Cannabis use in adult population in Galicia: Prevalence and associated characteristics. Adicciones. 2024 Sep 25; 36(3):257-266.
Rey-Brandariz J, Santiago-Pérez MI, Candal-Pedreira C, Varela-Lema L, Ruano-Ravina A, Martinez C, Veiga S, Otero M, Malvar A, Pérez-Ríos M. PMID: 36975069.
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The WHO MPOWER Package and the Tobacco Control Scale: Two Tools to Monitor Country-level Tobacco Control Policy Implementation in Latin America. Arch Bronconeumol. 2023 11; 59(11):785-786.
Feliu A, Martinez C, Peruga A, Fernandez E. PMID: 37714765.
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Universal screening programme for cytomegalovirus infection in the first trimester of pregnancy: study protocol for an observational multicentre study in the area of Barcelona (CITEMB study). BMJ Open. 2023 07 19; 13(7):e071997.
Sanchez-Durán MA, Maiz N, Liutsko L, Bielsa-Pascual J, García-Sierra R, Zientalska AM, Velasco I, Vazquez E, Gracia O, Ribas A, Sitja N, Nadales M, Martinez C, Gonce A, Frick MA, Guerrero-Martínez M, Violán C, Torán P, Falguera-Puig G, Gol R, CITEMB Group. PMID: 37474185; PMCID: PMC10357649.
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EUREST-RISE: An innovative networking and training project on European Tobacco Control. Tob Prev Cessat. 2023; 9:12.
Radu-Loghin C, Mocanu K, Al Gouhmani H, Vardavas C, Lagou I, Plyta Z, Papathanasaki A, Vogiatzidaki S, Vardavas A, Tzatzarakis M, Tsatsakis A, Filippidis F, Kyriakos C, Fernandez E, Tigova O, Martinez C, Luque AML, Eremia M, Lotrean LM, Trofor A, Wenzl T, Simpson B, Powell P, Starchenko P, Bakou A, Asimaki E, Vivilaki V. PMID: 37101785; PMCID: PMC10123401.
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Eosinophils in the Gastrointestinal Tract: Key Contributors to Neuro-Immune Crosstalk and Potential Implications in Disorders of Brain-Gut Interaction. Cells. 2022 05 14; 11(10).
Salvo-Romero E, Rodiño-Janeiro BK, Albert-Bayo M, Lobo B, Santos J, Farré R, Martinez C, Vicario M. PMID: 35626681; PMCID: PMC9139532.
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Participatory action research intervention for improving sleep in inpatients with cancer. J Clin Nurs. 2023 Apr; 32(7-8):1218-1229.
Cabrera Jaime S, Martinez C, Gonzalo Bachiller V, Zarza Arnau N, Martin Maldonado L, Belén Manrique Palles A, Artiga Sarrion I, Tierno Sanchez N, Julià Torras J, Sancho JM, Cabrera Jaime L. PMID: 35289008.
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Tool to monitor tobacco control policy implementation: the Tobacco Control Scale in Latin America. Adaptation process and pilot study. Tob Control. 2022 09; 31(5):642-648.
Feliu A, Martinez C, Peruga A, Joossens L, Bianco E, Cornejo M, Nogueira SO, Fernández E. PMID: 34031228.
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Activation of the acute inflammatory phase response in idiopathic nephrotic syndrome: association with clinicopathological phenotypes and with response to corticosteroids. Clin Kidney J. 2021 Apr; 14(4):1207-1215.
Roca N, Martinez C, Jatem E, Madrid A, Lopez M, Segarra A. PMID: 33841866; PMCID: PMC8023182.
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Tobacco control policies in the 21st century: achievements and open challenges. Mol Oncol. 2021 03; 15(3):744-752.
Peruga A, López MJ, Martinez C, Fernández E. PMID: 33533185; PMCID: PMC7931122.
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Factors associated with receipt of the 5As model of brief intervention for smoking cessation among hospitalized patients. Addiction. 2020 11; 115(11):2098-2112.
Martínez C, Feliu A, Castellano Y, Fu M, Fernández P, Cabrera-Jaime S, Puig-Llobet M, Galimany J, Guydish J, Fernández E, ETHIF Research Group. PMID: 32297373.
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Exposure to second-hand tobacco smoke in waterpipe cafés in Barcelona, Spain: An assessment of airborne nicotine and PM2.5. Environ Res. 2020 05; 184:109347.
Feliu A, Fu M, Russo M, Martinez C, Sureda X, López MJ, Cortés N, Fernández E. PMID: 32179267.
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HumansPHPublic Health
Smoking-Attributable Mortality in Spain in 2016. Arch Bronconeumol. 2020 09; 56(9):559-563.
Pérez-Ríos M, Schiaffino A, Montes A, Fernández E, López MJ, Martínez-Sánchez JM, Sureda X, Martínez C, Fu M, García Continente X, Carretero Ares JL, Galán I. PMID: 32094025.
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Patient perceptions of tobacco control after smoke-free hospital grounds legislation: Multi-center cross-sectional study. Int J Nurs Stud. 2020 Feb; 102:103485.
Martínez C, Castellano Y, Fu M, Riccobene A, Feliu A, Tigova O, Ballbè M, Anton L, Fernández P, Cabrera-Jaime S, Puig-Llobet M, Moreno C, Falcó-Pegueroles A, Galimany J, Estrada JM, Guydish J, Fernández E, ETHIF Research Group. PMID: 31862532.
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HumansPHPublic Health
Are smokers "hardening" or rather "softening"? An ecological and multilevel analysis across 28 European Union countries. Eur Respir J. 2019 09; 54(3).
Feliu A, Fernandez E, Martinez C, Filippidis FT. PMID: 31221812.
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[Smoking control in Spain: current situation and priorities]. Rev Esp Salud Publica. 2019 Jul 15; 93.
Villalbí JR, Suelves JM, Martínez C, Valverde A, Cabezas C, Fernández E. PMID: 31298227; PMCID: PMC10308847.
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Impact of an Online Training Program in Smoking Cessation Interventions in Hospitals. J Nurs Scholarsh. 2019 07; 51(4):449-458.
Martínez C, Castellano Y, Andrés A, Fu M, Feliu A, Antón L, Ballbè M, Fernández P, Cabrera S, Riccobene A, Gavilan E, Baena A, Margalef M, Tigova O, Quirós N, Guillen O, Company A, Fernández E. PMID: 30874373.
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Effectiveness of a telephone-based intervention for smoking cessation in patients with severe mental disorders: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials. 2019 Jan 11; 20(1):38.
Ballbè M, Martínez C, Feliu A, Torres N, Nieva G, Pinet C, Raich A, Mondon S, Barrio P, Hernández-Ribas R, Vicens J, Costa S, Vilaplana J, Alaustre L, Vilalta E, Blanch R, Subirà S, Bruguera E, Suelves JM, Guydish J, Fernández E. PMID: 30635072; PMCID: PMC6329054.
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HumansCTClinical Trials
Prevalence and determinants of tobacco, e-cigarettes, and cannabis use among nursing students: A multicenter cross-sectional study. Nurse Educ Today. 2019 Mar; 74:61-68.
Martínez C, Baena A, Castellano Y, Fu M, Margalef M, Tigova O, Feliu A, Laroussy K, Galimany J, Puig M, Bueno A, López A, Fernández E. PMID: 30583124.
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Exploring individual and contextual factors contributing to tobacco cessation intervention implementation. Addict Behav. 2019 01; 88:163-168.
Andrés A, Castellano Y, Fu M, Feliu A, Ballbè M, Antón L, Baena A, Fernández E, Martínez C. PMID: 30205255.
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Temporal transitions in COPD severity stages within the GOLD 2017 classification system. Respir Med. 2018 09; 142:81-85.
Soriano JB, Hahsler M, Soriano C, Martinez C, de-Torres JP, Marín JM, de Lucas P, Cosio BG, Fuster A, Casanova C, CHAIN investigators. PMID: 30170807.
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Smoking among hospitalized patients: A multi-hospital cross-sectional study of a widely neglected problem. Tob Induc Dis. 2018; 16:34.
Martínez C, Fu M, Castellano Y, Riccobene A, Fernández P, Cabrera S, Gavilan E, Feliu A, Puig-Llobet M, Fuster P, Martínez-Sánchez JM, Montes J, Estrada JM, Moreno C, Falcó-Pegueroles A, Galimany J, Brando C, Suñer-Soler R, Capsada A, Fernández E, y Grupo de Coordinadores de la Red Catalana de Hospitales sin Humo (XCHsF). PMID: 31516433; PMCID: PMC6659490.
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Conflicts of interest in research on electronic cigarettes. Tob Induc Dis. 2018; 16:28.
Martínez C, Fu M, Galán I, Pérez-Rios M, Martínez-Sánchez JM, López MJ, Sureda X, Montes A, Fernández E. PMID: 31516428; PMCID: PMC6659563.
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Impact of an online training program in hospital workers' smoking cessation interventions in Bolivia, Guatemala and Paraguay. Gac Sanit. 2018 May - Jun; 32(3):236-243.
Martínez C, Castellano Y, Company A, Guillen O, Margalef M, Alicia Arrien M, Sánchez C, Cáceres P, Barnoya J, Fernández E, Group of hospital coordinators in the Fruitful study project. PMID: 29398107.
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Pre-surgical register of tobacco consumption. Med Clin (Barc). 2018 10 23; 151(8):315-319.
Gavilán E, Moreno M, Pérez À, Castellano Y, Fernández E, Martínez C. PMID: 29588061.
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Impact of tobacco control policies on smoking prevalence and quit ratios in 27 European Union countries from 2006 to 2014. Tob Control. 2019 01; 28(1):101-109.
Feliu A, Filippidis FT, Joossens L, Fong GT, Vardavas CI, Baena A, Castellano Y, Martínez C, Fernández E. PMID: 29472445; PMCID: PMC6317447.
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Efficacy of Plantago major, chlorhexidine 0.12% and sodium bicarbonate 5% solution in the treatment of oral mucositis in cancer patients with solid tumour: A feasibility randomised triple-blind phase III clinical trial. Eur J Oncol Nurs. 2018 Feb; 32:40-47.
Cabrera-Jaime S, Martínez C, Ferro-García T, Giner-Boya P, Icart-Isern T, Estrada-Masllorens JM, Fernández-Ortega P. PMID: 29353631.
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HumansAnimalsCTClinical Trials
Mesangial C4d Deposits in Early IgA Nephropathy. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2018 02 07; 13(2):258-264.
Segarra A, Romero K, Agraz I, Ramos N, Madrid A, Carnicer C, Jatem E, Vilalta R, Lara LE, Ostos E, Valtierra N, Jaramillo J, Arredondo KV, Ariceta G, Martinez C. PMID: 29146701; PMCID: PMC5967419.
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Factors associated with implementation of the 5A's smoking cessation model. Tob Induc Dis. 2017; 15:41.
Martínez C, Castellano Y, Andrés A, Fu M, Antón L, Ballbè M, Fernández P, Cabrera S, Riccobene A, Gavilan E, Feliu A, Baena A, Margalef M, Fernández E. PMID: 29142531; PMCID: PMC5669025.
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Impact of the Spanish smoking laws on tobacco consumption and secondhand smoke exposure: A longitudinal population study. Addict Behav. 2017 12; 75:30-35.
Lidón-Moyano C, Fu M, Ballbè M, Martín-Sánchez JC, Matilla-Santander N, Martínez C, Fernández E, Martínez-Sánchez JM. PMID: 28683343.
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HumansPHPublic Health
Manufactured and roll-your-own cigarettes: A changing pattern of smoking in Barcelona, Spain. Environ Res. 2017 05; 155:167-174.
Sureda X, Fu M, Martínez-Sánchez JM, Martínez C, Ballbé M, Pérez-Ortuño R, Saltó E, Pascual JA, Fernández E. PMID: 28222364.
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Adaptation, Implementation Plan, and Evaluation of an Online Tobacco Cessation Training Program for Health Care Professionals in Three Spanish-Speaking Latin American Countries: Protocol of the Fruitful Study. JMIR Res Protoc. 2017 Jan 27; 6(1):e7.
Martínez C, Company A, Guillen O, Margalef M, Arrien MA, Sánchez C, Cáceres de León P, Fernández E, Group of Hospital Coordinators in the Fruitful Project. PMID: 28128731; PMCID: PMC5303198.
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Secondhand smoke risk perception and smoke-free rules in homes: a cross-sectional study in Barcelona (Spain). BMJ Open. 2017 01 19; 7(1):e014207.
Lidón-Moyano C, Martínez-Sánchez JM, Fu M, Ballbè M, Martín-Sánchez JC, Martínez C, Fernández E. PMID: 28104712; PMCID: PMC5253536.
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HumansPHPublic Health
Attitudes of students of a health sciences university towards the extension of smoke-free policies at the university campuses of Barcelona (Spain). Gac Sanit. 2017 Mar - Apr; 31(2):132-138.
Martínez C, Méndez C, Sánchez M, Martínez-Sánchez JM. PMID: 28341291.
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The role of middle managers in tobacco control after a national smoke-free hospital campus ban. BMC Health Serv Res. 2016 Sep 23; 16(1):517.
Martínez C, Ballbè M, Vilardell M, Fu M, Fernández E. PMID: 27663779; PMCID: PMC5035500.
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Impact of the Spanish smoking legislations in the adoption of smoke-free rules at home: a longitudinal study in Barcelona (Spain). Tob Control. 2016 09; 26(5):557-562.
Lidón-Moyano C, Martínez-Sánchez JM, Fu M, Ballbè M, Martín-Sánchez JC, Martínez C, Saltó E, Fernández E. PMID: 27625409.
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HumansPHPublic Health
[Smoking prevalence in hospital workers: meta-analysis in 45 Catalan hospitals]. Gac Sanit. 2016 Jan-Feb; 30(1):55-8.
Martínez C, Martínez-Sánchez JM, Antón L, Riccobene A, Fu M, Quirós N, Saltó E, Fernández E, Coordinators Group of the Hospitals Network. PMID: 26422688.
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Commentary on Pardavila-Belio et al. (2015): Reporting on randomized control trials or giving details on how the cake was made--the list of ingredients and the implementation process. Addiction. 2015 Oct; 110(10):1684-5.
Martinez C, Fernandez E. PMID: 26350715.
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An international systematic review of smoking prevalence in addiction treatment. Addiction. 2016 Feb; 111(2):220-30.
Guydish J, Passalacqua E, Pagano A, Martínez C, Le T, Chun J, Tajima B, Docto L, Garina D, Delucchi K. PMID: 26392127; PMCID: PMC4990064.
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Association of second-hand smoke exposure at home with psychological distress in the Spanish adult population. Addict Behav. 2015 Nov; 50:84-8.
Ballbè M, Martínez-Sánchez JM, Gual A, Martínez C, Fu M, Sureda X, Padrón-Monedero A, Galán I, Fernández E. PMID: 26111658.
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HumansPHPublic Health
Secondhand smoke in outdoor settings: smokers' consumption, non-smokers' perceptions, and attitudes towards smoke-free legislation in Spain. BMJ Open. 2015 Apr 08; 5(4):e007554.
Sureda X, Fernández E, Martínez-Sánchez JM, Fu M, López MJ, Martínez C, Saltó E. PMID: 25854974; PMCID: PMC4390691.
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HumansPHPublic Health
Impact of environmental air pollutants on disease control in asmathic patients. Lung. 2015 Apr; 193(2):195-8.
Fernandez R, Ariza M, Iscar M, Martinez C, Rubinos G, Gagatek S, Montoliu MA, Casan P. PMID: 25687770.
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HumansPHPublic Health
Impact of a long-term tobacco-free policy at a comprehensive cancer center: a series of cross-sectional surveys. BMC Public Health. 2014 Nov 27; 14:1228.
Martínez C, Fu M, Martínez-Sánchez JM, Antón L, Fernández P, Ballbè M, Andrés A, Riccobene A, Sureda X, Gallart A, Fernández E. PMID: 25427959; PMCID: PMC4289238.
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HumansPHPublic Health
Maintenance of tobacco cessation programmes in public hospitals in Catalonia, Spain. Addict Behav. 2015 Mar; 42:136-9.
Ballbè M, Martínez C, Saltó E, Cabezas C, Riccobene A, Valverde A, Gual A, Fernández E. PMID: 25462661.
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Impact of tobacco control policies in hospitals: Evaluation of a national smoke-free campus ban in Spain. Prev Med Rep. 2014; 1:56-61.
Sureda X, Ballbè M, Martínez C, Fu M, Carabasa E, Saltó E, Martínez-Sánchez JM, Fernández E. PMID: 26844041; PMCID: PMC4721449.
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Predictors of quit attempts among smokers enrolled in substance abuse treatment. Addict Behav. 2015 Jan; 40:1-6.
Martínez C, Guydish J, Le T, Tajima B, Passalacqua E. PMID: 25218064; PMCID: PMC4250286.
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Response to Rodrigo et al. Am J Gastroenterol. 2014 Aug; 109(8):1291-2.
Martinez C, Vicario M, Santos J. PMID: 25091250.
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Assessment of the smoke-free outdoor regulation in the WHO European Region. Prev Med. 2014 Jul; 64:37-40.
Martínez C, Guydish J, Robinson G, Martínez-Sánchez JM, Fernández E. PMID: 24704133; PMCID: PMC4102698.
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HumansPHPublic Health
Impact of the Spanish smoke-free legislation on adult, non-smoker exposure to secondhand smoke: cross-sectional surveys before (2004) and after (2012) legislation. PLoS One. 2014; 9(2):e89430.
Sureda X, Martínez-Sánchez JM, Fu M, Pérez-Ortuño R, Martínez C, Carabasa E, López MJ, Saltó E, Pascual JA, Fernández E. PMID: 24586774; PMCID: PMC3937341.
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HumansPHPublic Health
Two basic (hydrophilic) regions in the movement protein of Parietaria mottle virus have RNA binding activity and are required for cell-to-cell transport. Virus Res. 2014 May 12; 184:54-61.
Martínez C, Coll-Bonfill N, Aramburu J, Pallás V, Aparicio F, Galipienso L. PMID: 24583367.
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Safety belt and mobile phone usage in vehicles in Barcelona (Spain). Gac Sanit. 2014 Jul-Aug; 28(4):305-8.
Martínez-Sánchez JM, Curto A, Fu M, Martínez C, Sureda X, Ballbè M, Fernández E. PMID: 24576721.
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Handwritten versus scanned signature on the invitation letter: does it make any difference in participation in a population-based study? Eur J Epidemiol. 2013 Nov; 28(11):931-4.
Fu M, Martínez-Sánchez JM, Sureda X, Martínez C, Ballbè M, Baranda L, Riccobene A, Fernández E. PMID: 23903959.
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HumansPHPublic Health
Protection from secondhand smoke in countries belonging to the WHO European Region: an assessment of legislation. Tob Control. 2014 Sep; 23(5):403-11.
Martínez C, Martínez-Sánchez JM, Robinson G, Bethke C, Fernández E. PMID: 23596198.
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HumansPHPublic Health
Health-related quality of life as a main determinant of access to rheumatologic care. Rheumatol Int. 2013 Jul; 33(7):1797-804.
Leon L, Jover JA, Loza E, Zunzunegui MV, Lajas C, Vadillo C, Fontsere O, Rodriguez-Rodriguez L, Martinez C, Fernandez-Gutierrez B, Abasolo L. PMID: 23306593.
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Smoking cessation in hospital workers: effectiveness of a coordinated program in 33 hospitals in Catalonia (Spain). Cancer Nurs. 2012 Sep-Oct; 35(5):327-36.
Martínez C, Martínez-Sánchez JM, Ballbè M, Nieva G, Fu M, Puig M, Carabasa E, Sánchez-García JM, Saltó E, Fernández E, Tobacco Cessation Program Project Coordinators. PMID: 22067686.
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Smoking behaviour, involuntary smoking, attitudes towards smoke-free legislations, and tobacco control activities in the European Union. PLoS One. 2010 Nov 08; 5(11):e13881.
Martínez-Sánchez JM, Fernández E, Fu M, Gallus S, Martínez C, Sureda X, La Vecchia C, Clancy L. PMID: 21079729; PMCID: PMC2975630.
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HumansPHPublic Health
Second-hand smoke in hospitals in Catalonia (2009): a cross-sectional study measuring PM2.5 and vapor-phase nicotine. Environ Res. 2010 Nov; 110(8):750-5.
Sureda X, Fu M, López MJ, Martínez-Sánchez JM, Carabasa E, Saltó E, Martínez C, Nebot M, Fernández E. PMID: 20933229.
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HumansPHPublic Health
Osteopontin provides early proliferative drive and may be dependent upon aberrant c-myc signalling in murine intestinal tumours. Exp Mol Pathol. 2010 Apr; 88(2):272-7.
Martinez C, Churchman M, Freeman T, Ilyas M. PMID: 20053348.
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[Smoke-free hospital campus: the next challenge for tobacco control in Spain]. Med Clin (Barc). 2010 May 15; 134(14):633-4.
Fernández E, Martínez C. PMID: 19939418.
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HumansPHPublic Health
Barriers and challenges of implementing tobacco control policies in hospitals: applying the institutional analysis and development framework to the Catalan Network of Smoke-Free Hospitals. Policy Polit Nurs Pract. 2009 Aug; 10(3):224-32.
Martinez C. PMID: 19900946.
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Tobacco control policies in hospitals before and after the implementation of a national smoking ban in Catalonia, Spain. BMC Public Health. 2009 May 28; 9:160.
Martínez C, Fu M, Martínez-Sánchez JM, Ballbè M, Puig M, García M, Carabasa E, Saltó E, Fernández E. PMID: 19473549; PMCID: PMC2696435.
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HumansPHPublic Health
Barriers and challenges for tobacco control in a smoke-free hospital. Cancer Nurs. 2008 Mar-Apr; 31(2):88-94.
Martínez C, Garcia M, Méndez E, Peris M, Fernández E. PMID: 18490882.
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HumansPHPublic Health
Unstable composition of the fecal microbiota in ulcerative colitis during clinical remission. Am J Gastroenterol. 2008 Mar; 103(3):643-8.
Martinez C, Antolin M, Santos J, Torrejon A, Casellas F, Borruel N, Guarner F, Malagelada JR. PMID: 18341488.
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Comparison study of full and subthreshold bulimia nervosa: Personality, clinical characteristics, and short-term response to therapy. Psychother Res. 2008 Jan; 18(1):37-47.
Krug I, Casasnovas C, Granero R, Martinez C, Jiménez-Murcia S, Bulik C, Fernández-Aranda F. PMID: 18815955.
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[Evaluation of the degree of implementation of tobacco control interventions in the Catalan Network of Smoke-Free Hospitals]. Enferm Clin. 2007 Jul-Aug; 17(4):177-85.
Martínez C, García M. PMID: 17915120.
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Multiple sclerosis: diagnostic usefulness of cerebrospinal fluid. Ann Neurol. 1977 Nov; 2(5):425-31.
Johnson KP, Nelson BJ. PMID: 103485.
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