Fast, cell-resolution, contiguous-wide two-photon imaging to reveal functional network architectures across multi-modal cortical areas. Neuron. 2021 06 02; 109(11):1810-1824.e9.
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Persistent thermal input controls steering behavior in Caenorhabditis elegans. PLoS Comput Biol. 2021 01; 17(1):e1007916.
Ikeda M, Matsumoto H, Izquierdo EJ. PMID: 33417596; PMCID: PMC7819614.
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Context-dependent operation of neural circuits underlies a navigation behavior in Caenorhabditis elegans. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2020 03 17; 117(11):6178-6188.
Ikeda M, Nakano S, Giles AC, Xu L, Costa WS, Gottschalk A, Mori I. PMID: 32123108; PMCID: PMC7084152.
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Presynaptic MAST kinase controls opposing postsynaptic responses to convey stimulus valence in Caenorhabditis elegans. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2020 01 21; 117(3):1638-1647.
Nakano S, Ikeda M, Tsukada Y, Fei X, Suzuki T, Niino Y, Ahluwalia R, Sano A, Kondo R, Ihara K, Miyawaki A, Hashimoto K, Higashiyama T, Mori I. PMID: 31911469; PMCID: PMC6983413.
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Ingested d-Aspartate Facilitates the Functional Connectivity and Modifies Dendritic Spine Morphology in Rat Hippocampus. Cereb Cortex. 2019 06 01; 29(6):2499-2508.
Kitamura A, Hojo Y, Ikeda M, Karakawa S, Kuwahara T, Kim J, Soma M, Kawato S, Tsurugizawa T. PMID: 29850790.
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Identification of animal behavioral strategies by inverse reinforcement learning. PLoS Comput Biol. 2018 05; 14(5):e1006122.
Yamaguchi S, Naoki H, Ikeda M, Tsukada Y, Nakano S, Mori I, Ishii S. PMID: 29718905; PMCID: PMC5951592.
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Estradiol rapidly modulates spinogenesis in hippocampal dentate gyrus: Involvement of kinase networks. Horm Behav. 2015 Aug; 74:149-56.
Hojo Y, Munetomo A, Mukai H, Ikeda M, Sato R, Hatanaka Y, Murakami G, Komatsuzaki Y, Kimoto T, Kawato S. PMID: 26122288.
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Hippocampal spine changes across the sleep-wake cycle: corticosterone and kinases. J Endocrinol. 2015 Aug; 226(2):M13-27.
Ikeda M, Hojo Y, Komatsuzaki Y, Okamoto M, Kato A, Takeda T, Kawato S. PMID: 26034071.
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Estradiol rapidly modulates synaptic plasticity of hippocampal neurons: Involvement of kinase networks. Brain Res. 2015 Sep 24; 1621:147-61.
Hasegawa Y, Hojo Y, Kojima H, Ikeda M, Hotta K, Sato R, Ooishi Y, Yoshiya M, Chung BC, Yamazaki T, Kawato S. PMID: 25595055.
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Rapid increase of spines by dihydrotestosterone and testosterone in hippocampal neurons: Dependence on synaptic androgen receptor and kinase networks. Brain Res. 2015 Sep 24; 1621:121-32.
Hatanaka Y, Hojo Y, Mukai H, Murakami G, Komatsuzaki Y, Kim J, Ikeda M, Hiragushi A, Kimoto T, Kawato S. PMID: 25511993.
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Acute modulation of synaptic plasticity of pyramidal neurons by activin in adult hippocampus. Front Neural Circuits. 2014; 8:56.
Hasegawa Y, Mukai H, Asashima M, Hojo Y, Ikeda M, Komatsuzaki Y, Ooishi Y, Kawato S. PMID: 24917791; PMCID: PMC4040441.
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Corticosterone rapidly increases thorns of CA3 neurons via synaptic/extranuclear glucocorticoid receptor in rat hippocampus. Front Neural Circuits. 2013; 7:191.
Yoshiya M, Komatsuzaki Y, Hojo Y, Ikeda M, Mukai H, Hatanaka Y, Murakami G, Kawata M, Kimoto T, Kawato S. PMID: 24348341; PMCID: PMC3841935.
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