Depressive and Anxiety Symptoms During Adolescence: The Protective Roles of Adolescent and Family Assets Within ECHO's Diverse National Population. Mental Health Science. 2025.
Jody M Ganiban, Courtney K Blackwell, Chang Liu, Leslie Leve, Jenae Neiderhiser, Maxwell Mansolf, Zhaoying Chen, Bianca Acevedo, Patricia A Brennan, Nicole R Bush, Jean A Frazier, Alison E Hipwell, Daniel P Keating, Kaja Z LeWinn, Santiago Morales, Amanda Norona-Zhou, Alexandra Sullivan, Lihua Yao, Li Yi, Yeyi Zhu, program collaborators for the Environmental influences on Child Health Outcomes (ECHO) program.
Intervening After Trauma: Child-Parent Psychotherapy Treatment Is Associated With Lower Pediatric Epigenetic Age Acceleration. Psychol Sci. 2024 Sep; 35(9):1062-1073.
Sullivan ADW, Merrill SM, Konwar C, Coccia M, Rivera L, MacIsaac JL, Lieberman AF, Kobor MS, Bush NR. PMID: 39141017.
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1 Fields:
Early Childhood Educators’ Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) Link with Psychological and Economic Wellbeing. Early Childhood Education Journal. 2024.
Sullivan AD, Rancher C, Moreland A.
Sex-specific associations between placental corticotropin releasing hormone and problem behaviors in childhood. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2024 May; 163:106994.
Barrett ES, Sullivan A, Workman T, Zhang Y, Loftus CT, Szpiro AA, Paquette A, MacDonald JW, Coccia M, Smith R, Bowman M, Smith A, Derefinko K, Nguyen RHN, Zhao Q, Sathyanarayana S, Karr C, LeWinn KZ, Bush NR. PMID: 38387218.
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Do dyadic interventions impact biomarkers of child health? A state-of-the-science narrative review. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2024 Apr; 162:106949.
Sullivan ADW, Roubinov D, Noroña-Zhou AN, Bush NR. PMID: 38295654.
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Parenting Practices May Buffer the Impact of Adversity on Epigenetic Age Acceleration Among Young Children With Developmental Delays. Psychol Sci. 2023 10; 34(10):1173-1185.
Sullivan ADW, Bozack AK, Cardenas A, Comer JS, Bagner DM, Forehand R, Parent J. PMID: 37733001; PMCID: PMC10626625.
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The Effects of Young Children's Callous-Unemotional Traits on Behaviorally Observed Outcomes in Standard and Technology-Enhanced Behavioral Parent Training. Res Child Adolesc Psychopathol. 2023 Feb; 51(2):165-175.
Parent J, Jones DJ, DiMarzio K, Yang Y, Wright KL, Sullivan ADW, Forehand R. PMID: 36344876.
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The Enduring Importance of Parenting: Caregiving Quality and Fear-Potentiated Startle in Emerging Adults With a Child Maltreatment History. Child Maltreat. 2023 02; 28(1):97-106.
Sullivan ADW, Brier ZMF, Legrand AC, van Stolk-Cooke K, Jovanovic T, Norrholm SD, Garavan H, Forehand R, Price M. PMID: 34886701; PMCID: PMC9316457.
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COVID-19 and the Acceleration of Behavioral Parent Training Telehealth: Current Status and Future Directions. Cogn Behav Pract. 2021 Nov; 28(4):618-629.
Sullivan ADW, Forehand R, Acosta J, Parent J, Comer JS, Loiselle R, Jones DJ. PMID: 34629838; PMCID: PMC8488182.
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Erasing distance: Interstate graduate-student-led undergraduate mentorship during COVID-19. The Behavior Therapist. 2021; 6(44):302-303.
Sullivan, A. D. W., Wright, K, Forehand, R.
Who Looks on the Bright Side? Expectations of Low-Income Parents with a Disruptive Young Child. J Psychopathol Behav Assess. 2021 Dec; 43(4):766-777.
Sullivan ADW, Wright KL, Breslend N, Highlander A, Forehand R, Jones DJ. PMID: 35173381; PMCID: PMC8846435.
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Does Parenting Explain the Link Between Cumulative SES Risk and Child Problems in the Context of Parental Depression? Child Psychiatry Hum Dev. 2022 04; 53(2):330-341.
Sullivan ADW, Forehand R, Vreeland A, Compas BE. PMID: 33550457; PMCID: PMC8346574.
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4 Fields:
The Longitudinal Influence of Caregiver Dispositional Mindful Attention on Mindful Parenting, Parenting Practices, and Youth Psychopathology. Mindfulness (N Y). 2021 Feb; 12(2):357-369.
Parent J, Dale C, McKee LG, Sullivan ADW. PMID: 33777255; PMCID: PMC7993388.
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Child Hostility toward a Parent with a History of Depression and Family Functioning. J Child Fam Stud. 2020 Oct; 29(10):2786-2795.
Rice DR, Sullivan ADW, Forehand RL, Watson KH, Bettis AH, Gruhn M, Compas BE. PMID: 34456539; PMCID: PMC8386300.
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Clinical features of scrupulosity: Associated symptoms and comorbidity. J Clin Psychol. 2021 01; 77(1):173-188.
Siev J, Rasmussen J, Sullivan ADW, Wilhelm S. PMID: 32602163.
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Cumulative socioeconomic status risk and observations of parent depression: Are there associations with child outcomes? J Fam Psychol. 2019 Dec; 33(8):883-893.
Sullivan AD, Benoit R, Breslend NL, Vreeland A, Compas B, Forehand R. PMID: 31414864; PMCID: PMC7533825.
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6 Fields:
Feasibility investigation: Leveraging smartphone technology in a trauma-informed behavioral parent training for foster caregivers. Children and Youth Services Review. 2019; (101):363-371.
Sullivan, A. D., Breslend, N. L., Strolin-Goltzman, J., Bielawski-Branch, A., Jorgenson, J., Hemenway, A., Forehand, G., & Forehand, R.
Parenting in Context: Associations of Parental Depression and Socioeconomic Factors with Parenting Behaviors. Journal of Child and Family Studies. 2019; (28):1124-1133.
Vreeland A, Gruhn MA, Watson KH, Bettis AH, Compas BE, Forehand R, Sullivan AD.
Does interparental conflict decrease following changes in observed parenting from a preventive intervention program? Behav Res Ther. 2018 07; 106:64-70.
Sullivan ADW, Parent J, Forehand R, Compas BE. PMID: 29772446; PMCID: PMC7175986.
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Parent-level risk factors for children’s obsessive beliefs, interpretation biases, and OC symptoms: A cross-sectional examination. Journal of Obsessive and Compulsive Related Disorders. 2018; 18:8-17.
Berman NC, Jacoby RJ, Sullivan AD, Hoeppner S, Micco J, Wilhelm S.
Parental opioid abuse: A review of child outcomes, parenting, and parenting interventions. Journal of Child and Family Studies. 2018; 7(27):2082-2099.
Peisch, V., Sullivan, A. D., Breslend, N., Benoit, R., Sigmon, S., Forehand, G., Strolin, J., & Forehand, R. View Publication.
Psychophysiology of proactive and reactive relational aggression. Biol Psychol. 2017 12; 130:77-85.
Murray-Close D, Holterman LA, Breslend NL, Sullivan A. PMID: 29055714.
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17 Fields:
Adult psychopathology, children, and parenting: Are there simple answers?. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice. 2017; 4(24):389-391.
Forehand, R. & Sullivan, A. D. View Publication.
In: Phillips K, editor. Body Dysmorphic Disorder: Advances in research and clinical practice. Treating children and adolescents with Body Dysmorphic Disorder. 2017.
Greenberg J, Sullivan AD, Wilhelm S. Treating children and adolescents with Body Dysmorphic Disorder.
In: Pittenger C, editor. Clinical features, assessment, and treatment of Body Dysmorphic Disorder. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Phenomenology, pathophysiology, and treatment. 2017; 547-556.
Zakhary L, Weingarden H, Sullivan AD, Wilhelm S.
Triangulating perspectives to inform the development of a smartphone application for foster, kinship, and adoptive parents: Findings from consumer focus groups and key informant interviews. Journal of Technology in Human Services. 2017; 4(37):362-394.
Forehand GL, Schisler-Blizzard AD, Hemenway Deaver A, Strolin-Goltzman J, Breslend N, Sullivan AD, Mendoza GS, Bielawski-Branch A, Jorgenson J, Forehand R.
Parental perceptions of technology and technology-focused parenting: Associations with youth screen time. J Appl Dev Psychol. 2016 May-Jun; 44:28-38.
Sanders W, Parent J, Forehand R, Sullivan AD, Jones DJ. PMID: 27795603; PMCID: PMC5082753.
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Effect of a legal prime on clinician's assessment of suicide risk. Death Stud. 2016; 40(1):61-7.
Berman NC, Sullivan A, Wilhelm S, Cohen IG. PMID: 26207570.
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