Methylation changes in the peripheral blood of Filipinos with type 2 diabetes suggest spurious transcription initiation at TXNIP. Hum Mol Genet. 2019 12 15; 28(24):4208-4218.
Albao DS, Cutiongco-de la Paz EM, Mercado ME, Lirio A, Mariano M, Kim S, Yangco A, Melegrito J, Wad-Asen K, Gauran II, Francisco MA, Santos-Acuin C, David-Padilla C, Murphy EJ, Paz-Pacheco E, Seielstad M. PMID: 31691802.
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A Novel, 5-Transcript, Whole-blood Gene-expression Signature for Tuberculosis Screening Among People Living With Human Immunodeficiency Virus. Clin Infect Dis. 2019 06 18; 69(1):77-83.
Rajan JV, Semitala FC, Mehta T, Seielstad M, Montalvo L, Andama A, Asege L, Nakaye M, Katende J, Mwebe S, Kamya MR, Yoon C, Cattamanchi A. PMID: 30462176; PMCID: PMC6579960.
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1524-P: Discordance between A1C and Glucose for the Diagnosis of Prediabetes in a Filipino-American Population. Diabetes. 2019 Jun 1; 68(Supplement 1):1524-p.
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Exome sequencing of 20,791 cases of type 2 diabetes and 24,440 controls. Nature. 2019 06; 570(7759):71-76.
Flannick J, Mercader JM, Fuchsberger C, Udler MS, Mahajan A, Wessel J, Teslovich TM, Caulkins L, Koesterer R, Barajas-Olmos F, Blackwell TW, Boerwinkle E, Brody JA, Centeno-Cruz F, Chen L, Chen S, Contreras-Cubas C, Córdova E, Correa A, Cortes M, DeFronzo RA, Dolan L, Drews KL, Elliott A, Floyd JS, Gabriel S, Garay-Sevilla ME, García-Ortiz H, Gross M, Han S, Heard-Costa NL, Jackson AU, Jørgensen ME, Kang HM, Kelsey M, Kim BJ, Koistinen HA, Kuusisto J, Leader JB, Linneberg A, Liu CT, Liu J, Lyssenko V, Manning AK, Marcketta A, Malacara-Hernandez JM, Martínez-Hernández A, Matsuo K, Mayer-Davis E, Mendoza-Caamal E, Mohlke KL, Morrison AC, Ndungu A, Ng MCY, O'Dushlaine C, Payne AJ, Pihoker C, Broad Genomics Platform, Post WS, Preuss M, Psaty BM, Vasan RS, Rayner NW, Reiner AP, Revilla-Monsalve C, Robertson NR, Santoro N, Schurmann C, So WY, Soberón X, Stringham HM, Strom TM, Tam CHT, Thameem F, Tomlinson B, Torres JM, Tracy RP, van Dam RM, Vujkovic M, Wang S, Welch RP, Witte DR, Wong TY, Atzmon G, Barzilai N, Blangero J, Bonnycastle LL, Bowden DW, Chambers JC, Chan E, Cheng CY, Cho YS, Collins FS, de Vries PS, Duggirala R, Glaser B, Gonzalez C, Gonzalez ME, Groop L, Kooner JS, Kwak SH, Laakso M, Lehman DM, Nilsson P, Spector TD, Tai ES, Tuomi T, Tuomilehto J, Wilson JG, Aguilar-Salinas CA, Bottinger E, Burke B, Carey DJ, Chan JCN, Dupuis J, Frossard P, Heckbert SR, Hwang MY, Kim YJ, Kirchner HL, Lee JY, Lee J, Loos RJF, Ma RCW, Morris AD, O'Donnell CJ, Palmer CNA, Pankow J, Park KS, Rasheed A, Saleheen D, Sim X, Small KS, Teo YY, Haiman C, Hanis CL, Henderson BE, Orozco L, Tusié-Luna T, Dewey FE, Baras A, Gieger C, Meitinger T, Strauch K, Lange L, Grarup N, Hansen T, Pedersen O, Zeitler P, Dabelea D, Abecasis G, Bell GI, Cox NJ, Seielstad M, Sladek R, Meigs JB, Rich SS, Rotter JI, DiscovEHR Collaboration, CHARGE, LuCamp, ProDiGY, GoT2D, ESP, SIGMA-T2D, T2D-GENES, AMP-T2D-GENES, Altshuler D, Burtt NP, Scott LJ, Morris AP, Florez JC, McCarthy MI, Boehnke M. PMID: 31118516; PMCID: PMC6699738.
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160 Fields:
Development and evaluation of a transfusion medicine genome wide genotyping array. Transfusion. 2019 01; 59(1):101-111.
Guo Y, Busch MP, Seielstad M, Endres-Dighe S, Westhoff CM, Keating B, Hoppe C, Bordbar A, Custer B, Butterworth AS, Kanias T, Mast AE, Kleinman S, Lu Y, Page GP, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Recipient Epidemiology Donor Evaluation Study (REDS)-III. PMID: 30456907; PMCID: PMC7032526.
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21 Fields:
Evaluating the contribution of rare variants to type 2 diabetes and related traits using pedigrees. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2018 01 09; 115(2):379-384.
Jun G, Manning A, Almeida M, Zawistowski M, Wood AR, Teslovich TM, Fuchsberger C, Feng S, Cingolani P, Gaulton KJ, Dyer T, Blackwell TW, Chen H, Chines PS, Choi S, Churchhouse C, Fontanillas P, King R, Lee S, Lincoln SE, Trubetskoy V, DePristo M, Fingerlin T, Grossman R, Grundstad J, Heath A, Kim J, Kim YJ, Laramie J, Lee J, Li H, Liu X, Livne O, Locke AE, Maller J, Mazur A, Morris AP, Pollin TI, Ragona D, Reich D, Rivas MA, Scott LJ, Sim X, Tearle RG, Teo YY, Williams AL, Zöllner S, Curran JE, Peralta J, Akolkar B, Bell GI, Burtt NP, Cox NJ, Florez JC, Hanis CL, McKeon C, Mohlke KL, Seielstad M, Wilson JG, Atzmon G, Below JE, Dupuis J, Nicolae DL, Lehman D, Park T, Won S, Sladek R, Altshuler D, McCarthy MI, Duggirala R, Boehnke M, Frayling TM, Abecasis GR, Blangero J. PMID: 29279374; PMCID: PMC5777025.
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Sequence data and association statistics from 12,940 type 2 diabetes cases and controls. Sci Data. 2017 12 19; 4:170179.
Flannick J, Fuchsberger C, Mahajan A, Teslovich TM, Agarwala V, Gaulton KJ, Caulkins L, Koesterer R, Ma C, Moutsianas L, McCarthy DJ, Rivas MA, Perry JRB, Sim X, Blackwell TW, Robertson NR, Rayner NW, Cingolani P, Locke AE, Tajes JF, Highland HM, Dupuis J, Chines PS, Lindgren CM, Hartl C, Jackson AU, Chen H, Huyghe JR, van de Bunt M, Pearson RD, Kumar A, Müller-Nurasyid M, Grarup N, Stringham HM, Gamazon ER, Lee J, Chen Y, Scott RA, Below JE, Chen P, Huang J, Go MJ, Stitzel ML, Pasko D, Parker SCJ, Varga TV, Green T, Beer NL, Day-Williams AG, Ferreira T, Fingerlin T, Horikoshi M, Hu C, Huh I, Ikram MK, Kim BJ, Kim Y, Kim YJ, Kwon MS, Lee J, Lee S, Lin KH, Maxwell TJ, Nagai Y, Wang X, Welch RP, Yoon J, Zhang W, Barzilai N, Voight BF, Han BG, Jenkinson CP, Kuulasmaa T, Kuusisto J, Manning A, Ng MCY, Palmer ND, Balkau B, Stancáková A, Abboud HE, Boeing H, Giedraitis V, Prabhakaran D, Gottesman O, Scott J, Carey J, Kwan P, Grant G, Smith JD, Neale BM, Purcell S, Butterworth AS, Howson JMM, Lee HM, Lu Y, Kwak SH, Zhao W, Danesh J, Lam VKL, Park KS, Saleheen D, So WY, Tam CHT, Afzal U, Aguilar D, Arya R, Aung T, Chan E, Navarro C, Cheng CY, Palli D, Correa A, Curran JE, Rybin D, Farook VS, Fowler SP, Freedman BI, Griswold M, Hale DE, Hicks PJ, Khor CC, Kumar S, Lehne B, Thuillier D, Lim WY, Liu J, Loh M, Musani SK, Puppala S, Scott WR, Yengo L, Tan ST, Taylor HA, Thameem F, Wilson G, Wong TY, Njølstad PR, Levy JC, Mangino M, Bonnycastle LL, Schwarzmayr T, Fadista J, Surdulescu GL, Herder C, Groves CJ, Wieland T, Bork-Jensen J, Brandslund I, Christensen C, Koistinen HA, Doney ASF, Kinnunen L, Esko T, Farmer AJ, Hakaste L, Hodgkiss D, Kravic J, Lyssenko V, Hollensted M, Jørgensen ME, Jørgensen T, Ladenvall C, Justesen JM, Käräjämäki A, Kriebel J, Rathmann W, Lannfelt L, Lauritzen T, Narisu N, Linneberg A, Melander O, Milani L, Neville M, Orho-Melander M, Qi L, Qi Q, Roden M, Rolandsson O, Swift A, Rosengren AH, Stirrups K, Wood AR, Mihailov E, Blancher C, Carneiro MO, Maguire J, Poplin R, Shakir K, Fennell T, DePristo M, de Angelis MH, Deloukas P, Gjesing AP, Jun G, Nilsson P, Murphy J, Onofrio R, Thorand B, Hansen T, Meisinger C, Hu FB, Isomaa B, Karpe F, Liang L, Peters A, Huth C, O'Rahilly SP, Palmer CNA, Pedersen O, Rauramaa R, Tuomilehto J, Salomaa V, Watanabe RM, Syvänen AC, Bergman RN, Bharadwaj D, Bottinger EP, Cho YS, Chandak GR, Chan JC, Chia KS, Daly MJ, Ebrahim SB, Langenberg C, Elliott P, Jablonski KA, Lehman DM, Jia W, Ma RCW, Pollin TI, Sandhu M, Tandon N, Froguel P, Barroso I, Teo YY, Zeggini E, Loos RJF, Small KS, Ried JS, DeFronzo RA, Grallert H, Glaser B, Metspalu A, Wareham NJ, Walker M, Banks E, Gieger C, Ingelsson E, Im HK, Illig T, Franks PW, Buck G, Trakalo J, Buck D, Prokopenko I, Mägi R, Lind L, Farjoun Y, Owen KR, Gloyn AL, Strauch K, Tuomi T, Kooner JS, Lee JY, Park T, Donnelly P, Morris AD, Hattersley AT, Bowden DW, Collins FS, Atzmon G, Chambers JC, Spector TD, Laakso M, Strom TM, Bell GI, Blangero J, Duggirala R, Tai ES, McVean G, Hanis CL, Wilson JG, Seielstad M, Frayling TM, Meigs JB, Cox NJ, Sladek R, Lander ES, Gabriel S, Mohlke KL, Meitinger T, Groop L, Abecasis G, Scott LJ, Morris AP, Kang HM, Altshuler D, Burtt NP, Florez JC, Boehnke M, McCarthy MI. PMID: 29257133; PMCID: PMC5735917.
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17 Fields:
Genomewide association study of HLA alloimmunization in previously pregnant blood donors. Transfusion. 2018 02; 58(2):402-412.
Seielstad M, Page GP, Gaddis N, Lanteri M, Lee TH, Kakaiya R, Barcellos LF, Criswell LA, Triulzi D, Norris PJ, Busch MP, NHLBI REDS-III Study Investigators. PMID: 29168253; PMCID: PMC5803399.
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HumansCTClinical Trials
Y chromosomal evidence on the origin of northern Thai people. PLoS One. 2017; 12(7):e0181935.
Brunelli A, Kampuansai J, Seielstad M, Lomthaisong K, Kangwanpong D, Ghirotto S, Kutanan W. PMID: 28742125; PMCID: PMC5524406.
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A Low-Frequency Inactivating AKT2 Variant Enriched in the Finnish Population Is Associated With Fasting Insulin Levels and Type 2 Diabetes Risk. Diabetes. 2017 07; 66(7):2019-2032.
Manning A, Highland HM, Gasser J, Sim X, Tukiainen T, Fontanillas P, Grarup N, Rivas MA, Mahajan A, Locke AE, Cingolani P, Pers TH, Viñuela A, Brown AA, Wu Y, Flannick J, Fuchsberger C, Gamazon ER, Gaulton KJ, Im HK, Teslovich TM, Blackwell TW, Bork-Jensen J, Burtt NP, Chen Y, Green T, Hartl C, Kang HM, Kumar A, Ladenvall C, Ma C, Moutsianas L, Pearson RD, Perry JRB, Rayner NW, Robertson NR, Scott LJ, van de Bunt M, Eriksson JG, Jula A, Koskinen S, Lehtimäki T, Palotie A, Raitakari OT, Jacobs SBR, Wessel J, Chu AY, Scott RA, Goodarzi MO, Blancher C, Buck G, Buck D, Chines PS, Gabriel S, Gjesing AP, Groves CJ, Hollensted M, Huyghe JR, Jackson AU, Jun G, Justesen JM, Mangino M, Murphy J, Neville M, Onofrio R, Small KS, Stringham HM, Trakalo J, Banks E, Carey J, Carneiro MO, DePristo M, Farjoun Y, Fennell T, Goldstein JI, Grant G, Hrabé de Angelis M, Maguire J, Neale BM, Poplin R, Purcell S, Schwarzmayr T, Shakir K, Smith JD, Strom TM, Wieland T, Lindstrom J, Brandslund I, Christensen C, Surdulescu GL, Lakka TA, Doney ASF, Nilsson P, Wareham NJ, Langenberg C, Varga TV, Franks PW, Rolandsson O, Rosengren AH, Farook VS, Thameem F, Puppala S, Kumar S, Lehman DM, Jenkinson CP, Curran JE, Hale DE, Fowler SP, Arya R, DeFronzo RA, Abboud HE, Syvänen AC, Hicks PJ, Palmer ND, Ng MCY, Bowden DW, Freedman BI, Esko T, Mägi R, Milani L, Mihailov E, Metspalu A, Narisu N, Kinnunen L, Bonnycastle LL, Swift A, Pasko D, Wood AR, Fadista J, Pollin TI, Barzilai N, Atzmon G, Glaser B, Thorand B, Strauch K, Peters A, Roden M, Müller-Nurasyid M, Liang L, Kriebel J, Illig T, Grallert H, Gieger C, Meisinger C, Lannfelt L, Musani SK, Griswold M, Taylor HA, Wilson G, Correa A, Oksa H, Scott WR, Afzal U, Tan ST, Loh M, Chambers JC, Sehmi J, Kooner JS, Lehne B, Cho YS, Lee JY, Han BG, Käräjämäki A, Qi Q, Qi L, Huang J, Hu FB, Melander O, Orho-Melander M, Below JE, Aguilar D, Wong TY, Liu J, Khor CC, Chia KS, Lim WY, Cheng CY, Chan E, Tai ES, Aung T, Linneberg A, Isomaa B, Meitinger T, Tuomi T, Hakaste L, Kravic J, Jørgensen ME, Lauritzen T, Deloukas P, Stirrups KE, Owen KR, Farmer AJ, Frayling TM, O'Rahilly SP, Walker M, Levy JC, Hodgkiss D, Hattersley AT, Kuulasmaa T, Stancáková A, Barroso I, Bharadwaj D, Chan J, Chandak GR, Daly MJ, Donnelly PJ, Ebrahim SB, Elliott P, Fingerlin T, Froguel P, Hu C, Jia W, Ma RCW, McVean G, Park T, Prabhakaran D, Sandhu M, Scott J, Sladek R, Tandon N, Teo YY, Zeggini E, Watanabe RM, Koistinen HA, Kesaniemi YA, Uusitupa M, Spector TD, Salomaa V, Rauramaa R, Palmer CNA, Prokopenko I, Morris AD, Bergman RN, Collins FS, Lind L, Ingelsson E, Tuomilehto J, Karpe F, Groop L, Jørgensen T, Hansen T, Pedersen O, Kuusisto J, Abecasis G, Bell GI, Blangero J, Cox NJ, Duggirala R, Seielstad M, Wilson JG, Dupuis J, Ripatti S, Hanis CL, Florez JC, Mohlke KL, Meigs JB, Laakso M, Morris AP, Boehnke M, Altshuler D, McCarthy MI, Gloyn AL, Lindgren CM. PMID: 28341696; PMCID: PMC5482074.
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31 Fields:
Blood Gene Signatures of Chagas Cardiomyopathy With or Without Ventricular Dysfunction. J Infect Dis. 2017 02 01; 215(3):387-395.
Ferreira LR, Ferreira FM, Nakaya HI, Deng X, Cândido DD, de Oliveira LC, Billaud JN, Lanteri MC, Rigaud VO, Seielstad M, Kalil J, Fernandes F, Ribeiro AL, Sabino EC, Cunha-Neto E. PMID: 28003350; PMCID: PMC6095079.
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The genetic architecture of type 2 diabetes. Nature. 2016 08 04; 536(7614):41-47.
Fuchsberger C, Flannick J, Teslovich TM, Mahajan A, Agarwala V, Gaulton KJ, Ma C, Fontanillas P, Moutsianas L, McCarthy DJ, Rivas MA, Perry JRB, Sim X, Blackwell TW, Robertson NR, Rayner NW, Cingolani P, Locke AE, Tajes JF, Highland HM, Dupuis J, Chines PS, Lindgren CM, Hartl C, Jackson AU, Chen H, Huyghe JR, van de Bunt M, Pearson RD, Kumar A, Müller-Nurasyid M, Grarup N, Stringham HM, Gamazon ER, Lee J, Chen Y, Scott RA, Below JE, Chen P, Huang J, Go MJ, Stitzel ML, Pasko D, Parker SCJ, Varga TV, Green T, Beer NL, Day-Williams AG, Ferreira T, Fingerlin T, Horikoshi M, Hu C, Huh I, Ikram MK, Kim BJ, Kim Y, Kim YJ, Kwon MS, Lee J, Lee S, Lin KH, Maxwell TJ, Nagai Y, Wang X, Welch RP, Yoon J, Zhang W, Barzilai N, Voight BF, Han BG, Jenkinson CP, Kuulasmaa T, Kuusisto J, Manning A, Ng MCY, Palmer ND, Balkau B, Stancáková A, Abboud HE, Boeing H, Giedraitis V, Prabhakaran D, Gottesman O, Scott J, Carey J, Kwan P, Grant G, Smith JD, Neale BM, Purcell S, Butterworth AS, Howson JMM, Lee HM, Lu Y, Kwak SH, Zhao W, Danesh J, Lam VKL, Park KS, Saleheen D, So WY, Tam CHT, Afzal U, Aguilar D, Arya R, Aung T, Chan E, Navarro C, Cheng CY, Palli D, Correa A, Curran JE, Rybin D, Farook VS, Fowler SP, Freedman BI, Griswold M, Hale DE, Hicks PJ, Khor CC, Kumar S, Lehne B, Thuillier D, Lim WY, Liu J, van der Schouw YT, Loh M, Musani SK, Puppala S, Scott WR, Yengo L, Tan ST, Taylor HA, Thameem F, Wilson G, Wong TY, Njølstad PR, Levy JC, Mangino M, Bonnycastle LL, Schwarzmayr T, Fadista J, Surdulescu GL, Herder C, Groves CJ, Wieland T, Bork-Jensen J, Brandslund I, Christensen C, Koistinen HA, Doney ASF, Kinnunen L, Esko T, Farmer AJ, Hakaste L, Hodgkiss D, Kravic J, Lyssenko V, Hollensted M, Jørgensen ME, Jørgensen T, Ladenvall C, Justesen JM, Käräjämäki A, Kriebel J, Rathmann W, Lannfelt L, Lauritzen T, Narisu N, Linneberg A, Melander O, Milani L, Neville M, Orho-Melander M, Qi L, Qi Q, Roden M, Rolandsson O, Swift A, Rosengren AH, Stirrups K, Wood AR, Mihailov E, Blancher C, Carneiro MO, Maguire J, Poplin R, Shakir K, Fennell T, DePristo M, de Angelis MH, Deloukas P, Gjesing AP, Jun G, Nilsson P, Murphy J, Onofrio R, Thorand B, Hansen T, Meisinger C, Hu FB, Isomaa B, Karpe F, Liang L, Peters A, Huth C, O'Rahilly SP, Palmer CNA, Pedersen O, Rauramaa R, Tuomilehto J, Salomaa V, Watanabe RM, Syvänen AC, Bergman RN, Bharadwaj D, Bottinger EP, Cho YS, Chandak GR, Chan JCN, Chia KS, Daly MJ, Ebrahim SB, Langenberg C, Elliott P, Jablonski KA, Lehman DM, Jia W, Ma RCW, Pollin TI, Sandhu M, Tandon N, Froguel P, Barroso I, Teo YY, Zeggini E, Loos RJF, Small KS, Ried JS, DeFronzo RA, Grallert H, Glaser B, Metspalu A, Wareham NJ, Walker M, Banks E, Gieger C, Ingelsson E, Im HK, Illig T, Franks PW, Buck G, Trakalo J, Buck D, Prokopenko I, Mägi R, Lind L, Farjoun Y, Owen KR, Gloyn AL, Strauch K, Tuomi T, Kooner JS, Lee JY, Park T, Donnelly P, Morris AD, Hattersley AT, Bowden DW, Collins FS, Atzmon G, Chambers JC, Spector TD, Laakso M, Strom TM, Bell GI, Blangero J, Duggirala R, Tai ES, McVean G, Hanis CL, Wilson JG, Seielstad M, Frayling TM, Meigs JB, Cox NJ, Sladek R, Lander ES, Gabriel S, Burtt NP, Mohlke KL, Meitinger T, Groop L, Abecasis G, Florez JC, Scott LJ, Morris AP, Kang HM, Boehnke M, Altshuler D, McCarthy MI. PMID: 27398621; PMCID: PMC5034897.
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545 Fields:
Identification of genetic variants associated with susceptibility to West Nile virus neuroinvasive disease. Genes Immun. 2016 07; 17(5):298-304.
Long D, Deng X, Singh P, Loeb M, Lauring AS, Seielstad M. PMID: 27170560; PMCID: PMC5215919.
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10 Fields:
Genome-wide association study identifies five new susceptibility loci for primary angle closure glaucoma. Nat Genet. 2016 May; 48(5):556-62.
Khor CC, Do T, Jia H, Nakano M, George R, Abu-Amero K, Duvesh R, Chen LJ, Li Z, Nongpiur ME, Perera SA, Qiao C, Wong HT, Sakai H, Barbosa de Melo M, Lee MC, Chan AS, Azhany Y, Dao TL, Ikeda Y, Perez-Grossmann RA, Zarnowski T, Day AC, Jonas JB, Tam PO, Tran TA, Ayub H, Akhtar F, Micheal S, Chew PT, Aljasim LA, Dada T, Luu TT, Awadalla MS, Kitnarong N, Wanichwecharungruang B, Aung YY, Mohamed-Noor J, Vijayan S, Sarangapani S, Husain R, Jap A, Baskaran M, Goh D, Su DH, Wang H, Yong VK, Yip LW, Trinh TB, Makornwattana M, Nguyen TT, Leuenberger EU, Park KH, Wiyogo WA, Kumar RS, Tello C, Kurimoto Y, Thapa SS, Pathanapitoon K, Salmon JF, Sohn YH, Fea A, Ozaki M, Lai JS, Tantisevi V, Khaing CC, Mizoguchi T, Nakano S, Kim CY, Tang G, Fan S, Wu R, Meng H, Nguyen TT, Tran TD, Ueno M, Martinez JM, Ramli N, Aung YM, Reyes RD, Vernon SA, Fang SK, Xie Z, Chen XY, Foo JN, Sim KS, Wong TT, Quek DT, Venkatesh R, Kavitha S, Krishnadas SR, Soumittra N, Shantha B, Lim BA, Ogle J, de Vasconcellos JP, Costa VP, Abe RY, de Souza BB, Sng CC, Aquino MC, Kosior-Jarecka E, Fong GB, Tamanaja VC, Fujita R, Jiang Y, Waseem N, Low S, Pham HN, Al-Shahwan S, Craven ER, Khan MI, Dada R, Mohanty K, Faiq MA, Hewitt AW, Burdon KP, Gan EH, Prutthipongsit A, Patthanathamrongkasem T, Catacutan MA, Felarca IR, Liao CS, Rusmayani E, Istiantoro VW, Consolandi G, Pignata G, Lavia C, Rojanapongpun P, Mangkornkanokpong L, Chansangpetch S, Chan JC, Choy BN, Shum JW, Than HM, Oo KT, Han AT, Yong VH, Ng XY, Goh SR, Chong YF, Hibberd ML, Seielstad M, Png E, Dunstan SJ, Chau NV, Bei J, Zeng YX, Karkey A, Basnyat B, Pasutto F, Paoli D, Frezzotti P, Wang JJ, Mitchell P, Fingert JH, Allingham RR, Hauser MA, Lim ST, Chew SH, Ebstein RP, Sakuntabhai A, Park KH, Ahn J, Boland G, Snippe H, Stead R, Quino R, Zaw SN, Lukasik U, Shetty R, Zahari M, Bae HW, Oo NL, Kubota T, Manassakorn A, Ho WL, Dallorto L, Hwang YH, Kiire CA, Kuroda M, Djamal ZE, Peregrino JI, Ghosh A, Jeoung JW, Hoan TS, Srisamran N, Sandragasu T, Set SH, Doan VH, Bhattacharya SS, Ho CL, Tan DT, Sihota R, Loon SC, Mori K, Kinoshita S, Hollander AI, Qamar R, Wang YX, Teo YY, Tai ES, Hartleben-Matkin C, Lozano-Giral D, Saw SM, Cheng CY, Zenteno JC, Pang CP, Bui HT, Hee O, Craig JE, Edward DP, Yonahara M, Neto JM, Guevara-Fujita ML, Xu L, Ritch R, Liza-Sharmini AT, Wong TY, Al-Obeidan S, Do NH, Sundaresan P, Tham CC, Foster PJ, Vijaya L, Tashiro K, Vithana EN, Wang N, Aung T. PMID: 27064256.
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61 Fields:
Transancestral fine-mapping of four type 2 diabetes susceptibility loci highlights potential causal regulatory mechanisms. Hum Mol Genet. 2016 05 15; 25(10):2070-2081.
Horikoshi M, Pasquali L, Wiltshire S, Huyghe JR, Mahajan A, Asimit JL, Ferreira T, Locke AE, Robertson NR, Wang X, Sim X, Fujita H, Hara K, Young R, Zhang W, Choi S, Chen H, Kaur I, Takeuchi F, Fontanillas P, Thuillier D, Yengo L, Below JE, Tam CH, Wu Y, Abecasis G, Altshuler D, Bell GI, Blangero J, Burtt NP, Duggirala R, Florez JC, Hanis CL, Seielstad M, Atzmon G, Chan JC, Ma RC, Froguel P, Wilson JG, Bharadwaj D, Dupuis J, Meigs JB, Cho YS, Park T, Kooner JS, Chambers JC, Saleheen D, Kadowaki T, Tai ES, Mohlke KL, Cox NJ, Ferrer J, Zeggini E, Kato N, Teo YY, Boehnke M, McCarthy MI, Morris AP, T2D-GENES Consortium. PMID: 26911676; PMCID: PMC5062576.
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Genome-wide meta-analysis identifies multiple novel associations and ethnic heterogeneity of psoriasis susceptibility. Nat Commun. 2015 Apr 23; 6:6916.
Yin X, Low HQ, Wang L, Li Y, Ellinghaus E, Han J, Estivill X, Sun L, Zuo X, Shen C, Zhu C, Zhang A, Sanchez F, Padyukov L, Catanese JJ, Krueger GG, Duffin KC, Mucha S, Weichenthal M, Weidinger S, Lieb W, Foo JN, Li Y, Sim K, Liany H, Irwan I, Teo Y, Theng CT, Gupta R, Bowcock A, De Jager PL, Qureshi AA, de Bakker PI, Seielstad M, Liao W, Ståhle M, Franke A, Zhang X, Liu J. PMID: 25903422; PMCID: PMC4423213.
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89 Fields:
Identification and functional characterization of G6PC2 coding variants influencing glycemic traits define an effector transcript at the G6PC2-ABCB11 locus. PLoS Genet. 2015 Jan; 11(1):e1004876.
Mahajan A, Sim X, Ng HJ, Manning A, Rivas MA, Highland HM, Locke AE, Grarup N, Im HK, Cingolani P, Flannick J, Fontanillas P, Fuchsberger C, Gaulton KJ, Teslovich TM, Rayner NW, Robertson NR, Beer NL, Rundle JK, Bork-Jensen J, Ladenvall C, Blancher C, Buck D, Buck G, Burtt NP, Gabriel S, Gjesing AP, Groves CJ, Hollensted M, Huyghe JR, Jackson AU, Jun G, Justesen JM, Mangino M, Murphy J, Neville M, Onofrio R, Small KS, Stringham HM, Syvänen AC, Trakalo J, Abecasis G, Bell GI, Blangero J, Cox NJ, Duggirala R, Hanis CL, Seielstad M, Wilson JG, Christensen C, Brandslund I, Rauramaa R, Surdulescu GL, Doney AS, Lannfelt L, Linneberg A, Isomaa B, Tuomi T, Jørgensen ME, Jørgensen T, Kuusisto J, Uusitupa M, Salomaa V, Spector TD, Morris AD, Palmer CN, Collins FS, Mohlke KL, Bergman RN, Ingelsson E, Lind L, Tuomilehto J, Hansen T, Watanabe RM, Prokopenko I, Dupuis J, Karpe F, Groop L, Laakso M, Pedersen O, Florez JC, Morris AP, Altshuler D, Meigs JB, Boehnke M, McCarthy MI, Lindgren CM, Gloyn AL, T2D-GENES consortium and GoT2D consortium. PMID: 25625282; PMCID: PMC4307976.
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69 Fields:
HumansPHPublic Health
Admixed origin of the Kayah (Red Karen) in Northern Thailand revealed by biparental and paternal markers. Ann Hum Genet. 2015 Mar; 79(2):108-21.
Kutanan W, Srikummool M, Pittayaporn P, Seielstad M, Kangwanpong D, Kumar V, Prombanchachai T, Chantawannakul P. PMID: 25590861.
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Meta-analysis of the TNFAIP3 region in psoriasis reveals a risk haplotype that is distinct from other autoimmune diseases. Genes Immun. 2015 Mar; 16(2):120-6.
Nititham J, Taylor KE, Gupta R, Chen H, Ahn R, Liu J, Seielstad M, Ma A, Bowcock AM, Criswell LA, Stahle M, Liao W. PMID: 25521225; PMCID: PMC4526682.
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Meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies of adult height in East Asians identifies 17 novel loci. Hum Mol Genet. 2015 Mar 15; 24(6):1791-800.
He M, Xu M, Zhang B, Liang J, Chen P, Lee JY, Johnson TA, Li H, Yang X, Dai J, Liang L, Gui L, Qi Q, Huang J, Li Y, Adair LS, Aung T, Cai Q, Cheng CY, Cho MC, Cho YS, Chu M, Cui B, Gao YT, Go MJ, Gu D, Gu W, Guo H, Hao Y, Hong J, Hu Z, Hu Y, Huang J, Hwang JY, Ikram MK, Jin G, Kang DH, Khor CC, Kim BJ, Kim HT, Kubo M, Lee J, Lee J, Lee NR, Li R, Li J, Liu J, Longe J, Lu W, Lu X, Miao X, Okada Y, Ong RT, Qiu G, Seielstad M, Sim X, Song H, Takeuchi F, Tanaka T, Taylor PR, Wang L, Wang W, Wang Y, Wu C, Wu Y, Xiang YB, Yamamoto K, Yang H, Liao M, Yokota M, Young T, Zhang X, Kato N, Wang QK, Zheng W, Hu FB, Lin D, Shen H, Teo YY, Mo Z, Wong TY, Lin X, Mohlke KL, Ning G, Tsunoda T, Han BG, Shu XO, Tai ES, Wu T, Qi L. PMID: 25429064; PMCID: PMC4351379.
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Genome-wide association meta-analysis identifies novel variants associated with fasting plasma glucose in East Asians. Diabetes. 2015 Jan; 64(1):291-8.
Hwang JY, Sim X, Wu Y, Liang J, Tabara Y, Hu C, Hara K, Tam CH, Cai Q, Zhao Q, Jee S, Takeuchi F, Go MJ, Ong RT, Ohkubo T, Kim YJ, Zhang R, Yamauchi T, So WY, Long J, Gu D, Lee NR, Kim S, Katsuya T, Oh JH, Liu J, Umemura S, Kim YJ, Jiang F, Maeda S, Chan JC, Lu W, Hixson JE, Adair LS, Jung KJ, Nabika T, Bae JB, Lee MH, Seielstad M, Young TL, Teo YY, Kita Y, Takashima N, Osawa H, Lee SH, Shin MH, Shin DH, Choi BY, Shi J, Gao YT, Xiang YB, Zheng W, Kato N, Yoon M, He J, Shu XO, Ma RC, Kadowaki T, Jia W, Miki T, Qi L, Tai ES, Mohlke KL, Han BG, Cho YS, Kim BJ. PMID: 25187374; PMCID: PMC4274808.
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Whole genome sequencing to identify host genetic risk factors for severe outcomes of hepatitis a virus infection. J Med Virol. 2014 Oct; 86(10):1661-8.
Long D, Fix OK, Deng X, Seielstad M, Lauring AS, Acute Liver Failure Study Group. PMID: 24978929; PMCID: PMC4374731.
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Meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies in East Asian-ancestry populations identifies four new loci for body mass index. Hum Mol Genet. 2014 Oct 15; 23(20):5492-504.
Wen W, Zheng W, Okada Y, Takeuchi F, Tabara Y, Hwang JY, Dorajoo R, Li H, Tsai FJ, Yang X, He J, Wu Y, He M, Zhang Y, Liang J, Guo X, Sheu WH, Delahanty R, Guo X, Kubo M, Yamamoto K, Ohkubo T, Go MJ, Liu JJ, Gan W, Chen CC, Gao Y, Li S, Lee NR, Wu C, Zhou X, Song H, Yao J, Lee IT, Long J, Tsunoda T, Akiyama K, Takashima N, Cho YS, Ong RT, Lu L, Chen CH, Tan A, Rice TK, Adair LS, Gui L, Allison M, Lee WJ, Cai Q, Isomura M, Umemura S, Kim YJ, Seielstad M, Hixson J, Xiang YB, Isono M, Kim BJ, Sim X, Lu W, Nabika T, Lee J, Lim WY, Gao YT, Takayanagi R, Kang DH, Wong TY, Hsiung CA, Wu IC, Juang JM, Shi J, Choi BY, Aung T, Hu F, Kim MK, Lim WY, Wang TD, Shin MH, Lee J, Ji BT, Lee YH, Young TL, Shin DH, Chun BY, Cho MC, Han BG, Hwu CM, Assimes TL, Absher D, Yan X, Kim E, Kuo JZ, Kwon S, Taylor KD, Chen YD, Rotter JI, Qi L, Zhu D, Wu T, Mohlke KL, Gu D, Mo Z, Wu JY, Lin X, Miki T, Tai ES, Lee JY, Kato N, Shu XO, Tanaka T. PMID: 24861553; PMCID: PMC4168820.
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108 Fields:
Joint effects of known type 2 diabetes susceptibility loci in genome-wide association study of Singapore Chinese: the Singapore Chinese health study. PLoS One. 2014; 9(2):e87762.
Chen Z, Pereira MA, Seielstad M, Koh WP, Tai ES, Teo YY, Liu J, Hsu C, Wang R, Odegaard AO, Thyagarajan B, Koratkar R, Yuan JM, Gross MD, Stram DO. PMID: 24520337; PMCID: PMC3919750.
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Genome-wide trans-ancestry meta-analysis provides insight into the genetic architecture of type 2 diabetes susceptibility. Nat Genet. 2014 Mar; 46(3):234-44.
DIAbetes Genetics Replication And Meta-analysis (DIAGRAM) Consortium, Asian Genetic Epidemiology Network Type 2 Diabetes (AGEN-T2D) Consortium, South Asian Type 2 Diabetes (SAT2D) Consortium, Mexican American Type 2 Diabetes (MAT2D) Consortium, Type 2 Diabetes Genetic Exploration by Nex-generation sequencing in muylti-Ethnic Samples (T2D-GENES, Mahajan A, Go MJ, Zhang W, Below JE, Gaulton KJ, Ferreira T, Horikoshi M, Johnson AD, Ng MC, Prokopenko I, Saleheen D, Wang X, Zeggini E, Abecasis GR, Adair LS, Almgren P, Atalay M, Aung T, Baldassarre D, Balkau B, Bao Y, Barnett AH, Barroso I, Basit A, Been LF, Beilby J, Bell GI, Benediktsson R, Bergman RN, Boehm BO, Boerwinkle E, Bonnycastle LL, Burtt N, Cai Q, Campbell H, Carey J, Cauchi S, Caulfield M, Chan JC, Chang LC, Chang TJ, Chang YC, Charpentier G, Chen CH, Chen H, Chen YT, Chia KS, Chidambaram M, Chines PS, Cho NH, Cho YM, Chuang LM, Collins FS, Cornelis MC, Couper DJ, Crenshaw AT, van Dam RM, Danesh J, Das D, de Faire U, Dedoussis G, Deloukas P, Dimas AS, Dina C, Doney AS, Donnelly PJ, Dorkhan M, van Duijn C, Dupuis J, Edkins S, Elliott P, Emilsson V, Erbel R, Eriksson JG, Escobedo J, Esko T, Eury E, Florez JC, Fontanillas P, Forouhi NG, Forsen T, Fox C, Fraser RM, Frayling TM, Froguel P, Frossard P, Gao Y, Gertow K, Gieger C, Gigante B, Grallert H, Grant GB, Grrop LC, Groves CJ, Grundberg E, Guiducci C, Hamsten A, Han BG, Hara K, Hassanali N, Hattersley AT, Hayward C, Hedman AK, Herder C, Hofman A, Holmen OL, Hovingh K, Hreidarsson AB, Hu C, Hu FB, Hui J, Humphries SE, Hunt SE, Hunter DJ, Hveem K, Hydrie ZI, Ikegami H, Illig T, Ingelsson E, Islam M, Isomaa B, Jackson AU, Jafar T, James A, Jia W, Jöckel KH, Jonsson A, Jowett JB, Kadowaki T, Kang HM, Kanoni S, Kao WH, Kathiresan S, Kato N, Katulanda P, Keinanen-Kiukaanniemi KM, Kelly AM, Khan H, Khaw KT, Khor CC, Kim HL, Kim S, Kim YJ, Kinnunen L, Klopp N, Kong A, Korpi-Hyövälti E, Kowlessur S, Kraft P, Kravic J, Kristensen MM, Krithika S, Kumar A, Kumate J, Kuusisto J, Kwak SH, Laakso M, Lagou V, Lakka TA, Langenberg C, Langford C, Lawrence R, Leander K, Lee JM, Lee NR, Li M, Li X, Li Y, Liang J, Liju S, Lim WY, Lind L, Lindgren CM, Lindholm E, Liu CT, Liu JJ, Lobbens S, Long J, Loos RJ, Lu W, Luan J, Lyssenko V, Ma RC, Maeda S, Mägi R, Männisto S, Matthews DR, Meigs JB, Melander O, Metspalu A, Meyer J, Mirza G, Mihailov E, Moebus S, Mohan V, Mohlke KL, Morris AD, Mühleisen TW, Müller-Nurasyid M, Musk B, Nakamura J, Nakashima E, Navarro P, Ng PK, Nica AC, Nilsson PM, Njølstad I, Nöthen MM, Ohnaka K, Ong TH, Owen KR, Palmer CN, Pankow JS, Park KS, Parkin M, Pechlivanis S, Pedersen NL, Peltonen L, Perry JR, Peters A, Pinidiyapathirage JM, Platou CG, Potter S, Price JF, Qi L, Radha V, Rallidis L, Rasheed A, Rathman W, Rauramaa R, Raychaudhuri S, Rayner NW, Rees SD, Rehnberg E, Ripatti S, Robertson N, Roden M, Rossin EJ, Rudan I, Rybin D, Saaristo TE, Salomaa V, Saltevo J, Samuel M, Sanghera DK, Saramies J, Scott J, Scott LJ, Scott RA, Segrè AV, Sehmi J, Sennblad B, Shah N, Shah S, Shera AS, Shu XO, Shuldiner AR, Sigurdsson G, Sijbrands E, Silveira A, Sim X, Sivapalaratnam S, Small KS, So WY, Stancáková A, Stefansson K, Steinbach G, Steinthorsdottir V, Stirrups K, Strawbridge RJ, Stringham HM, Sun Q, Suo C, Syvänen AC, Takayanagi R, Takeuchi F, Tay WT, Teslovich TM, Thorand B, Thorleifsson G, Thorsteinsdottir U, Tikkanen E, Trakalo J, Tremoli E, Trip MD, Tsai FJ, Tuomi T, Tuomilehto J, Uitterlinden AG, Valladares-Salgado A, Vedantam S, Veglia F, Voight BF, Wang C, Wareham NJ, Wennauer R, Wickremasinghe AR, Wilsgaard T, Wilson JF, Wiltshire S, Winckler W, Wong TY, Wood AR, Wu JY, Wu Y, Yamamoto K, Yamauchi T, Yang M, Yengo L, Yokota M, Young R, Zabaneh D, Zhang F, Zhang R, Zheng W, Zimmet PZ, Altshuler D, Bowden DW, Cho YS, Cox NJ, Cruz M, Hanis CL, Kooner J, Lee JY, Seielstad M, Teo YY, et al. PMID: 24509480; PMCID: PMC3969612.
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587 Fields:
Genome wide association study (GWAS) of Chagas cardiomyopathy in Trypanosoma cruzi seropositive subjects. PLoS One. 2013; 8(11):e79629.
Deng X, Sabino EC, Cunha-Neto E, Ribeiro AL, Ianni B, Mady C, Busch MP, Seielstad M, REDSII Chagas Study Group from the NHLBI Retrovirus Epidemiology Donor Study-II Component Internatio. PMID: 24324551; PMCID: PMC3854669.
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Genome-wide association study of retinopathy in individuals without diabetes. PLoS One. 2013; 8(2):e54232.
Jensen RA, Sim X, Li X, Cotch MF, Ikram MK, Holliday EG, Eiriksdottir G, Harris TB, Jonasson F, Klein BE, Launer LJ, Smith AV, Boerwinkle E, Cheung N, Hewitt AW, Liew G, Mitchell P, Wang JJ, Attia J, Scott R, Glazer NL, Lumley T, McKnight B, Psaty BM, Taylor K, Hofman A, de Jong PT, Rivadeneira F, Uitterlinden AG, Tay WT, Teo YY, Seielstad M, Liu J, Cheng CY, Saw SM, Aung T, Ganesh SK, O'Donnell CJ, Nalls MA, Wiggins KL, Kuo JZ, Blue Mountains Eye Study GWAS Team, CKDGen Consortium, van Duijn CM, Gudnason V, Klein R, Siscovick DS, Rotter JI, Tai ES, Vingerling J, Wong TY. PMID: 23393555; PMCID: PMC3564946.
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Association of cardiovascular and metabolic disease genes with psoriasis. J Invest Dermatol. 2013 Mar; 133(3):836-839.
Lu Y, Chen H, Nikamo P, Qi Low H, Helms C, Seielstad M, Liu J, Bowcock AM, Stahle M, Liao W. PMID: 23190900; PMCID: PMC3570714.
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38 Fields:
Identification of four novel variants that influence central corneal thickness in multi-ethnic Asian populations. Human Molecular Genetics. 2012 Oct 1; 21(19):4365-4365.
Cornes CB, Khor KC, Nongpiur NM, Xu XL, Tay TW, Zheng ZY, Lavanya LR, Li LY, Wu WR, Sim SX, Wang WY, Chen CP, Teo TY, Chia CK, Seielstad SM, Liu LJ, Hibberd HM, Cheng CC, Saw SS, Tai TE, Jonas JJ, Vithana VE, Wong WT, Aung AT. .
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Publisher Site Mentions:
Genome-wide expression profiling identifies type 1 interferon response pathways in active tuberculosis. PLoS One. 2012; 7(9):e45839.
Ottenhoff TH, Dass RH, Yang N, Zhang MM, Wong HE, Sahiratmadja E, Khor CC, Alisjahbana B, van Crevel R, Marzuki S, Seielstad M, van de Vosse E, Hibberd ML. PMID: 23029268; PMCID: PMC3448682.
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120 Fields:
Meta-analysis identifies multiple loci associated with kidney function-related traits in east Asian populations. Nat Genet. 2012 Jul 15; 44(8):904-9.
Okada Y, Sim X, Go MJ, Wu JY, Gu D, Takeuchi F, Takahashi A, Maeda S, Tsunoda T, Chen P, Lim SC, Wong TY, Liu J, Young TL, Aung T, Seielstad M, Teo YY, Kim YJ, Lee JY, Han BG, Kang D, Chen CH, Tsai FJ, Chang LC, Fann SJ, Mei H, Rao DC, Hixson JE, Chen S, Katsuya T, Isono M, Ogihara T, Chambers JC, Zhang W, Kooner JS, KidneyGen Consortium, CKDGen Consortium, Albrecht E, GUGC consortium, Yamamoto K, Kubo M, Nakamura Y, Kamatani N, Kato N, He J, Chen YT, Cho YS, Tai ES, Tanaka T. PMID: 22797727; PMCID: PMC4737645.
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174 Fields:
Genetic variants on chromosome 1q41 influence ocular axial length and high myopia. PLoS Genet. 2012; 8(6):e1002753.
Fan Q, Barathi VA, Cheng CY, Zhou X, Meguro A, Nakata I, Khor CC, Goh LK, Li YJ, Lim W, Ho CE, Hawthorne F, Zheng Y, Chua D, Inoko H, Yamashiro K, Ohno-Matsui K, Matsuo K, Matsuda F, Vithana E, Seielstad M, Mizuki N, Beuerman RW, Tai ES, Yoshimura N, Aung T, Young TL, Wong TY, Teo YY, Saw SM. PMID: 22685421; PMCID: PMC3369958.
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Polymorphisms in SP110 are not associated with pulmonary tuberculosis in Indonesians. Infect Genet Evol. 2012 Aug; 12(6):1319-23.
Png E, Alisjahbana B, Sahiratmadja E, Marzuki S, Nelwan R, Adnan I, van de Vosse E, Hibberd M, van Crevel R, Ottenhoff TH, Seielstad M. PMID: 22522001.
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Novel loci for adiponectin levels and their influence on type 2 diabetes and metabolic traits: a multi-ethnic meta-analysis of 45,891 individuals. PLoS Genet. 2012; 8(3):e1002607.
Dastani Z, Hivert MF, Timpson N, Perry JR, Yuan X, Scott RA, Henneman P, Heid IM, Kizer JR, Lyytikäinen LP, Fuchsberger C, Tanaka T, Morris AP, Small K, Isaacs A, Beekman M, Coassin S, Lohman K, Qi L, Kanoni S, Pankow JS, Uh HW, Wu Y, Bidulescu A, Rasmussen-Torvik LJ, Greenwood CM, Ladouceur M, Grimsby J, Manning AK, Liu CT, Kooner J, Mooser VE, Vollenweider P, Kapur KA, Chambers J, Wareham NJ, Langenberg C, Frants R, Willems-Vandijk K, Oostra BA, Willems SM, Lamina C, Winkler TW, Psaty BM, Tracy RP, Brody J, Chen I, Viikari J, Kähönen M, Pramstaller PP, Evans DM, St Pourcain B, Sattar N, Wood AR, Bandinelli S, Carlson OD, Egan JM, Böhringer S, van Heemst D, Kedenko L, Kristiansson K, Nuotio ML, Loo BM, Harris T, Garcia M, Kanaya A, Haun M, Klopp N, Wichmann HE, Deloukas P, Katsareli E, Couper DJ, Duncan BB, Kloppenburg M, Adair LS, Borja JB, DIAGRAM+ Consortium, MAGIC Consortium, GLGC Investigators, MuTHER Consortium, Wilson JG, Musani S, Guo X, Johnson T, Semple R, Teslovich TM, Allison MA, Redline S, Buxbaum SG, Mohlke KL, Meulenbelt I, Ballantyne CM, Dedoussis GV, Hu FB, Liu Y, Paulweber B, Spector TD, Slagboom PE, Ferrucci L, Jula A, Perola M, Raitakari O, Florez JC, Salomaa V, Eriksson JG, Frayling TM, Hicks AA, Lehtimäki T, Smith GD, Siscovick DS, Kronenberg F, van Duijn C, Loos RJ, Waterworth DM, Meigs JB, Dupuis J, Richards JB, Voight BF, Scott LJ, Steinthorsdottir V, Dina C, Welch RP, Zeggini E, Huth C, Aulchenko YS, Thorleifsson G, McCulloch LJ, Ferreira T, Grallert H, Amin N, Wu G, Willer CJ, Raychaudhuri S, McCarroll SA, Hofmann OM, Segrè AV, van Hoek M, Navarro P, Ardlie K, Balkau B, Benediktsson R, Bennett AJ, Blagieva R, Boerwinkle E, Bonnycastle LL, Boström KB, Bravenboer B, Bumpstead S, Burtt NP, Charpentier G, Chines PS, Cornelis M, Crawford G, Doney AS, Elliott KS, Elliott AL, Erdos MR, Fox CS, Franklin CS, Ganser M, Gieger C, Grarup N, Green T, Griffin S, Groves CJ, Guiducci C, Hadjadj S, Hassanali N, Herder C, Isomaa B, Jackson AU, Johnson PR, Jørgensen T, Kao WH, Kong A, Kraft P, Kuusisto J, Lauritzen T, Li M, Lieverse A, Lindgren CM, Lyssenko V, Marre M, Meitinger T, Midthjell K, Morken MA, Narisu N, Nilsson P, Owen KR, Payne F, Petersen AK, Platou C, Proença C, Prokopenko I, Rathmann W, Rayner NW, Robertson NR, Rocheleau G, Roden M, Sampson MJ, Saxena R, Shields BM, Shrader P, Sigurdsson G, Sparsø T, Strassburger K, Stringham HM, Sun Q, Swift AJ, Thorand B, Tichet J, Tuomi T, van Dam RM, van Haeften TW, van Herpt T, van Vliet-Ostaptchouk JV, Walters GB, Weedon MN, Wijmenga C, Witteman J, Bergman RN, Cauchi S, Collins FS, Gloyn AL, Gyllensten U, Hansen T, Hide WA, Hitman GA, Hofman A, Hunter DJ, Hveem K, Laakso M, Morris AD, Palmer CN, Rudan I, Sijbrands E, Stein LD, Tuomilehto J, Uitterlinden A, Walker M, Watanabe RM, Abecasis GR, Boehm BO, Campbell H, Daly MJ, Hattersley AT, Pedersen O, Barroso I, Groop L, Sladek R, Thorsteinsdottir U, Wilson JF, Illig T, Froguel P, van Duijn CM, Stefansson K, Altshuler D, Boehnke M, McCarthy MI, Soranzo N, Wheeler E, Glazer NL, Bouatia-Naji N, Mägi R, Randall J, Elliott P, Rybin D, Dehghan A, Hottenga JJ, Song K, Goel A, Lajunen T, Doney A, Cavalcanti-Proença C, Kumari M, Timpson NJ, Zabena C, Ingelsson E, An P, O'Connell J, Luan J, Elliott A, McCarroll SA, Roccasecca RM, Pattou F, Sethupathy P, Ariyurek Y, Barter P, Beilby JP, Ben-Shlomo Y, Bergmann S, Bochud M, Bonnefond A, Borch-Johnsen K, Böttcher Y, Brunner E, Bumpstead SJ, Chen YD, Chines P, Clarke R, Coin LJ, Cooper MN, Crisponi L, Day IN, de Geus EJ, Delplanque J, Fedson AC, Fischer-Rosinsky A, Forouhi NG, Franzosi MG, Galan P, Goodarzi MO, Graessler J, Grundy S, Gwilliam R, Hallmans G, Hammond N, et al. PMID: 22479202; PMCID: PMC3315470.
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282 Fields:
Meta-analysis identifies common variants associated with body mass index in east Asians. Nat Genet. 2012 Feb 19; 44(3):307-11.
Wen W, Cho YS, Zheng W, Dorajoo R, Kato N, Qi L, Chen CH, Delahanty RJ, Okada Y, Tabara Y, Gu D, Zhu D, Haiman CA, Mo Z, Gao YT, Saw SM, Go MJ, Takeuchi F, Chang LC, Kokubo Y, Liang J, Hao M, Le Marchand L, Zhang Y, Hu Y, Wong TY, Long J, Han BG, Kubo M, Yamamoto K, Su MH, Miki T, Henderson BE, Song H, Tan A, He J, Ng DP, Cai Q, Tsunoda T, Tsai FJ, Iwai N, Chen GK, Shi J, Xu J, Sim X, Xiang YB, Maeda S, Ong RT, Li C, Nakamura Y, Aung T, Kamatani N, Liu JJ, Lu W, Yokota M, Seielstad M, Fann CS, Genetic Investigation of ANthropometric Traits (GIANT) Consortium, Wu JY, Lee JY, Hu FB, Tanaka T, Tai ES, Shu XO. PMID: 22344219; PMCID: PMC3288728.
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202 Fields:
A genome wide association study of pulmonary tuberculosis susceptibility in Indonesians. BMC Med Genet. 2012 Jan 13; 13:5.
Png E, Alisjahbana B, Sahiratmadja E, Marzuki S, Nelwan R, Balabanova Y, Nikolayevskyy V, Drobniewski F, Nejentsev S, Adnan I, van de Vosse E, Hibberd ML, van Crevel R, Ottenhoff TH, Seielstad M. PMID: 22239941; PMCID: PMC3287960.
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46 Fields:
Meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies identifies eight new loci for type 2 diabetes in east Asians. Nat Genet. 2011 Dec 11; 44(1):67-72.
Cho YS, Chen CH, Hu C, Long J, Ong RT, Sim X, Takeuchi F, Wu Y, Go MJ, Yamauchi T, Chang YC, Kwak SH, Ma RC, Yamamoto K, Adair LS, Aung T, Cai Q, Chang LC, Chen YT, Gao Y, Hu FB, Kim HL, Kim S, Kim YJ, Lee JJ, Lee NR, Li Y, Liu JJ, Lu W, Nakamura J, Nakashima E, Ng DP, Tay WT, Tsai FJ, Wong TY, Yokota M, Zheng W, Zhang R, Wang C, So WY, Ohnaka K, Ikegami H, Hara K, Cho YM, Cho NH, Chang TJ, Bao Y, Hedman ÅK, Morris AP, McCarthy MI, DIAGRAM Consortium, MuTHER Consortium, Takayanagi R, Park KS, Jia W, Chuang LM, Chan JC, Maeda S, Kadowaki T, Lee JY, Wu JY, Teo YY, Tai ES, Shu XO, Mohlke KL, Kato N, Han BG, Seielstad M. PMID: 22158537; PMCID: PMC3582398.
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337 Fields:
Genome-wide meta-analysis of five Asian cohorts identifies PDGFRA as a susceptibility locus for corneal astigmatism. PLoS Genet. 2011 Dec; 7(12):e1002402.
Fan Q, Zhou X, Khor CC, Cheng CY, Goh LK, Sim X, Tay WT, Li YJ, Ong RT, Suo C, Cornes B, Ikram MK, Chia KS, Seielstad M, Liu J, Vithana E, Young TL, Tai ES, Wong TY, Aung T, Teo YY, Saw SM. PMID: 22144915; PMCID: PMC3228826.
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Genetic determinants of hepatitis B vaccine response. BMC Proceedings. 2011 Dec 1; 5(Suppl 1):o3.
Png PE, Thalamuthu TA, Ong OR, Snippe SH, Sudoyo SH, Muljono MD, Marzuki MS, Boland BG, Seielstad SM. .
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A 32 kb critical region excluding Y402H in CFH mediates risk for age-related macular degeneration. PLoS One. 2011; 6(10):e25598.
Sivakumaran TA, Igo RP, Kidd JM, Itsara A, Kopplin LJ, Chen W, Hagstrom SA, Peachey NS, Francis PJ, Klein ML, Chew EY, Ramprasad VL, Tay WT, Mitchell P, Seielstad M, Stambolian DE, Edwards AO, Lee KE, Leontiev DV, Jun G, Wang Y, Tian L, Qiu F, Henning AK, LaFramboise T, Sen P, Aarthi M, George R, Raman R, Das MK, Vijaya L, Kumaramanickavel G, Wong TY, Swaroop A, Abecasis GR, Klein R, Klein BE, Nickerson DA, Eichler EE, Iyengar SK. PMID: 22022419; PMCID: PMC3192039.
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31 Fields:
Identification of four novel variants that influence central corneal thickness in multi-ethnic Asian populations. Hum Mol Genet. 2012 Jan 15; 21(2):437-45.
Cornes BK, Khor CC, Nongpiur ME, Xu L, Tay WT, Zheng Y, Lavanya R, Li Y, Wu R, Sim X, Wang YX, Chen P, Teo YY, Chia KS, Seielstad M, Liu J, Hibberd ML, Cheng CY, Saw SM, Tai ES, Jonas JB, Vithana EN, Wong TY, Aung T. PMID: 21984434.
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SgD-CNV, a database for common and rare copy number variants in three Asian populations. Hum Mutat. 2011 Dec; 32(12):1341-9.
Xu H, Poh WT, Sim X, Ong RT, Suo C, Tay WT, Khor CC, Seielstad M, Liu J, Aung T, Tai ES, Wong TY, Chia KS, Teo YY. PMID: 21882294.
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19 Fields:
Genetic variants in novel pathways influence blood pressure and cardiovascular disease risk. Nature. 2011 Sep 11; 478(7367):103-9.
International Consortium for Blood Pressure Genome-Wide Association Studies, Ehret GB, Munroe PB, Rice KM, Bochud M, Johnson AD, Chasman DI, Smith AV, Tobin MD, Verwoert GC, Hwang SJ, Pihur V, Vollenweider P, O'Reilly PF, Amin N, Bragg-Gresham JL, Teumer A, Glazer NL, Launer L, Zhao JH, Aulchenko Y, Heath S, Sõber S, Parsa A, Luan J, Arora P, Dehghan A, Zhang F, Lucas G, Hicks AA, Jackson AU, Peden JF, Tanaka T, Wild SH, Rudan I, Igl W, Milaneschi Y, Parker AN, Fava C, Chambers JC, Fox ER, Kumari M, Go MJ, van der Harst P, Kao WH, Sjögren M, Vinay DG, Alexander M, Tabara Y, Shaw-Hawkins S, Whincup PH, Liu Y, Shi G, Kuusisto J, Tayo B, Seielstad M, Sim X, Nguyen KD, Lehtimäki T, Matullo G, Wu Y, Gaunt TR, Onland-Moret NC, Cooper MN, Platou CG, Org E, Hardy R, Dahgam S, Palmen J, Vitart V, Braund PS, Kuznetsova T, Uiterwaal CS, Adeyemo A, Palmas W, Campbell H, Ludwig B, Tomaszewski M, Tzoulaki I, Palmer ND, CARDIoGRAM consortium, CKDGen Consortium, KidneyGen Consortium, EchoGen consortium, CHARGE-HF consortium, Aspelund T, Garcia M, Chang YP, O'Connell JR, Steinle NI, Grobbee DE, Arking DE, Kardia SL, Morrison AC, Hernandez D, Najjar S, McArdle WL, Hadley D, Brown MJ, Connell JM, Hingorani AD, Day IN, Lawlor DA, Beilby JP, Lawrence RW, Clarke R, Hopewell JC, Ongen H, Dreisbach AW, Li Y, Young JH, Bis JC, Kähönen M, Viikari J, Adair LS, Lee NR, Chen MH, Olden M, Pattaro C, Bolton JA, Köttgen A, Bergmann S, Mooser V, Chaturvedi N, Frayling TM, Islam M, Jafar TH, Erdmann J, Kulkarni SR, Bornstein SR, Grässler J, Groop L, Voight BF, Kettunen J, Howard P, Taylor A, Guarrera S, Ricceri F, Emilsson V, Plump A, Barroso I, Khaw KT, Weder AB, Hunt SC, Sun YV, Bergman RN, Collins FS, Bonnycastle LL, Scott LJ, Stringham HM, Peltonen L, Perola M, Vartiainen E, Brand SM, Staessen JA, Wang TJ, Burton PR, Soler Artigas M, Dong Y, Snieder H, Wang X, Zhu H, Lohman KK, Rudock ME, Heckbert SR, Smith NL, Wiggins KL, Doumatey A, Shriner D, Veldre G, Viigimaa M, Kinra S, Prabhakaran D, Tripathy V, Langefeld CD, Rosengren A, Thelle DS, Corsi AM, Singleton A, Forrester T, Hilton G, McKenzie CA, Salako T, Iwai N, Kita Y, Ogihara T, Ohkubo T, Okamura T, Ueshima H, Umemura S, Eyheramendy S, Meitinger T, Wichmann HE, Cho YS, Kim HL, Lee JY, Scott J, Sehmi JS, Zhang W, Hedblad B, Nilsson P, Smith GD, Wong A, Narisu N, Stancáková A, Raffel LJ, Yao J, Kathiresan S, O'Donnell CJ, Schwartz SM, Ikram MA, Longstreth WT, Mosley TH, Seshadri S, Shrine NR, Wain LV, Morken MA, Swift AJ, Laitinen J, Prokopenko I, Zitting P, Cooper JA, Humphries SE, Danesh J, Rasheed A, Goel A, Hamsten A, Watkins H, Bakker SJ, van Gilst WH, Janipalli CS, Mani KR, Yajnik CS, Hofman A, Mattace-Raso FU, Oostra BA, Demirkan A, Isaacs A, Rivadeneira F, Lakatta EG, Orru M, Scuteri A, Ala-Korpela M, Kangas AJ, Lyytikäinen LP, Soininen P, Tukiainen T, Würtz P, Ong RT, Dörr M, Kroemer HK, Völker U, Völzke H, Galan P, Hercberg S, Lathrop M, Zelenika D, Deloukas P, Mangino M, Spector TD, Zhai G, Meschia JF, Nalls MA, Sharma P, Terzic J, Kumar MV, Denniff M, Zukowska-Szczechowska E, Wagenknecht LE, Fowkes FG, Charchar FJ, Schwarz PE, Hayward C, Guo X, Rotimi C, Bots ML, Brand E, Samani NJ, Polasek O, Talmud PJ, Nyberg F, Kuh D, Laan M, Hveem K, Palmer LJ, van der Schouw YT, Casas JP, Mohlke KL, Vineis P, Raitakari O, Ganesh SK, Wong TY, Tai ES, Cooper RS, Laakso M, Rao DC, Harris TB, Morris RW, Dominiczak AF, Kivimaki M, Marmot MG, Miki T, Saleheen D, Chandak GR, Coresh J, Navis G, Salomaa V, Han BG, Zhu X, Kooner JS, Melander O, Ridker PM, Bandinelli S, Gyllensten UB, Wright AF, Wilson JF, Ferrucci L, Farrall M, Tuomilehto J, Pramstaller PP, Elosua R, Soranzo N, Sijbrands EJ, Altshuler D, Loos RJ, Shuldiner AR, Gieger C, Meneton P, Uitterlinden AG, Wareham NJ, Gudnason V, Rotter JI, Rettig R, Uda M, Strachan DP, Witteman JC, Hartikainen AL, Beckmann JS, Boerwinkle E, Vasan RS, Boehnke M, Larson MG, Järvelin MR, et al. PMID: 21909115; PMCID: PMC3340926.
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1034 Fields:
Genome-wide association study in individuals of South Asian ancestry identifies six new type 2 diabetes susceptibility loci. Nat Genet. 2011 Aug 28; 43(10):984-9.
Kooner JS, Saleheen D, Sim X, Sehmi J, Zhang W, Frossard P, Been LF, Chia KS, Dimas AS, Hassanali N, Jafar T, Jowett JB, Li X, Radha V, Rees SD, Takeuchi F, Young R, Aung T, Basit A, Chidambaram M, Das D, Grundberg E, Hedman AK, Hydrie ZI, Islam M, Khor CC, Kowlessur S, Kristensen MM, Liju S, Lim WY, Matthews DR, Liu J, Morris AP, Nica AC, Pinidiyapathirage JM, Prokopenko I, Rasheed A, Samuel M, Shah N, Shera AS, Small KS, Suo C, Wickremasinghe AR, Wong TY, Yang M, Zhang F, DIAGRAM, MuTHER, Abecasis GR, Barnett AH, Caulfield M, Deloukas P, Frayling TM, Froguel P, Kato N, Katulanda P, Kelly MA, Liang J, Mohan V, Sanghera DK, Scott J, Seielstad M, Zimmet PZ, Elliott P, Teo YY, McCarthy MI, Danesh J, Tai ES, Chambers JC. PMID: 21874001; PMCID: PMC3773920.
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281 Fields:
A genome-wide association study of hepatitis B vaccine response in an Indonesian population reveals multiple independent risk variants in the HLA region. Hum Mol Genet. 2011 Oct 01; 20(19):3893-8.
Png E, Thalamuthu A, Ong RT, Snippe H, Boland GJ, Seielstad M. PMID: 21764829.
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58 Fields:
HumansCTClinical Trials
Copy number polymorphisms in new HapMap III and Singapore populations. J Hum Genet. 2011 Aug; 56(8):552-60.
Ku CS, Teo SM, Naidoo N, Sim X, Teo YY, Pawitan Y, Seielstad M, Chia KS, Salim A. PMID: 21677662.
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1 Fields:
Genetic structure of the Mon-Khmer speaking groups and their affinity to the neighbouring Tai populations in Northern Thailand. BMC Genet. 2011 Jun 15; 12:56.
Kutanan W, Kampuansai J, Fuselli S, Nakbunlung S, Seielstad M, Bertorelle G, Kangwanpong D. PMID: 21672265; PMCID: PMC3126721.
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12 Fields:
Association of variants in FRAP1 and PDGFRA with corneal curvature in Asian populations from Singapore. Hum Mol Genet. 2011 Sep 15; 20(18):3693-8.
Han S, Chen P, Fan Q, Khor CC, Sim X, Tay WT, Ong RT, Suo C, Goh LK, Lavanya R, Zheng Y, Wu R, Seielstad M, Vithana E, Liu J, Chia KS, Lee JJ, Tai ES, Wong TY, Aung T, Teo YY, Saw SM. PMID: 21665993.
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26 Fields:
Meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies identifies common variants associated with blood pressure variation in east Asians. Nat Genet. 2011 Jun; 43(6):531-8.
Kato N, Takeuchi F, Tabara Y, Kelly TN, Go MJ, Sim X, Tay WT, Chen CH, Zhang Y, Yamamoto K, Katsuya T, Yokota M, Kim YJ, Ong RT, Nabika T, Gu D, Chang LC, Kokubo Y, Huang W, Ohnaka K, Yamori Y, Nakashima E, Jaquish CE, Lee JY, Seielstad M, Isono M, Hixson JE, Chen YT, Miki T, Zhou X, Sugiyama T, Jeon JP, Liu JJ, Takayanagi R, Kim SS, Aung T, Sung YJ, Zhang X, Wong TY, Han BG, Kobayashi S, Ogihara T, Zhu D, Iwai N, Wu JY, Teo YY, Tai ES, Cho YS, He J. PMID: 21572416; PMCID: PMC3158568.
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280 Fields:
Transferability of type 2 diabetes implicated loci in multi-ethnic cohorts from Southeast Asia. PLoS Genet. 2011 Apr; 7(4):e1001363.
Sim X, Ong RT, Suo C, Tay WT, Liu J, Ng DP, Boehnke M, Chia KS, Wong TY, Seielstad M, Teo YY, Tai ES. PMID: 21490949; PMCID: PMC3072366.
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81 Fields:
Multi-platform segmentation for joint detection of copy number variants. Bioinformatics. 2011 Jun 01; 27(11):1555-61.
Teo SM, Pawitan Y, Kumar V, Thalamuthu A, Seielstad M, Chia KS, Salim A. PMID: 21471018.
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4 Fields:
Genome-wide association studies in Asians confirm the involvement of ATOH7 and TGFBR3, and further identify CARD10 as a novel locus influencing optic disc area. Hum Mol Genet. 2011 May 01; 20(9):1864-72.
Khor CC, Ramdas WD, Vithana EN, Cornes BK, Sim X, Tay WT, Saw SM, Zheng Y, Lavanya R, Wu R, Wang JJ, Mitchell P, Uitterlinden AG, Rivadeneira F, Teo YY, Chia KS, Seielstad M, Hibberd M, Vingerling JR, Klaver CC, Jansonius NM, Tai ES, Wong TY, van Duijn CM, Aung T. PMID: 21307088.
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48 Fields:
Meta-analysis identifies 29 additional ulcerative colitis risk loci, increasing the number of confirmed associations to 47. Nat Genet. 2011 Mar; 43(3):246-52.
Anderson CA, Boucher G, Lees CW, Franke A, D'Amato M, Taylor KD, Lee JC, Goyette P, Imielinski M, Latiano A, Lagacé C, Scott R, Amininejad L, Bumpstead S, Baidoo L, Baldassano RN, Barclay M, Bayless TM, Brand S, Büning C, Colombel JF, Denson LA, De Vos M, Dubinsky M, Edwards C, Ellinghaus D, Fehrmann RS, Floyd JA, Florin T, Franchimont D, Franke L, Georges M, Glas J, Glazer NL, Guthery SL, Haritunians T, Hayward NK, Hugot JP, Jobin G, Laukens D, Lawrance I, Lémann M, Levine A, Libioulle C, Louis E, McGovern DP, Milla M, Montgomery GW, Morley KI, Mowat C, Ng A, Newman W, Ophoff RA, Papi L, Palmieri O, Peyrin-Biroulet L, Panés J, Phillips A, Prescott NJ, Proctor DD, Roberts R, Russell R, Rutgeerts P, Sanderson J, Sans M, Schumm P, Seibold F, Sharma Y, Simms LA, Seielstad M, Steinhart AH, Targan SR, van den Berg LH, Vatn M, Verspaget H, Walters T, Wijmenga C, Wilson DC, Westra HJ, Xavier RJ, Zhao ZZ, Ponsioen CY, Andersen V, Torkvist L, Gazouli M, Anagnou NP, Karlsen TH, Kupcinskas L, Sventoraityte J, Mansfield JC, Kugathasan S, Silverberg MS, Halfvarson J, Rotter JI, Mathew CG, Griffiths AM, Gearry R, Ahmad T, Brant SR, Chamaillard M, Satsangi J, Cho JH, Schreiber S, Daly MJ, Barrett JC, Parkes M, Annese V, Hakonarson H, Radford-Smith G, Duerr RH, Vermeire S, Weersma RK, Rioux JD. PMID: 21297633; PMCID: PMC3084597.
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667 Fields:
Pathway-based analysis using reduced gene subsets in genome-wide association studies. BMC Bioinformatics. 2011 Jan 12; 12:17.
Zhao J, Gupta S, Seielstad M, Liu J, Thalamuthu A. PMID: 21226955; PMCID: PMC3033801.
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15 Fields:
A genome-wide association study suggests contrasting associations in ACPA-positive versus ACPA-negative rheumatoid arthritis. Ann Rheum Dis. 2011 Feb; 70(2):259-65.
Padyukov L, Seielstad M, Ong RT, Ding B, Rönnelid J, Seddighzadeh M, Alfredsson L, Klareskog L, Epidemiological Investigation of Rheumatoid Arthritis (EIRA) study group. PMID: 21156761; PMCID: PMC3015094.
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127 Fields:
Genetic affinity and admixture of northern Thai people along their migration route in northern Thailand: evidence from autosomal STR loci. J Hum Genet. 2011 Feb; 56(2):130-7.
Kutanan W, Kampuansai J, Colonna V, Nakbunlung S, Lertvicha P, Seielstad M, Bertorelle G, Kangwanpong D. PMID: 21107341.
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8 Fields:
Collagen-related genes influence the glaucoma risk factor, central corneal thickness. Hum Mol Genet. 2011 Feb 15; 20(4):649-58.
Vithana EN, Aung T, Khor CC, Cornes BK, Tay WT, Sim X, Lavanya R, Wu R, Zheng Y, Hibberd ML, Chia KS, Seielstad M, Goh LK, Saw SM, Tai ES, Wong TY. PMID: 21098505.
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91 Fields:
Genome-wide association studies reveal genetic variants in CTNND2 for high myopia in Singapore Chinese. Ophthalmology. 2011 Feb; 118(2):368-75.
Li YJ, Goh L, Khor CC, Fan Q, Yu M, Han S, Sim X, Ong RT, Wong TY, Vithana EN, Yap E, Nakanishi H, Matsuda F, Ohno-Matsui K, Yoshimura N, Seielstad M, Tai ES, Young TL, Saw SM. PMID: 21095009; PMCID: PMC3052933.
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58 Fields:
Identification of new genetic risk variants for type 2 diabetes. PLoS Genet. 2010 Sep 16; 6(9):e1001127.
Shu XO, Long J, Cai Q, Qi L, Xiang YB, Cho YS, Tai ES, Li X, Lin X, Chow WH, Go MJ, Seielstad M, Bao W, Li H, Cornelis MC, Yu K, Wen W, Shi J, Han BG, Sim XL, Liu L, Qi Q, Kim HL, Ng DP, Lee JY, Kim YJ, Li C, Gao YT, Zheng W, Hu FB. PMID: 20862305; PMCID: PMC2940731.
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109 Fields:
Biological, clinical and population relevance of 95 loci for blood lipids. Nature. 2010 Aug 05; 466(7307):707-13.
Teslovich TM, Musunuru K, Smith AV, Edmondson AC, Stylianou IM, Koseki M, Pirruccello JP, Ripatti S, Chasman DI, Willer CJ, Johansen CT, Fouchier SW, Isaacs A, Peloso GM, Barbalic M, Ricketts SL, Bis JC, Aulchenko YS, Thorleifsson G, Feitosa MF, Chambers J, Orho-Melander M, Melander O, Johnson T, Li X, Guo X, Li M, Shin Cho Y, Jin Go M, Jin Kim Y, Lee JY, Park T, Kim K, Sim X, Twee-Hee Ong R, Croteau-Chonka DC, Lange LA, Smith JD, Song K, Hua Zhao J, Yuan X, Luan J, Lamina C, Ziegler A, Zhang W, Zee RY, Wright AF, Witteman JC, Wilson JF, Willemsen G, Wichmann HE, Whitfield JB, Waterworth DM, Wareham NJ, Waeber G, Vollenweider P, Voight BF, Vitart V, Uitterlinden AG, Uda M, Tuomilehto J, Thompson JR, Tanaka T, Surakka I, Stringham HM, Spector TD, Soranzo N, Smit JH, Sinisalo J, Silander K, Sijbrands EJ, Scuteri A, Scott J, Schlessinger D, Sanna S, Salomaa V, Saharinen J, Sabatti C, Ruokonen A, Rudan I, Rose LM, Roberts R, Rieder M, Psaty BM, Pramstaller PP, Pichler I, Perola M, Penninx BW, Pedersen NL, Pattaro C, Parker AN, Pare G, Oostra BA, O'Donnell CJ, Nieminen MS, Nickerson DA, Montgomery GW, Meitinger T, McPherson R, McCarthy MI, McArdle W, Masson D, Martin NG, Marroni F, Mangino M, Magnusson PK, Lucas G, Luben R, Loos RJ, Lokki ML, Lettre G, Langenberg C, Launer LJ, Lakatta EG, Laaksonen R, Kyvik KO, Kronenberg F, König IR, Khaw KT, Kaprio J, Kaplan LM, Johansson A, Jarvelin MR, Janssens AC, Ingelsson E, Igl W, Kees Hovingh G, Hottenga JJ, Hofman A, Hicks AA, Hengstenberg C, Heid IM, Hayward C, Havulinna AS, Hastie ND, Harris TB, Haritunians T, Hall AS, Gyllensten U, Guiducci C, Groop LC, Gonzalez E, Gieger C, Freimer NB, Ferrucci L, Erdmann J, Elliott P, Ejebe KG, Döring A, Dominiczak AF, Demissie S, Deloukas P, de Geus EJ, de Faire U, Crawford G, Collins FS, Chen YD, Caulfield MJ, Campbell H, Burtt NP, Bonnycastle LL, Boomsma DI, Boekholdt SM, Bergman RN, Barroso I, Bandinelli S, Ballantyne CM, Assimes TL, Quertermous T, Altshuler D, Seielstad M, Wong TY, Tai ES, Feranil AB, Kuzawa CW, Adair LS, Taylor HA, Borecki IB, Gabriel SB, Wilson JG, Holm H, Thorsteinsdottir U, Gudnason V, Krauss RM, Mohlke KL, Ordovas JM, Munroe PB, Kooner JS, Tall AR, Hegele RA, Kastelein JJ, Schadt EE, Rotter JI, Boerwinkle E, Strachan DP, Mooser V, Stefansson K, Reilly MP, Samani NJ, Schunkert H, Cupples LA, Sandhu MS, Ridker PM, Rader DJ, van Duijn CM, Peltonen L, Abecasis GR, Boehnke M, Kathiresan S. PMID: 20686565; PMCID: PMC3039276.
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1971 Fields:
Support for TGFB1 as a susceptibility gene for high myopia in individuals of Chinese descent. Arch Ophthalmol. 2010 Aug; 128(8):1081-4.
Khor CC, Fan Q, Goh L, Tan D, Young TL, Li YJ, Seielstad M, Goh DL, Saw SM. PMID: 20697017.
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Genomic copy number variations in three Southeast Asian populations. Hum Mutat. 2010 Jul; 31(7):851-7.
Ku CS, Pawitan Y, Sim X, Ong RT, Seielstad M, Lee EJ, Teo YY, Chia KS, Salim A. PMID: 20506136.
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Analysis of 39 Crohn's disease risk loci in Swedish inflammatory bowel disease patients. Inflamm Bowel Dis. 2010 Jun; 16(6):907-9.
Törkvist L, Halfvarson J, Ong RT, Lördal M, Sjöqvist U, Bresso F, Björk J, Befrits R, Löfberg R, Blom J, Carlson M, Padyukov L, D'Amato M, Seielstad M, Pettersson S. PMID: 19760754.
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Genome-wide association study meta-analysis identifies seven new rheumatoid arthritis risk loci. Nat Genet. 2010 Jun; 42(6):508-14.
Stahl EA, Raychaudhuri S, Remmers EF, Xie G, Eyre S, Thomson BP, Li Y, Kurreeman FA, Zhernakova A, Hinks A, Guiducci C, Chen R, Alfredsson L, Amos CI, Ardlie KG, BIRAC Consortium, Barton A, Bowes J, Brouwer E, Burtt NP, Catanese JJ, Coblyn J, Coenen MJ, Costenbader KH, Criswell LA, Crusius JB, Cui J, de Bakker PI, De Jager PL, Ding B, Emery P, Flynn E, Harrison P, Hocking LJ, Huizinga TW, Kastner DL, Ke X, Lee AT, Liu X, Martin P, Morgan AW, Padyukov L, Posthumus MD, Radstake TR, Reid DM, Seielstad M, Seldin MF, Shadick NA, Steer S, Tak PP, Thomson W, van der Helm-van Mil AH, van der Horst-Bruinsma IE, van der Schoot CE, van Riel PL, Weinblatt ME, Wilson AG, Wolbink GJ, Wordsworth BP, YEAR Consortium, Wijmenga C, Karlson EW, Toes RE, de Vries N, Begovich AB, Worthington J, Siminovitch KA, Gregersen PK, Klareskog L, Plenge RM. PMID: 20453842; PMCID: PMC4243840.
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658 Fields:
Genetic evidence supports linguistic affinity of Mlabri--a hunter-gatherer group in Thailand. BMC Genet. 2010 Mar 19; 11:18.
Xu S, Kangwanpong D, Seielstad M, Srikummool M, Kampuansai J, Jin L, HUGO Pan-Asian SNP Consortium. PMID: 20302622; PMCID: PMC2858090.
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13 Fields:
New genetic associations detected in a host response study to hepatitis B vaccine. Genes Immun. 2010 Apr; 11(3):232-8.
Davila S, Froeling FE, Tan A, Bonnard C, Boland GJ, Snippe H, Hibberd ML, Seielstad M. PMID: 20237496.
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35 Fields:
HumansPHPublic Health
Genome-wide association identifies multiple ulcerative colitis susceptibility loci. Nat Genet. 2010 Apr; 42(4):332-7.
McGovern DP, Gardet A, Törkvist L, Goyette P, Essers J, Taylor KD, Neale BM, Ong RT, Lagacé C, Li C, Green T, Stevens CR, Beauchamp C, Fleshner PR, Carlson M, D'Amato M, Halfvarson J, Hibberd ML, Lördal M, Padyukov L, Andriulli A, Colombo E, Latiano A, Palmieri O, Bernard EJ, Deslandres C, Hommes DW, de Jong DJ, Stokkers PC, Weersma RK, NIDDK IBD Genetics Consortium, Sharma Y, Silverberg MS, Cho JH, Wu J, Roeder K, Brant SR, Schumm LP, Duerr RH, Dubinsky MC, Glazer NL, Haritunians T, Ippoliti A, Melmed GY, Siscovick DS, Vasiliauskas EA, Targan SR, Annese V, Wijmenga C, Pettersson S, Rotter JI, Xavier RJ, Daly MJ, Rioux JD, Seielstad M. PMID: 20228799; PMCID: PMC3087600.
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337 Fields:
Comparative analyses of seven algorithms for copy number variant identification from single nucleotide polymorphism arrays. Nucleic Acids Res. 2010 May; 38(9):e105.
Dellinger AE, Saw SM, Goh LK, Seielstad M, Young TL, Li YJ. PMID: 20142258; PMCID: PMC2875020.
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69 Fields:
Hepatocyte growth factor and retinal arteriolar diameter in Singapore Chinese. Ophthalmology. 2010 May; 117(5):939-45.
Khor CC, Fan Q, Goh LK, Wong TY, Li YJ, Cheung N, Seielstad M, Goh DL, Young TL, Tai ES, Saw SM. PMID: 20122738.
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3 Fields:
Mapping human genetic diversity in Asia. Science. 2009 Dec 11; 326(5959):1541-5.
HUGO Pan-Asian SNP Consortium, Abdulla MA, Ahmed I, Assawamakin A, Bhak J, Brahmachari SK, Calacal GC, Chaurasia A, Chen CH, Chen J, Chen YT, Chu J, Cutiongco-de la Paz EM, De Ungria MC, Delfin FC, Edo J, Fuchareon S, Ghang H, Gojobori T, Han J, Ho SF, Hoh BP, Huang W, Inoko H, Jha P, Jinam TA, Jin L, Jung J, Kangwanpong D, Kampuansai J, Kennedy GC, Khurana P, Kim HL, Kim K, Kim S, Kim WY, Kimm K, Kimura R, Koike T, Kulawonganunchai S, Kumar V, Lai PS, Lee JY, Lee S, Liu ET, Majumder PP, Mandapati KK, Marzuki S, Mitchell W, Mukerji M, Naritomi K, Ngamphiw C, Niikawa N, Nishida N, Oh B, Oh S, Ohashi J, Oka A, Ong R, Padilla CD, Palittapongarnpim P, Perdigon HB, Phipps ME, Png E, Sakaki Y, Salvador JM, Sandraling Y, Scaria V, Seielstad M, Sidek MR, Sinha A, Srikummool M, Sudoyo H, Sugano S, Suryadi H, Suzuki Y, Tabbada KA, Tan A, Tokunaga K, Tongsima S, Villamor LP, Wang E, Wang Y, Wang H, Wu JY, Xiao H, Xu S, Yang JO, Shugart YY, Yoo HS, Yuan W, Zhao G, Zilfalil BA, Indian Genome Variation Consortium. PMID: 20007900.
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254 Fields:
Genetic structure of the Han Chinese population revealed by genome-wide SNP variation. Am J Hum Genet. 2009 Dec; 85(6):775-85.
Chen J, Zheng H, Bei JX, Sun L, Jia WH, Li T, Zhang F, Seielstad M, Zeng YX, Zhang X, Liu J. PMID: 19944401; PMCID: PMC2790583.
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128 Fields:
Polymorphisms Identified through Genome-Wide Association Studies and Their Associations with Type 2 Diabetes in Chinese, Malays, and Asian-Indians in Singapore. Endocr Rev. 2009 Dec 01; 30(7):926.
Tan JT, Ng DP, Nurbaya S, Ye S, Lim XL, Leong H, Seet LT, Siew WF, Kon W, Wong TY, Saw SM, Aung T, Chia KS, Lee J, Chew SK, Seielstad M, Tai ES. PMID: 28199501.
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Polymorphisms Identified through Genome-Wide Association Studies and Their Associations with Type 2 Diabetes in Chinese, Malays, and Asian-Indians in Singapore. Endocrinology. 2009 Dec 1; 150(12):5649-5649.
Tan TJ, Ng ND, Nurbaya NS, Ye YS, Lim LX, Leong LH, Seet SL, Siew SW, Kon KW, Wong WT, Saw SS, Aung AT, Chia CK, Lee LJ, Chew CS, Seielstad SM, Tai TE. .
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Publisher Site Mentions:
Genetic variants at CD28, PRDM1 and CD2/CD58 are associated with rheumatoid arthritis risk. Nat Genet. 2009 Dec; 41(12):1313-8.
Raychaudhuri S, Thomson BP, Remmers EF, Eyre S, Hinks A, Guiducci C, Catanese JJ, Xie G, Stahl EA, Chen R, Alfredsson L, Amos CI, Ardlie KG, BIRAC Consortium, Barton A, Bowes J, Burtt NP, Chang M, Coblyn J, Costenbader KH, Criswell LA, Crusius JB, Cui J, De Jager PL, Ding B, Emery P, Flynn E, Harrison P, Hocking LJ, Huizinga TW, Kastner DL, Ke X, Kurreeman FA, Lee AT, Liu X, Li Y, Martin P, Morgan AW, Padyukov L, Reid DM, Seielstad M, Seldin MF, Shadick NA, Steer S, Tak PP, Thomson W, van der Helm-van Mil AH, van der Horst-Bruinsma IE, Weinblatt ME, Wilson AG, Wolbink GJ, Wordsworth P, YEAR Consortium, Altshuler D, Karlson EW, Toes RE, de Vries N, Begovich AB, Siminovitch KA, Worthington J, Klareskog L, Gregersen PK, Daly MJ, Plenge RM. PMID: 19898481; PMCID: PMC3142887.
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180 Fields:
Polymorphisms identified through genome-wide association studies and their associations with type 2 diabetes in Chinese, Malays, and Asian-Indians in Singapore. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2010 Jan; 95(1):390-7.
Tan JT, Ng DP, Nurbaya S, Ye S, Lim XL, Leong H, Seet LT, Siew WF, Kon W, Wong TY, Saw SM, Aung T, Chia KS, Lee J, Chew SK, Seielstad M, Tai ES. PMID: 19892838.
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Differential association of cataract sub-types with obesity and FTO polymorphisms. Acta Ophthalmologica. 2009 Sep 1; 87:0-0.
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Singapore Genome Variation Project: a haplotype map of three Southeast Asian populations. Genome Res. 2009 Nov; 19(11):2154-62.
Teo YY, Sim X, Ong RT, Tan AK, Chen J, Tantoso E, Small KS, Ku CS, Lee EJ, Seielstad M, Chia KS. PMID: 19700652; PMCID: PMC2775604.
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The PRL -1149 G/T polymorphism and rheumatoid arthritis susceptibility. Arthritis Rheum. 2009 May; 60(5):1250-4.
Lee YC, Raychaudhuri S, Cui J, De Vivo I, Ding B, Alfredsson L, Padyukov L, Costenbader KH, Seielstad M, Graham RR, Klareskog L, Gregersen PK, Plenge RM, Karlson EW. PMID: 19404952; PMCID: PMC2956274.
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Relation of age-related cataract with obesity and obesity genes in an Asian population. Am J Epidemiol. 2009 May 15; 169(10):1267-74.
Lim LS, Tai ES, Aung T, Tay WT, Saw SM, Seielstad M, Wong TY. PMID: 19329528.
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Different patterns of associations with anti-citrullinated protein antibody-positive and anti-citrullinated protein antibody-negative rheumatoid arthritis in the extended major histocompatibility complex region. Arthritis Rheum. 2009 Jan; 60(1):30-8.
Ding B, Padyukov L, Lundström E, Seielstad M, Plenge RM, Oksenberg JR, Gregersen PK, Alfredsson L, Klareskog L. PMID: 19116921; PMCID: PMC2874319.
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Identification of tuberculosis susceptibility genes with human macrophage gene expression profiles. PLoS Pathog. 2008 Dec; 4(12):e1000229.
Thuong NT, Dunstan SJ, Chau TT, Thorsson V, Simmons CP, Quyen NT, Thwaites GE, Thi Ngoc Lan N, Hibberd M, Teo YY, Seielstad M, Aderem A, Farrar JJ, Hawn TR. PMID: 19057661; PMCID: PMC2585058.
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Polymorphisms at newly identified lipid-associated loci are associated with blood lipids and cardiovascular disease in an Asian Malay population. J Lipid Res. 2009 Mar; 50(3):514-520.
Tai ES, Sim XL, Ong TH, Wong TY, Saw SM, Aung T, Kathiresan S, Orho-Melander M, Ordovas JM, Tan JT, Seielstad M. PMID: 18987386.
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Genetic association and expression studies indicate a role of toll-like receptor 8 in pulmonary tuberculosis. PLoS Genet. 2008 Oct; 4(10):e1000218.
Davila S, Hibberd ML, Hari Dass R, Wong HE, Sahiratmadja E, Bonnard C, Alisjahbana B, Szeszko JS, Balabanova Y, Drobniewski F, van Crevel R, van de Vosse E, Nejentsev S, Ottenhoff TH, Seielstad M. PMID: 18927625; PMCID: PMC2568981.
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117 Fields:
Common variants at CD40 and other loci confer risk of rheumatoid arthritis. Nat Genet. 2008 Oct; 40(10):1216-23.
Raychaudhuri S, Remmers EF, Lee AT, Hackett R, Guiducci C, Burtt NP, Gianniny L, Korman BD, Padyukov L, Kurreeman FA, Chang M, Catanese JJ, Ding B, Wong S, van der Helm-van Mil AH, Neale BM, Coblyn J, Cui J, Tak PP, Wolbink GJ, Crusius JB, van der Horst-Bruinsma IE, Criswell LA, Amos CI, Seldin MF, Kastner DL, Ardlie KG, Alfredsson L, Costenbader KH, Altshuler D, Huizinga TW, Shadick NA, Weinblatt ME, de Vries N, Worthington J, Seielstad M, Toes RE, Karlson EW, Begovich AB, Klareskog L, Gregersen PK, Daly MJ, Plenge RM. PMID: 18794853; PMCID: PMC2757650.
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Association of skin barrier genes within the PSORS4 locus is enriched in Singaporean Chinese with early-onset psoriasis. J Invest Dermatol. 2009 Mar; 129(3):606-14.
Chen H, Toh TK, Szeverenyi I, Ong RT, Theng CT, McLean WH, Seielstad M, Lane EB. PMID: 18787534.
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FTO variants are associated with obesity in the Chinese and Malay populations in Singapore. Diabetes. 2008 Oct; 57(10):2851-7.
Tan JT, Dorajoo R, Seielstad M, Sim XL, Ong RT, Chia KS, Wong TY, Saw SM, Chew SK, Aung T, Tai ES. PMID: 18599522; PMCID: PMC2551698.
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The Singapore Genome Variation Project. European Journal of Cancer Supplements. 2008 Jul 1; 6(9):200.
Teo TY, Sim SX, Ku KC, Ong OR, Tan TA, Tantoso TE, Pawitan PY, Seielstad SM, Lee LE, Chia CK. .
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Whole genome-amplified DNA: insights and imputation. Nat Methods. 2008 Apr; 5(4):279-80.
Teo YY, Inouye M, Small KS, Fry AE, Potter SC, Dunstan SJ, Seielstad M, Barroso I, Wareham NJ, Rockett KA, Kwiatkowski DP, Deloukas P. PMID: 18376389; PMCID: PMC2683750.
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Analysis of association of the TIRAP (MAL) S180L variant and tuberculosis in three populations. Nat Genet. 2008 Mar; 40(3):261-2; author reply 262-3.
Nejentsev S, Thye T, Szeszko JS, Stevens H, Balabanova Y, Chinbuah AM, Hibberd M, van de Vosse E, Alisjahbana B, van Crevel R, Ottenhoff TH, Png E, Drobniewski F, Todd JA, Seielstad M, Horstmann RD. PMID: 18305471.
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OR.103. Combined Analysis of Three Genome-wide Scans Reveals Additional Loci Associated with Rheumatoid Arthritis. Clinical Immunology. 2008 Jan 1; 127:s41.
Seielstad SM, Padyukov PL, Ke KX, Ding DB, Tantoso TE, Ong OT, Alfredsson AL, Plenge PR, Gregersen GP, Worthington WJ, Klareskog KL. .
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TRAF1-C5 as a risk locus for rheumatoid arthritis--a genomewide study. N Engl J Med. 2007 Sep 20; 357(12):1199-209.
Plenge RM, Seielstad M, Padyukov L, Lee AT, Remmers EF, Ding B, Liew A, Khalili H, Chandrasekaran A, Davies LR, Li W, Tan AK, Bonnard C, Ong RT, Thalamuthu A, Pettersson S, Liu C, Tian C, Chen WV, Carulli JP, Beckman EM, Altshuler D, Alfredsson L, Criswell LA, Amos CI, Seldin MF, Kastner DL, Klareskog L, Gregersen PK. PMID: 17804836; PMCID: PMC2636867.
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Genetic variation in Northern Thailand Hill Tribes: origins and relationships with social structure and linguistic differences. BMC Evol Biol. 2007 Aug 16; 7 Suppl 2:S12.
Besaggio D, Fuselli S, Srikummool M, Kampuansai J, Castrì L, Tyler-Smith C, Seielstad M, Kangwanpong D, Bertorelle G. PMID: 17767728; PMCID: PMC1963483.
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On the usage of HWE for identifying genotyping errors. Ann Hum Genet. 2007 Sep; 71(Pt 5):701-3; author reply 704.
Teo YY, Fry AE, Clark TG, Tai ES, Seielstad M. PMID: 17388941.
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A whole genome long-range haplotype (WGLRH) test for detecting imprints of positive selection in human populations. Bioinformatics. 2006 Sep 01; 22(17):2122-8.
Zhang C, Bailey DK, Awad T, Liu G, Xing G, Cao M, Valmeekam V, Retief J, Matsuzaki H, Taub M, Seielstad M, Kennedy GC. PMID: 16845142.
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Twin births in Singapore: a population-based study using the National Birth Registry. Ann Acad Med Singap. 2004 Mar; 33(2):195-9.
Chia KS, Lee JJ, Cheung P, Cheung KH, Seielstad M, Wilcox MM, Liu E. PMID: 15098633.
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A novel Y-chromosome variant puts an upper limit on the timing of first entry into the Americas. Am J Hum Genet. 2003 Sep; 73(3):700-5.
Seielstad M, Yuldasheva N, Singh N, Underhill P, Oefner P, Shen P, Wells RS. PMID: 12929085; PMCID: PMC1180698.
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Allele frequency and genotype distribution of polymorphisms within disease-related genes is influenced by ethnic population sub-structuring in Sudan. Genetica. 2003 Sep; 119(1):57-63.
Bereir RE, Mohamed HS, Seielstad M, El Hassani AM, Khalil EA, Peacock CS, Blackwell JM, Ibrahim ME. PMID: 12903747.
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Testing for population subdivision and association in four case-control studies. Am J Hum Genet. 2002 Aug; 71(2):304-11.
Ardlie KG, Lunetta KL, Seielstad M. PMID: 12096349; PMCID: PMC379163.
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Patterns of linkage disequilibrium in the human genome. Nat Rev Genet. 2002 Apr; 3(4):299-309.
Ardlie KG, Kruglyak L, Seielstad M. PMID: 11967554.
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Detection of novel ALAD gene polymorphisms using denaturing high-performance liquid chromatography. Hum Biol. 2001 Jun; 73(3):429-42.
Niu T, Seielstad M, Zeng X, Apffel A, Li G, Hahnenberger K, Xu X. PMID: 11459423.
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African origin of modern humans in East Asia: a tale of 12,000 Y chromosomes. Science. 2001 May 11; 292(5519):1151-3.
Ke Y, Su B, Song X, Lu D, Chen L, Li H, Qi C, Marzuki S, Deka R, Underhill P, Xiao C, Shriver M, Lell J, Wallace D, Wells RS, Seielstad M, Oefner P, Zhu D, Jin J, Huang W, Chakraborty R, Chen Z, Jin L. PMID: 11349147.
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Y chromosome haplotypes reveal prehistorical migrations to the Himalayas. Hum Genet. 2000 Dec; 107(6):582-90.
Su B, Xiao C, Deka R, Seielstad MT, Kangwanpong D, Xiao J, Lu D, Underhill P, Cavalli-Sforza L, Chakraborty R, Jin L. PMID: 11153912.
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Y chromosome sequence variation and the history of human populations. Nat Genet. 2000 Nov; 26(3):358-61.
Underhill PA, Shen P, Lin AA, Jin L, Passarino G, Yang WH, Kauffman E, Bonné-Tamir B, Bertranpetit J, Francalacci P, Ibrahim M, Jenkins T, Kidd JR, Mehdi SQ, Seielstad MT, Wells RS, Piazza A, Davis RW, Feldman MW, Cavalli-Sforza LL, Oefner PJ. PMID: 11062480.
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Asymmetries in the maternal and paternal genetic histories of Colombian populations. Am J Hum Genet. 2000 Nov; 67(5):1062-6.
Seielstad M. PMID: 11023812; PMCID: PMC1288548.
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Whiffs of selection. Nat Genet. 2000 Oct; 26(2):131-2.
Seielstad M. PMID: 11017059.
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The distribution of human genetic diversity: a comparison of mitochondrial, autosomal, and Y-chromosome data. Am J Hum Genet. 2000 Mar; 66(3):979-88.
Jorde LB, Watkins WS, Bamshad MJ, Dixon ME, Ricker CE, Seielstad MT, Batzer MA. PMID: 10712212; PMCID: PMC1288178.
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Population growth of human Y chromosomes: a study of Y chromosome microsatellites. Mol Biol Evol. 1999 Dec; 16(12):1791-8.
Pritchard JK, Seielstad MT, Perez-Lezaun A, Feldman MW. PMID: 10605120.
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A view of modern human origins from Y chromosome microsatellite variation. Genome Res. 1999 Jun; 9(6):558-67.
Seielstad M, Bekele E, Ibrahim M, Touré A, Traoré M. PMID: 10400923; PMCID: PMC310766.
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Genetic evidence for a higher female migration rate in humans. Nat Genet. 1998 Nov; 20(3):278-80.
Seielstad MT, Minch E, Cavalli-Sforza LL. PMID: 9806547.
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Population genetics of Y-chromosome short tandem repeats in humans. J Mol Evol. 1997 Sep; 45(3):265-70.
Pérez-Lezaun A, Calafell F, Seielstad M, Mateu E, Comas D, Bosch E, Bertranpetit J. PMID: 9302320.
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Cw*1701 defines a divergent african HLA-C allelic lineage. Immunogenetics. 1997; 46(3):173-80.
Wells RS, Seielstad MT, Bunce M, Tyan DB, Bekele E, Parham P. PMID: 9211742.
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Geographic clustering of human Y-chromosome haplotypes. Ann Hum Genet. 1996 09; 60(5):401-8.
Ruiz Linares A, Nayar K, Goldstein DB, Hebert JM, Seielstad MT, Underhill PA, Lin AA, Feldman MW, Cavalli Sforza LL. PMID: 8912793.
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Construction of human Y-chromosomal haplotypes using a new polymorphic A to G transition. Hum Mol Genet. 1994 Dec; 3(12):2159-61.
Seielstad MT, Hebert JM, Lin AA, Underhill PA, Ibrahim M, Vollrath D, Cavalli-Sforza LL. PMID: 7881413.
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