Carol Soppe, MS

Title(s)Clinical Research Supervisor 2, Neurology
SchoolSchool of Medicine
Address185 Berry Street Bldg B, #378-1
San Francisco CA 94158
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    Ms. Soppe is the PET Program Clinical Research Supervisor working directly with the Rabinovici Lab. She is deeply involved with both faculty and staff in monitoring operational issues, regulatory compliance and project development. Besides project management expertise, Carol brings over 20 years of research experience spanning fields from basic immunology, metabolic diseases and oncology to transplantation and autoimmunity. Prior to joining the Memory and Aging Center in May 2024, she was an Associate Director of Research Operations at the UCSF Immune Tolerance Network. She has a professional science master’s degree in biotechnology, MBT.

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    Altmetrics Details PMC Citations indicate the number of times the publication was cited by articles in PubMed Central, and the Altmetric score represents citations in news articles and social media. (Note that publications are often cited in additional ways that are not shown here.) Fields are based on how the National Library of Medicine (NLM) classifies the publication's journal and might not represent the specific topic of the publication. Translation tags are based on the publication type and the MeSH terms NLM assigns to the publication. Some publications (especially newer ones and publications not in PubMed) might not yet be assigned Field or Translation tags.) Click a Field or Translation tag to filter the publications.
    1. IL-6 receptor blockade does not slow β cell loss in new-onset type 1 diabetes. JCI Insight. 2021 11 08; 6(21). Greenbaum CJ, Serti E, Lambert K, Weiner LJ, Kanaparthi S, Lord S, Gitelman SE, Wilson DM, Gaglia JL, Griffin KJ, Russell WE, Raskin P, Moran A, Willi SM, Tsalikian E, DiMeglio LA, Herold KC, Moore WV, Goland R, Harris M, Craig ME, Schatz DA, Baidal DA, Rodriguez H, Utzschneider KM, Nel HJ, Soppe CL, Boyle KD, Cerosaletti K, Keyes-Elstein L, Long SA, Thomas R, McNamara JG, Buckner JH, Sanda S, ITN058AI EXTEND Study Team. PMID: 34747368; PMCID: PMC8663550.
      View in: PubMed   Mentions: 17     Fields:    Translation:HumansCells
    2. Correlation Among Hypoglycemia, Glycemic Variability, and C-Peptide Preservation After Alefacept Therapy in Patients with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus: Analysis of Data from the Immune Tolerance Network T1DAL Trial. Clin Ther. 2016 Jun; 38(6):1327-1339. Pinckney A, Rigby MR, Keyes-Elstein L, Soppe CL, Nepom GT, Ehlers MR. PMID: 27209482; PMCID: PMC4916002.
      View in: PubMed   Mentions: 17     Fields:    Translation:HumansCTClinical Trials
    3. Alefacept provides sustained clinical and immunological effects in new-onset type 1 diabetes patients. J Clin Invest. 2015 Aug 03; 125(8):3285-96. Rigby MR, Harris KM, Pinckney A, DiMeglio LA, Rendell MS, Felner EI, Dostou JM, Gitelman SE, Griffin KJ, Tsalikian E, Gottlieb PA, Greenbaum CJ, Sherry NA, Moore WV, Monzavi R, Willi SM, Raskin P, Keyes-Elstein L, Long SA, Kanaparthi S, Lim N, Phippard D, Soppe CL, Fitzgibbon ML, McNamara J, Nepom GT, Ehlers MR. PMID: 26193635; PMCID: PMC4623571.
      View in: PubMed   Mentions: 135     Fields:    Translation:HumansCellsCTClinical Trials
    4. A rapid method for skin grafting in mice that greatly enhances graft and recipient survival. Transplantation. 2007 Nov 27; 84(10):1364-7. Haramati J, Soppe C, Zúñiga MC. PMID: 18049124.
      View in: PubMed   Mentions: 1     Fields:    Translation:Animals
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