29-43 . 1997. Leigh H.
    41. Biopsychosocial approaches to anxiety in primary care, in Leigh H (ed): Biopsychosocial Approaches in Primary Care: State of the Art and Challenges for the 21st Century, Plenum Press, New York, 1997 pp 19-27 . 1997. Leigh H.
    42. Medicine in a changing universe at the threshold of the 21st century Introduction to Biopsychosocial Approaches in Primary Care: State of the Art and Challenges for the 21st Century, edited by Leigh H, Plenum Press, New York,1997 pp 1-5 . 1997. Leigh H.
    43. Primary care psychiatry: Models of training Workshop Summary, American Association of Directors of Psychiatry Residency Training (AADPRT) Newsletter, 24:16, (Spring) 1997 . 1997. Leigh H, Kujawa MJ, Kramer S.
    44. Chapter 10: The Context for Premature Ventricular Contractions of the Heart in Luborsky L (Ed): The Symptom Context Method Symptoms As Opportunities in Psychotherapy, APA Press, Washington, DC,1996, pp 243-275 . 1996. Docherty JP, Leigh H, David P, Luborsky, L, Diguer L, Kasabakalian McKay, Friedman S, Johnson S, Gottschalk L.
    45. : Psychosomatic Disorders, in McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology, 8th Edition, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1995, pp 556-558 . 1995. Leigh H.
    46. Cerebral effects of endocrine disease in Becker KL (ed): Principles and Practice of Endocrinology and Metabolism, 2nd Edition, pp 1691-1695J. B. Lippincott Co, Philadelphia, 1995 . 1995. Leigh H.
    47. Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry: 1990s and Beyond, Plenum Publishing, NY. 1994. Leigh H.
    48. Consultation-liaison psychiatry on the threshold of a new century, in Leigh H (ed): Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry: 1990s and Beyond Plenum Press, NY, 1994, pp 1-5 . 1994. Leigh H.
    49. Physical factors affecting psychiatric condition - A proposal for a future DSM, in Leigh H (ed): Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry: 1990s and Beyond. Plenum Press, NY, 1994, pp 127-132 . 1994. Leigh H.
    50. A computerized database system for psychiatric and consultation records in Leigh H (ed): Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry: 1990s and Beyond Plenum Press, NY, 1994, pp 203-208 . 1994. Leigh H.
    51. Physical factors affecting psychiatric condition: A proposal for DSM-IV General Hospital Psychiatry 15:155-15. 1993. Leigh H .
    52. Computers in Psychiatry, Psychiatric Update Series, Vol 12, No. 3, Gene Usdin (Ed), American College of Psychiatrists Medical Information Systems. 1992. Leigh H.
    53. The Patient: Biological, Psychological, and Social Dimensions of Medical Practice. 1992. Leigh H, Reiser MF.
    54. Cerebral Effects of Endocrine Disease (Chapter 199) in Principles and Practice of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Becker KL (Editor), JB Lippincott Co, Philadelphia, 1990. pp 1479-1483 . 1990. Leigh H.
    55. Illness as Stress: Accidents and Toxic Ingestions in Noshpitz JD and Coddington RD (Editors): Stressors and the Adjustment Disorders, Wiley, New York, 1990 . 1990. Schechter JO, Leigh H.
    56. Illness as Stress: Accidents and Toxic Ingestions in Noshpitz JD and Coddington RD (Editors): Stressors and the Adjustment Disorders, Wiley, New York, 1990 . 1990. Schechter JO, Leigh H.
    57. Multidisciplinary teams in consultation-liaison psychiatry: the Yale model. Psychother Psychosom. 1987; 48(1-4):83-9. Leigh H. PMID: 3505720.
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    58. Comparison of theoretically oriented and patient-oriented behavioral science courses. J Med Educ. 1986 Mar; 61(3):169-74. Leigh H, Reiser MF. PMID: 3950949.
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    59. The Patient: Biological, Psychological, and Social Dimensions of Medical Practice, 2nd Edition. 1985. Leigh H & Reiser MF.
    60. The Patient: Biological, Psychological, and Social Dimensions of Medical Practice, 2nd Edition. 1985. Leigh H & Reiser MF.
    61. Behavioral Science, in Appleton's Review for National Boards, Part I, Chlapowski FJ (ed), Appleton Century Crofts and Fleschner Publishing Co, 1985 pp 287 318 . 1985. Leigh H.
    62. Behavioral Science, in Berg IJ (Ed): Appleton's Review for FLEX Appleton Century Crofts and Fleschner Publishing Co, 1985 pp 92 105 . 1985. Leigh H.
    63. Models of Doctor Patient Relationship, in Psychiatry, Michels R (Chairman, Editorial Board), Cavenar JO, Jr (Editor), Vol 2, Chapter 81, pp1 10 JB Lippincott Co, Philadelphia, and Basic Books, New York, 1985 . 1985. Fisher D & Leigh H.
    64. Systematic Approach to Comprehensive Care: The Patient Evaluation Grid. Psychiatry in the Practice of Medicine, Leigh H(ed). Addison Wesley Publishing Company, California.Ch. 1, Pp. 3 14, 1983. . 1983. Leigh H, Feinstein AR, Reiser MF.
    65. : Schizophrenia. Psychiatry in the Practice of Medicine. Leigh H (ed). Addison Wesley Publishing Company, California. Ch. 8, Pp. 113 121, 1983. . 1983. Leigh H.
    66. Evaluation and Management of Depression and Affective Disorder. Psychiatry in the Practice of Medicine. Leigh H (ed). Addison Wesley Publishing Company, California. Ch. 9, Pp.123 137, 1983. . 1983. Leigh H.
    67. The Clinical Applications of the Biopsychosocial Model. Krakowski, AJ and Kimball CP (eds.). Psychosomatic Medicine. Plenum Publishing Corp., pp. 541 549, 1983. . 1983. Leigh H.
    68. Mental Status Examination: Systematic Observation of the Patient. Psychiatry in the Practice of Medicine. Leigh H (ed). Addison Wesley Publishing Company, California. Ch. 2, Pp.15 19, 1983. . 1983. Leigh H.
    69. Psychiatry in the Practice of Medicine. 1983. Leigh H (Editor).
    70. The evolution of psychosomatic medicine and consultation-liaison psychiatry. Adv Psychosom Med. 1983; 11:1-22. Leigh H. PMID: 6880942.
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    71. Evaluation and Management of Anxiety. Psychiatry in the Practice of Medicine. Leigh H (ed). Addison Wesley Publishing Company, California. Ch. 11, pp. 159 188, 1983 . 1983. Leigh H.
    72. Comment: the role of psychiatry in medicine. Am J Psychiatry. 1982 Dec; 139(12):1581-7. Leigh H. PMID: 7149058.
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    73. DSM III and consultation-liaison psychiatry: toward a comprehensive medical model of the patient. Gen Hosp Psychiatry. 1982 Dec; 4(4):283-9. Leigh H, Price L, Ciarcia J, Mirassou MM. PMID: 7152251.
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    74. The Psychosomatic Approach in Goldberger L, and Breznitz S(eds.). Handbook of Stress, Theoretical and Clinical Aspects. The Free Press, New York, 1982. pp.733 744. . : Evaluation and Management of Stress in General Medicine: The Psychosomatic Approach in Goldberger L, and Breznitz S(eds.). . 1982. Leigh H.
    75. A systematic approach to psychiatric consultation. J Psychosom Res. 1982; 26(1):73-6. Leigh H, Reiser MF. PMID: 7062304.
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    76. A General Systems Taxonomy for Psychological Defense Mechanisms. Journal of Psychosomatic Research. 26:77 81, 1982. . 1982. Leigh H, Reiser MF.
    77. A Systematic Approach to Psychiatric Consultation. Journal of Psychosomatic Research. 26:73 76, 1982. . 1982. Leigh H, Reiser MF.
    78. DSM III and Consultation Liaison Psychiatry: Toward a Comprehensive Medical Model of the Patient. General Hospital Psychiatry. 4:283 289, 1982 . 1982. Leigh H, Price L, Ciarcia J, Mirassou MM.
    79. Psychosocial care in a medical genetics clinic. Gen Hosp Psychiatry. 1981 Jun; 3(2):171-8. Giller EL, Rotnem D, Hsia YE, Leigh H. PMID: 7250698.
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    80. A special issue of Psychotherapy & Psychosomatics 36:3 & 4. Leigh H (ed): Behavioral Medicine, Biofeedback, and Behavioral Approaches. 1981. Leigh H.
    81. Behavioral Medicine, A special issue of Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics. 36:3 & 4:149 150, 1981 . 1981. Leigh H.
    82. Biofeedback and Hypertension. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics. 36:213 223, 1981 . 1981. Ciarcia J, Leigh H.
    83. The patient evaluation grid: a systematic approach to comprehensive care. Gen Hosp Psychiatry. 1980 Mar; 2(1):3-9. Leigh H, Feinstein AR, Reiser MF. PMID: 7380246.
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    84. Psychiatric consultation: compliance and level of satisfaction with recommendations. Psychother Psychosom. 1980; 33(1-2):14-24. Van Dyke C, Rice D, Pallett P, Leigh H. PMID: 7375623.
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    85. The Patient Evaluation Grid: A Systematic Approach to Comprehensive Care. General Hospital Psychiatry. 1980; 3(2). Leigh H, Feinstein AR, and Reiser MF .
    86. The Current Status of Placebo in Hospital Practice. Gen. Hosp. PsychTiatry. 1:196 201, 1980. . 1980. Goldberg R, Leigh H, and Quinlan D.
    87. Psychiatric consultation: Compliance and level of satisfaction with recommendation. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics. 33:14 24, 1980. . 1980. Van Dyke C, Rice D, Pallett P, Leigh H.
    88. Denial and helplessness in cancer patients undergoing radiation therapy: Sex differences and implications forprognosis. Cancer. 45:3086 3089, 1980. . 1980. Leigh H, Ungerer J, Percarpio B.
    89. Soothing the route to cardiac surgery (Round Table). Patient Care: 13, 17 96, 1979. . 1979. Leigh H, Bloodwell RD, Collins JJ, Eastman DG, Ennis LE, Klein MD.
    90. Aftercare for Cardiac Surgery Patients (Round Table). Patient Care. 15:40 101, 1979. . 1979. Leigh H, Bloodwell RD, Collins JJ, Eastman DG, Ennis LE, Klein MD, Parrot T.
    91. Goals of education in psychosomatic medicine. Psychother Psychosom. 1979; 31(1-4):59-66. Leigh H, Reiser MF. PMID: 482562.
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    92. Good Outcome in a Catatonic Patient with Enlarged Ventricles. The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease. 166(2):139 141,1978. . 1978. Leigh H, Callahan WA, and Einhorn D.
    93. Psychological preparation for surgery: The usefulness of a preoperative psychotherapeutic interview. Hawaii Medical Journal, 1978. pp.139 142. . 1978. Streltzer J, Leigh H.
    94. Major trends in psychosomatic medicine. The psychiatrist's evolving role in medicine. Ann Intern Med. 1977 Aug; 87(2):233-9. Leigh H, Reiser MF. PMID: 889205.
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    95. Personality change and health awareness in cancer patients undergoing radiation therapy. Proceedings of the 4th Congress of the International College of Psychosomatic Medicine, Kyoto, Japan, September 5 9, 1977. pp.260 262. . 1977. Leigh H, Ungerer J, Percarpio B.
    96. The effectiveness of psychiatric consultation. Proceedings of the 4th Congress of the International College of Psychosomatic Medicine, Kyoto, Japan, September 5 9,1977.pp.286 289. . 1977. Van Dyke C, Rice D, Pallett P, Leigh H.
    97. Psychological factors associated with premature ventricular contractions. A controlled study. Proceedings of the 4th Congress of the International College of Psychosomatic Medicine, Kyoto, Japan, September 5 9, 1977. pp.375 379. . 1977. Docherty JP, Berger FK, Oradei D, Leigh H.
    98. Amphetamine Abstinence Syndrome Does it Exist? Psychiatric Opinion. 14:47 51, 1977. . 1977. Streltzer J, Leigh H.
    99. Volunteering for Follow Up and Biofeedback: A Preliminary Study. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics 27:163 167, 1976 77. . 1977. Leigh H, Ungerer J, Ostfeld A, Drake R, Reiser MF.
    100. Behavioral Science Tape Library. Psychosomatic Medicine (3 cassette tapes). 1976. Leigh H.
    101. Long Term Effects of Preweaning Isolation From Littermates in Rats. Behavioral Biology, 15:173 181, 1975. . 1975. Leigh H, Hofer M.
    102. Factitious Hypokalemia A Case Report. Annals of Internal Medicine, 80:111 112, 1974. . 1974. Leigh H.
    103. The Immediate Psychological Context of Premature Ventricular Contractions. Psychosomatic Medicine. 36:461 462, 1974 . 1974. Docherty JP, Leigh H, David P.
    104. The Role of the Liaison Psychiatrist in Hemo dialysis Program. International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine, 4:313 321, 1973. . 1973. Kaye R, Leigh H, Strauch B.
    105. Psychiatric liaison on a neoplastic inpatient service. Int J Psychiatry Med. 1973; 4(2):147-54. Leigh H. PMID: 4716881.
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    106. The role of the liaison psychiatrist in a hemodialysis program: a case study. Int J Psychiatry Med. 1973; 4(3):313-21. Kaye R, Leigh H, Strauch B. PMID: 4582595.
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    107. A psychological comparison of patients in “open” and “closed” coronary care units. Journal of Psychosomatic Research. 1972; 16(6):449-457. Hoyle Leigh, Myron A. Hofer, Jerome Cooper, Morton F.Reiser . View Publication.
    108. Effect of Isolation from Littermates on Pup Mother Interaction in Pre Weaning Rats. Psychosomatic Medicine, 34:469, 1972. . 1972. Leigh H & Hofer .
    109. A Gene x Meme x Environment Interaction Model of Mental Illness, J Depress Anxiety 2012;1:116. doi:10.4172/2167-1044.1000116 . J Depress Anxiety. 2012. Leigh H. View Publication.
    110. Self control, biofeedback, and change in "psychosomatic" approach. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics. 30:130 136, 1978. . Leigh H.