Closed-Loop Systems and Real-Time Neurofeedback in Mindfulness Meditation Research. Biol Psychiatry Cogn Neurosci Neuroimaging. 2024 Oct 30.
Chen JCC, Ziegler DA. PMID: 39481470.
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Leveraging technology to personalize cognitive enhancement methods in aging. Nat Aging. 2022 06; 2(6):475-483.
Ziegler DA, Anguera JA, Gallen CL, Hsu WY, Wais PE, Gazzaley A. PMID: 35873177; PMCID: PMC9302894.
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The Generation of Involuntary Mental Imagery in an Ecologically-Valid Task. Front Psychol. 2021; 12:759685.
Velasquez AG, Gazzaley A, Toyoda H, Ziegler DA, Morsella E. PMID: 34744937; PMCID: PMC8570302.
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Reconfiguration of Electroencephalography Microstate Networks after Breath-Focused, Digital Meditation Training. Brain Connect. 2021 03; 11(2):146-155.
Bréchet L, Ziegler DA, Simon AJ, Brunet D, Gazzaley A, Michel CM. PMID: 33403921; PMCID: PMC7984939.
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Focus on the Breath: Brain Decoding Reveals Internal States of Attention During Meditation. Front Hum Neurosci. 2020; 14:336.
Weng HY, Lewis-Peacock JA, Hecht FM, Uncapher MR, Ziegler DA, Farb NAS, Goldman V, Skinner S, Duncan LG, Chao MT, Gazzaley A. PMID: 33005138; PMCID: PMC7483757.
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β-amyloid and tau drive early Alzheimer's disease decline while glucose hypometabolism drives late decline. Commun Biol. 2020 07 06; 3(1):352.
Hammond TC, Xing X, Wang C, Ma D, Nho K, Crane PK, Elahi F, Ziegler DA, Liang G, Cheng Q, Yanckello LM, Jacobs N, Lin AL. PMID: 32632135; PMCID: PMC7338410.
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46 Translation:
Closed-loop digital meditation for neurocognitive and behavioral development in adolescents with childhood neglect. Transl Psychiatry. 2020 05 18; 10(1):153.
Mishra J, Sagar R, Parveen S, Kumaran S, Modi K, Maric V, Ziegler D, Gazzaley A. PMID: 32424253; PMCID: PMC7235252.
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Closed-loop digital meditation improves sustained attention in young adults. Nat Hum Behav. 2019 07; 3(7):746-757.
Ziegler DA, Simon AJ, Gallen CL, Skinner S, Janowich JR, Volponi JJ, Rolle CE, Mishra J, Kornfield J, Anguera JA, Gazzaley A. PMID: 31160812; PMCID: PMC7534732.
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Differential Impact of Interference on Internally- and Externally-Directed Attention. Sci Rep. 2018 02 06; 8(1):2498.
Ziegler DA, Janowich JR, Gazzaley A. PMID: 29410407; PMCID: PMC5802789.
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Training Working Memory: Anatomy Matters. J Neurosci. 2016 07 27; 36(30):7805-6.
Simon AJ, Skinner SN, Ziegler DA. PMID: 27466326; PMCID: PMC4961770.
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Motor impulsivity in Parkinson disease: associations with COMT and DRD2 polymorphisms. Scand J Psychol. 2014 Jun; 55(3):278-86.
Ziegler DA, Ashourian P, Wonderlick JS, Sarokhan AK, Prelec D, Scherzer CR, Corkin S. PMID: 24749760; PMCID: PMC5751699.
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Harnessing advances in structural MRI to enhance research on Parkinson's disease. Imaging Med. 2013 Apr; 5(2):91-94.
Ziegler DA, Augustinack JC. PMID: 23687517; PMCID: PMC3655710.
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Substantia nigra volume loss before basal forebrain degeneration in early Parkinson disease. JAMA Neurol. 2013 Feb; 70(2):241-7.
Ziegler DA, Wonderlick JS, Ashourian P, Hansen LA, Young JC, Murphy AJ, Koppuzha CK, Growdon JH, Corkin S. PMID: 23183921; PMCID: PMC5751707.
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A cognitive framework for understanding and improving interference resolution in the brain. Prog Brain Res. 2013; 207:351-77.
Mishra J, Anguera JA, Ziegler DA, Gazzaley A. PMID: 24309262; PMCID: PMC4067257.
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New MRI Biomarkers Advance the Characterization of Parkinson Disease. Eur Neurol Rev. 2013; 8(2):85-89.
Ziegler DA, Corkin S. PMID: 24999373; PMCID: PMC4078999.
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Statistical adjustments for brain size in volumetric neuroimaging studies: some practical implications in methods. Psychiatry Res. 2011 Aug 30; 193(2):113-22.
O'Brien LM, Ziegler DA, Deutsch CK, Frazier JA, Herbert MR, Locascio JJ. PMID: 21684724; PMCID: PMC3510982.
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Transformations in oscillatory activity and evoked responses in primary somatosensory cortex in middle age: a combined computational neural modeling and MEG study. Neuroimage. 2010 Sep; 52(3):897-912.
Ziegler DA, Pritchett DL, Hosseini-Varnamkhasti P, Corkin S, Hämäläinen M, Moore CI, Jones SR. PMID: 20149881; PMCID: PMC2894272.
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Cognition in healthy aging is related to regional white matter integrity, but not cortical thickness. Neurobiol Aging. 2010 Nov; 31(11):1912-26.
Ziegler DA, Piguet O, Salat DH, Prince K, Connally E, Corkin S. PMID: 19091444; PMCID: PMC2996721.
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Reliability of MRI-derived cortical and subcortical morphometric measures: effects of pulse sequence, voxel geometry, and parallel imaging. Neuroimage. 2009 Feb 15; 44(4):1324-33.
Wonderlick JS, Ziegler DA, Hosseini-Varnamkhasti P, Locascio JJ, Bakkour A, van der Kouwe A, Triantafyllou C, Corkin S, Dickerson BC. PMID: 19038349; PMCID: PMC2739882.
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Amygdala volume associated with alcohol abuse relapse and craving. Am J Psychiatry. 2008 Sep; 165(9):1179-84.
Wrase J, Makris N, Braus DF, Mann K, Smolka MN, Kennedy DN, Caviness VS, Hodge SM, Tang L, Albaugh M, Ziegler DA, Davis OC, Kissling C, Schumann G, Breiter HC, Heinz A. PMID: 18593776.
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Adjustment for whole brain and cranial size in volumetric brain studies: a review of common adjustment factors and statistical methods. Harv Rev Psychiatry. 2006 May-Jun; 14(3):141-51.
O'Brien LM, Ziegler DA, Deutsch CK, Kennedy DN, Goldstein JM, Seidman LJ, Hodge S, Makris N, Caviness V, Frazier JA, Herbert MR. PMID: 16787886.
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Volumetric neuroimaging and low-dose early-life exposures: loose coupling of pathogenesis-brain-behavior links. Neurotoxicology. 2005 Aug; 26(4):565-72.
Herbert MR, Ziegler DA. PMID: 16112322.
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Language-association cortex asymmetry in autism and specific language impairment. Ann Neurol. 2004 Dec; 56(6):757-66.
De Fossé L, Hodge SM, Makris N, Kennedy DN, Caviness VS, McGrath L, Steele S, Ziegler DA, Herbert MR, Frazier JA, Tager-Flusberg H, Harris GJ. PMID: 15478219.
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115 Fields:
Brain asymmetries in autism and developmental language disorder: a nested whole-brain analysis. Brain. 2005 Jan; 128(Pt 1):213-26.
Herbert MR, Ziegler DA, Deutsch CK, O'Brien LM, Kennedy DN, Filipek PA, Bakardjiev AI, Hodgson J, Takeoka M, Makris N, Caviness VS. PMID: 15563515.
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Decreased absolute amygdala volume in cocaine addicts. Neuron. 2004 Nov 18; 44(4):729-40.
Makris N, Gasic GP, Seidman LJ, Goldstein JM, Gastfriend DR, Elman I, Albaugh MD, Hodge SM, Ziegler DA, Sheahan FS, Caviness VS, Tsuang MT, Kennedy DN, Hyman SE, Rosen BR, Breiter HC. PMID: 15541319.
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Localization of white matter volume increase in autism and developmental language disorder. Ann Neurol. 2004 Apr; 55(4):530-40.
Herbert MR, Ziegler DA, Makris N, Filipek PA, Kemper TL, Normandin JJ, Sanders HA, Kennedy DN, Caviness VS. PMID: 15048892.
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212 Fields:
Dissociations of cerebral cortex, subcortical and cerebral white matter volumes in autistic boys. Brain. 2003 May; 126(Pt 5):1182-92.
Herbert MR, Ziegler DA, Deutsch CK, O'Brien LM, Lange N, Bakardjiev A, Hodgson J, Adrien KT, Steele S, Makris N, Kennedy D, Harris GJ, Caviness VS. PMID: 12690057.
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153 Fields:
Abnormal asymmetry in language association cortex in autism. Ann Neurol. 2002 Nov; 52(5):588-96.
Herbert MR, Harris GJ, Adrien KT, Ziegler DA, Makris N, Kennedy DN, Lange NT, Chabris CF, Bakardjiev A, Hodgson J, Takeoka M, Tager-Flusberg H, Caviness VS. PMID: 12402256.
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