Erlotinib Activates Different Cell Death Pathways in EGFR-mutant Lung Cancer Cells Grown in 3D Versus 2D Culture Systems. Anticancer Res. 2021 Mar; 41(3):1261-1269.
Lee HK, Noh MH, Hong SW, Kim SM, Kim SH, Kim YS, Broaddus VC, Hur DY. PMID: 33788717.
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PubMed Mentions:
6 Fields:
Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy (4th edition)1. Autophagy. 2021 Jan; 17(1):1-382.
Klionsky DJ, Abdel-Aziz AK, Abdelfatah S, Abdellatif M, Abdoli A, Abel S, Abeliovich H, Abildgaard MH, Abudu YP, Acevedo-Arozena A, Adamopoulos IE, Adeli K, Adolph TE, Adornetto A, Aflaki E, Agam G, Agarwal A, Aggarwal BB, Agnello M, Agostinis P, Agrewala JN, Agrotis A, Aguilar PV, Ahmad ST, Ahmed ZM, Ahumada-Castro U, Aits S, Aizawa S, Akkoc Y, Akoumianaki T, Akpinar HA, Al-Abd AM, Al-Akra L, Al-Gharaibeh A, Alaoui-Jamali MA, Alberti S, Alcocer-Gómez E, Alessandri C, Ali M, Alim Al-Bari MA, Aliwaini S, Alizadeh J, Almacellas E, Almasan A, Alonso A, Alonso GD, Altan-Bonnet N, Altieri DC, Álvarez ÉMC, Alves S, Alves da Costa C, Alzaharna MM, Amadio M, Amantini C, Amaral C, Ambrosio S, Amer AO, Ammanathan V, An Z, Andersen SU, Andrabi SA, Andrade-Silva M, Andres AM, Angelini S, Ann D, Anozie UC, Ansari MY, Antas P, Antebi A, Antón Z, Anwar T, Apetoh L, Apostolova N, Araki T, Araki Y, Arasaki K, Araújo WL, Araya J, Arden C, Arévalo MA, Arguelles S, Arias E, Arikkath J, Arimoto H, Ariosa AR, Armstrong-James D, Arnauné-Pelloquin L, Aroca A, Arroyo DS, Arsov I, Artero R, Asaro DML, Aschner M, Ashrafizadeh M, Ashur-Fabian O, Atanasov AG, Au AK, Auberger P, Auner HW, Aurelian L, Autelli R, Avagliano L, Ávalos Y, Aveic S, Aveleira CA, Avin-Wittenberg T, Aydin Y, Ayton S, Ayyadevara S, Azzopardi M, Baba M, Backer JM, Backues SK, Bae DH, Bae ON, Bae SH, Baehrecke EH, Baek A, Baek SH, Baek SH, Bagetta G, Bagniewska-Zadworna A, Bai H, Bai J, Bai X, Bai Y, Bairagi N, Baksi S, Balbi T, Baldari CT, Balduini W, Ballabio A, Ballester M, Balazadeh S, Balzan R, Bandopadhyay R, Banerjee S, Banerjee S, Bánréti Á, Bao Y, Baptista MS, Baracca A, Barbati C, Bargiela A, Barilà D, Barlow PG, Barmada SJ, Barreiro E, Barreto GE, Bartek J, Bartel B, Bartolome A, Barve GR, Basagoudanavar SH, Bassham DC, Bast RC, Basu A, Batoko H, Batten I, Baulieu EE, Baumgarner BL, Bayry J, Beale R, Beau I, Beaumatin F, Bechara LRG, Beck GR, Beers MF, Begun J, Behrends C, Behrens GMN, Bei R, Bejarano E, Bel S, Behl C, Belaid A, Belgareh-Touzé N, Bellarosa C, Belleudi F, Belló Pérez M, Bello-Morales R, Beltran JSO, Beltran S, Benbrook DM, Bendorius M, Benitez BA, Benito-Cuesta I, Bensalem J, Berchtold MW, Berezowska S, Bergamaschi D, Bergami M, Bergmann A, Berliocchi L, Berlioz-Torrent C, Bernard A, Berthoux L, Besirli CG, Besteiro S, Betin VM, Beyaert R, Bezbradica JS, Bhaskar K, Bhatia-Kissova I, Bhattacharya R, Bhattacharya S, Bhattacharyya S, Bhuiyan MS, Bhutia SK, Bi L, Bi X, Biden TJ, Bijian K, Billes VA, Binart N, Bincoletto C, Birgisdottir AB, Bjorkoy G, Blanco G, Blas-Garcia A, Blasiak J, Blomgran R, Blomgren K, Blum JS, Boada-Romero E, Boban M, Boesze-Battaglia K, Boeuf P, Boland B, Bomont P, Bonaldo P, Bonam SR, Bonfili L, Bonifacino JS, Boone BA, Bootman MD, Bordi M, Borner C, Bornhauser BC, Borthakur G, Bosch J, Bose S, Botana LM, Botas J, Boulanger CM, Boulton ME, Bourdenx M, Bourgeois B, Bourke NM, Bousquet G, Boya P, Bozhkov PV, Bozi LHM, Bozkurt TO, Brackney DE, Brandts CH, Braun RJ, Braus GH, Bravo-Sagua R, Bravo-San Pedro JM, Brest P, Bringer MA, Briones-Herrera A, Broaddus VC, Brodersen P, Brodsky JL, Brody SL, Bronson PG, Bronstein JM, Brown CN, Brown RE, Brum PC, Brumell JH, Brunetti-Pierri N, Bruno D, Bryson-Richardson RJ, Bucci C, Buchrieser C, Bueno M, Buitrago-Molina LE, Buraschi S, Buch S, Buchan JR, Buckingham EM, Budak H, Budini M, Bultynck G, Burada F, Burgoyne JR, Burón MI, Bustos V, Büttner S, Butturini E, Byrd A, Cabas I, Cabrera-Benitez S, Cadwell K, Cai J, Cai L, Cai Q, Cairó M, Calbet JA, Caldwell GA, Caldwell KA, Call JA, Calvani R, Calvo AC, Calvo-Rubio Barrera M, Camara NO, Camonis JH, Camougrand N, Campanella M, Campbell EM, Campbell-Valois FX, Campello S, Campesi I, Campos JC, Camuzard O, Cancino J, Candido de Almeida D, Canesi L, et al. PMID: 33634751; PMCID: PMC7996087.
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PubMed Mentions:
1070 Fields:
The Role of Interleukin-8 in Inflammatory Diseases. . 2020 Jan 31; 1-28.
Horuk HR, Broaddus BV, Hébert HC. .
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Clearing the Air - A Conservative Option for Spontaneous Pneumothorax. N Engl J Med. 2020 01 30; 382(5):469-470.
Broaddus VC. PMID: 31995695.
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PubMed Mentions:
2 Fields:
Autophagy facilitates the release of immunogenic signals following chemotherapy in 3D models of mesothelioma. Mol Carcinog. 2019 10; 58(10):1754-1769.
Follo C, Cheng Y, Richards WG, Bueno R, Broaddus VC. PMID: 31215708.
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PubMed Mentions:
16 Fields:
Inhibition of autophagy initiation potentiates chemosensitivity in mesothelioma. Mol Carcinog. 2018 03; 57(3):319-332.
Follo C, Cheng Y, Richards WG, Bueno R, Broaddus VC. PMID: 29073722.
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PubMed Mentions:
22 Fields:
3D Models of Mesothelioma in the Study of Mechanisms of Cell Survival. Asbestos and Mesothelioma. 2017 Jan 1; 237-257.
Broaddus BV, Follo FC, Barbone BD. .
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31st Annual Meeting and Associated Programs of the Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer (SITC 2016): part two. Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer. 2016 Nov 1; 4(Suppl 1):73.
Ager AC, Reilley RM, Nicholas NC, Bartkowiak BT, Jaiswal JA, Curran CM, Albershardt AT, Bajaj BA, Archer AJ, Reeves RR, Ngo NL, Berglund BP, ter Meulen tJ, Denis DC, Ghadially GH, Arnoux AT, Chanuc CF, Fuseri FN, Wilkinson WR, Wagtmann WN, Morel MY, Andre AP, Atkins AM, Carlino CM, Ribas RA, Thompson TJ, Choueiri CT, Hodi HF, Hwu HW, McDermott MD, Atkinson AV, Cebon CJ, Fitzharris FB, Jameson JM, McNeil MC, Hill HA, Mangin ME, Ahamadi AM, van Vugt vM, van Zutphen vM, Ibrahim IN, Long LG, Gartrell GR, Blake BZ, Simoes SI, Fu FY, Saito ST, Qian QY, Lu LY, Saenger SY, Budhu BS, De Henau DO, Zappasodi ZR, Schlunegger SK, Freimark FB, Hutchins HJ, Barker BC, Wolchok WJ, Merghoub MT, Burova BE, Allbritton AO, Hong HP, Dai DJ, Pei PJ, Liu LM, Kantrowitz KJ, Lai LV, Poueymirou PW, MacDonald MD, Ioffe IE, Mohrs MM, Olson OW, Thurston TG, Capasso CC, Frascaro FF, Carpi CS, Tähtinen TS, Feola FS, Fusciello FM, Peltonen PK, Martins MB, Sjöberg SM, Pesonen PS, Ranki RT, Kyruk KL, Ylösmäki YE, Cerullo CV, Cerignoli CF, Xi XB, Guenther GG, Yu YN, Muir ML, Zhao ZL, Abassi AY, Cervera-Carrascón CV, Siurala SM, Santos SJ, Havunen HR, Parviainen PS, Hemminki HA, Dalgleish DA, Mudan MS, DeBenedette DM, Plachco PA, Gamble GA, Grogan GE, Krisko KJ, Tcherepanova TI, Nicolette NC, Dhupkar DP, Yu YL, Kleinerman KE, Gordon GN, Grenga GI, Lepone LL, Gameiro GS, Knudson KK, Fantini FM, Tsang TK, Hodge HJ, Donahue DR, Schlom SJ, Evans EE, Bussler BH, Mallow MC, Reilly RC, Torno TS, Scrivens SM, Foster FC, Howell HA, Balch BL, Knapp KA, Leonard LJ, Paris PM, Fisher FT, Hu-Lieskovan HS, Ribas RA, Smith SE, Zauderer ZM, Fogler FW, Franklin FM, Thayer TM, Saims SD, Magnani MJ, Gong GJ, Gray GM, Hutchins HJ, Freimark FB, Fromm FG, de Silva dS, Giffin GL, Xu XX, Rose RJ, Schreiber ST, Fantini FM, Gameiro GS, Knudson KK, Clavijo CP, Allen AC, Donahue DR, Lepone LL, Grenga GI, Hodge HJ, Tsang TK, Schlom SJ, Gray GM, Gong GJ, Hutchins HJ, Freimark FB, Grogan GJ, Manieri MN, Chiang CE, Caplazi CP, Yadav YM, Hagner HP, Chiu CH, Waldman WM, Klippel KA, Thakurta TA, Pourdehnad PM, Gandhi GA, Henrich HI, Quick QL, Young YR, Chou CM, Hotson HA, Willingham WS, Ho HP, Choy CC, Laport LG, McCaffery MI, Miller MR, Tipton TK, Wong WK, Singson SV, Wong WC, Chan CC, Huang HY, Liu LS, Richardson RJ, Kavanaugh KW, West WJ, Irving IB, Tipton TK, Wong WK, Singson SV, Wong WC, Chan CC, Huang HY, Liu LS, Richardson RJ, Kavanaugh KW, West WJ, Irving IB, Jaini JR, Loya LM, Eng EC, Johnson JM, Adjei AA, Opyrchal OM, Ramalingam RS, Janne JP, Dominguez DG, Gabrilovich GD, de Leon dL, Hasapidis HJ, Diede DS, Ordentlich OP, Cruickshank CS, Meyers MM, Hellmann HM, Kalinski KP, Zureikat ZA, Edwards ER, Muthuswamy MR, Obermajer ON, Urban UJ, Butterfield BL, Gooding GW, Zeh ZH, Bartlett BD, Zubkova ZO, Agapova AL, Kapralova KM, Krasovskaia KL, Ovsepyan OA, Lykov LM, Eremeev EA, Bokovanov BV, Grigoryeva GO, Karpov KA, Ruchko RS, Nicolette NC, Shuster SA, Khalil KD, Campesato CL, Li LY, Merghoub MT, Wolchok WJ, Lazorchak LA, Patterson PT, Ding DY, Sasikumar SP, Sudarshan SN, Gowda GN, Ramachandra RR, Samiulla SD, Giri GS, Eswarappa ER, Ramachandra RM, Tuck TD, Wyant WT, Leshem LJ, Liu LX, Bera BT, Terabe TM, Bossenmaier BB, Niederfellner NG, Reiter RY, Pastan PI, Xia XL, Xia XY, Hu HY, Wang WY, Bao BY, Dai DF, Huang HS, Hurt HE, Hollingsworth HR, Lum LL, Chang CA, Wicha WM, Li LQ, Mace MT, Makhijani MN, Talbert TE, Young YG, Guttridge GD, Conwell CD, Lesinski LG, Gonzales GR, Huffman HA, Wang WX, Reshef RR, MacKinnon MA, Chen CJ, Gross GM, Marguier MG, Shwonek SP, Sotirovska SN, Steggerda SS, Parlati PF, Makkouk MA, Bennett BM, Chen CJ, Emberley EE, Gross GM, Huang HT, Li LW, MacKinnon MA, Marguier MG, Neou NS, Pan PA, Zhang ZJ, Zhang ZW, Parlati PF, Marshall MN, Marron MT, Agudo AJ, Brown BB, Brody BJ, McQuinn MC, Mace MT, Farren FM, Komar KH, Shakya SR, Young YG, Ludwug LT, Lesinski LG, Morillon MY, Hammond HS, Schlom SJ, Greiner GJ, Nath NP, Schwartz SA, Maric MD, Roberts RD, et al. .
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Publisher Site Mentions:
Autophagy initiation correlates with the autophagic flux in 3D models of mesothelioma and with patient outcome. Autophagy. 2016 07 02; 12(7):1180-94.
Follo C, Barbone D, Richards WG, Bueno R, Broaddus VC. PMID: 27097020; PMCID: PMC4990992.
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PubMed Mentions:
9 Fields:
Analysis of Gene Expression in 3D Spheroids Highlights a Survival Role for ASS1 in Mesothelioma. PLoS One. 2016; 11(3):e0150044.
Barbone D, Van Dam L, Follo C, Jithesh PV, Zhang SD, Richards WG, Bueno R, Fennell DA, Broaddus VC. PMID: 26982031; PMCID: PMC4794185.
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PubMed Mentions:
16 Fields:
Implementation of Lung Cancer Screening Programs with Low-Dose Computed Tomography in Clinical Practice. Ann Am Thorac Soc. 2016 Mar; 13(3):425-7.
Weinstock T, Kidambi P, Channick CL, Michaud GC, Broaddus C, Makani SS, Wiener RS, Wilson KC, Thomson CC. PMID: 26963353.
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PubMed Mentions:
5 Fields:
79 Pleural Effusion. Murray and Nadel\u0027s Textbook of Respiratory Medicine. 2016 Jan 1; (J Appl Physiol641988):1396-1424.e10.
Broaddus BV, Light LR. .
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82 Pleural Tumors. Murray and Nadel\u0027s Textbook of Respiratory Medicine. 2016 Jan 1; (Sci Am2771997):1461-1477.e11.
Broaddus BV, Robinson RB. .
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Publisher Site Mentions:
Preface to the Sixth Edition. Murray and Nadel\u0027s Textbook of Respiratory Medicine. 2016 Jan 1; xx.
Murray MJ, Nadel NJ, Broaddus BV, Mason MR, Ernst EJ, King KT, Lazarus LS, Slutsky SA, Gotway GM. .
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Publisher Site Mentions:
Autophagy Correlates with the Therapeutic Responsiveness of Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma in 3D Models. PLoS One. 2015; 10(8):e0134825.
Barbone D, Follo C, Echeverry N, Gerbaudo VH, Klabatsa A, Bueno R, Felley-Bosco E, Broaddus VC. PMID: 26284517; PMCID: PMC4540424.
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PubMed Mentions:
6 Fields:
Medical Subspecialty Textbooks in the 21st Century. Essential or Headed for Extinction? Ann Am Thorac Soc. 2015 Aug; 12(8):1113-5.
Broaddus VC, Grippi MA. PMID: 26177458.
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PubMed Mentions: Fields:
Inflammatory Cytokines Contribute to Asbestos-Induced Injury of Mesothelial Cells. Lung. 2015 Oct; 193(5):831-7.
Acencio MM, Soares B, Marchi E, Silva CS, Teixeira LR, Broaddus VC. PMID: 26059286.
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PubMed Mentions:
9 Fields:
Inhibition of autophagy sensitizes malignant pleural mesothelioma cells to dual PI3K/mTOR inhibitors. Cell Death Dis. 2015 May 07; 6:e1757.
Echeverry N, Ziltener G, Barbone D, Weder W, Stahel RA, Broaddus VC, Felley-Bosco E. PMID: 25950487; PMCID: PMC4669703.
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PubMed Mentions:
25 Fields:
Abstract 696: ASS1, ANXA4 and MVP underlie acquired multicellular resistance of mesothelioma 3D cell cultures. Experimental and Molecular Therapeutics. 2014 Oct 1; 696-696.
Barbone BD, Dam DL, Zhang ZS, Puthen PJ, Fennell FD, Broaddus BV. .
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BAK and NOXA are critical determinants of mitochondrial apoptosis induced by bortezomib in mesothelioma. PLoS One. 2013; 8(6):e65489.
Busacca S, Chacko AD, Klabatsa A, Arthur K, Sheaff M, Barbone D, Mutti L, Gunasekharan VK, Gorski JJ, El-Tanani M, Broaddus VC, Gaudino G, Fennell DA. PMID: 23762382; PMCID: PMC3676324.
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10 Fields:
Abstract 4723: Macrophages foster neoplastic progression of malignant mesothelioma and limit response to chemotherapy. Immunology. 2013 Apr 15; 4723-4723.
Blakely BC, Bose BT, Wheeler WM, Bueno BR, Sugarbaker SD, Jablons JD, Broaddus BV, Coussens CL. .
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Vorinostat eliminates multicellular resistance of mesothelioma 3D spheroids via restoration of Noxa expression. PLoS One. 2012; 7(12):e52753.
Barbone D, Cheung P, Battula S, Busacca S, Gray SG, Longley DB, Bueno R, Sugarbaker DJ, Fennell DA, Broaddus VC. PMID: 23300762; PMCID: PMC3530471.
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18 Fields:
Ligation of CM1 enhances apoptosis of lung cancer cells through different mechanisms in conformity with EGFR mutation. Int J Oncol. 2013 Feb; 42(2):469-77.
Lee HK, Park GB, Kim YS, Song H, Broaddus VC, Hur DY. PMID: 23232551; PMCID: PMC3583643.
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PubMed Mentions:
1 Fields:
842 FLIP as a Critical Target for Vorinostat in Mesothelioma. European Journal of Cancer. 2012 Jul 1; 48:s202.
Stasik SI, Hurwitz HJ, Barbone BD, Broaddus BV, Gray GS, O'Byrne OK, Fennell FD, Longley LD. .
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Abstract LB-251: Manipulation of macrophage phenotype enhances the apoptotic response to chemotherapy in mesothelioma. Experimental and Molecular Therapeutics. 2012 Apr 15; lb-251-lb-251.
Broaddus BV, Battula BS, Barbone BD, Blakely BC, Sugarbaker SD, Bueno BR, Coussens CL. .
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Vorinostat/SAHA-induced apoptosis in malignant mesothelioma is FLIP/caspase 8-dependent and HR23B-independent. Eur J Cancer. 2012 May; 48(7):1096-107.
Hurwitz JL, Stasik I, Kerr EM, Holohan C, Redmond KM, McLaughlin KM, Busacca S, Barbone D, Broaddus VC, Gray SG, O'Byrne KJ, Johnston PG, Fennell DA, Longley DB. PMID: 22154545.
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23 Fields:
Abstract C231: Colony-stimulating factor-1 receptor blockade reprograms malignant mesothelioma tumor microenvironments and decreases tumor growth. Tumor Microenvironment. 2011 Nov 12; c231-c231.
Blakely BC, Kolhatkar KN, Johansson JM, Hainer HC, Wheeler WM, Yagui-Beltran YA, Bueno BR, Sugarbaker SD, Jahan JT, West WB, Jablons JD, Broaddus BV, Coussens CL. .
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Rapid generation of in vitro multicellular spheroids for the study of monoclonal antibody therapy. J Cancer. 2011; 2:507-14.
Phung YT, Barbone D, Broaddus VC, Ho M. PMID: 22043235; PMCID: PMC3204399.
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The Bcl-2 repertoire of mesothelioma spheroids underlies acquired apoptotic multicellular resistance. Cell Death Dis. 2011 Jun 23; 2:e174.
Barbone D, Ryan JA, Kolhatkar N, Chacko AD, Jablons DM, Sugarbaker DJ, Bueno R, Letai AG, Coussens LM, Fennell DA, Broaddus VC. PMID: 21697949; PMCID: PMC3169000.
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PubMed Mentions:
27 Fields:
Abstract 454: Targeting macrophages in a preclinical model of malignant mesothelioma. Tumor Biology. 2011 Apr 15; 454-454.
Blakely BC, Kolhatkar KN, Johansson JM, Beltran BA, Barbone BD, Bueno BR, Sugarbaker SD, Jahan JT, Jablons JD, Broaddus BV, Coussens CL. .
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Novel human single chain antibody fragments that are rapidly internalizing effectively target epithelioid and sarcomatoid mesotheliomas. Cancer Res. 2011 Apr 01; 71(7):2428-32.
Iyer AK, Lan X, Zhu X, Su Y, Feng J, Zhang X, Gao D, Seo Y, Vanbrocklin HF, Broaddus VC, Liu B, He J. PMID: 21447742; PMCID: PMC3071798.
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9 Fields:
The development and characterization of a human mesothelioma in vitro 3D model to investigate immunotoxin therapy. PLoS One. 2011 Jan 31; 6(1):e14640.
Xiang X, Phung Y, Feng M, Nagashima K, Zhang J, Broaddus VC, Hassan R, Fitzgerald D, Ho M. PMID: 21305058; PMCID: PMC3031536.
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23 Fields:
Non-neoplastic and neoplastic pleural endpoints following fiber exposure. J Toxicol Environ Health B Crit Rev. 2011; 14(1-4):153-78.
Broaddus VC, Everitt JI, Black B, Kane AB. PMID: 21534088; PMCID: PMC3118521.
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18 Fields:
Abstract 3844: Targeting macrophages as a novel therapeutic approach for malignant pleural mesothelioma. Tumor Biology. 2010 Apr 15; 3844-3844.
Kolhatkar KN, Johansson JM, Barbone BD, Yagui-Beltran YA, Bueno BR, Sugarbaker SD, Jablons JD, Broaddus BV, Coussens CL. .
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Chapter 75 Tumors of the Pleura. Murray and Nadel\u0027s Textbook of Respiratory Medicine. 2010 Jan 1; 1792-1813.
Broaddus BV, Robinson RB. .
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Preface to the Fifth Edition. Murray and Nadel\u0027s Textbook of Respiratory Medicine. 2010 Jan 1; xix.
Murray MJ, Nadel NJ, Mason MR, Broaddus BV, Martin MT, King KT, Schraufnagel SD. .
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Chapter 73 Pleural Effusion. Murray and Nadel\u0027s Textbook of Respiratory Medicine. 2010 Jan 1; 1719-1763.
Broaddus BV, Light LR. .
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Abstract B31: Multicellular resistance to bortezomib acquired by mesothelioma spheroids can be reversed by modulation of the Bcl-2 repertoire. Apoptosis, Necrosis, and Autophagy. 2009 Dec 10; b31-b31.
Barbone BD, Fennell FD, Broaddus BV. .
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Identification of MCAM/CD146 as the target antigen of a human monoclonal antibody that recognizes both epithelioid and sarcomatoid types of mesothelioma. Cancer Res. 2009 Feb 15; 69(4):1570-7.
Bidlingmaier S, He J, Wang Y, An F, Feng J, Barbone D, Gao D, Franc B, Broaddus VC, Liu B. PMID: 19221091; PMCID: PMC2752656.
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38 Fields:
Bcl-2 family proteins contribute to apoptotic resistance in lung cancer multicellular spheroids. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol. 2009 Jul; 41(1):14-23.
Yang TM, Barbone D, Fennell DA, Broaddus VC. PMID: 19097992; PMCID: PMC2701959.
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42 Fields:
mTOR mediates survival signals in malignant mesothelioma grown as tumor fragment spheroids. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol. 2008 Nov; 39(5):576-83.
Wilson SM, Barbone D, Yang TM, Jablons DM, Bueno R, Sugarbaker DJ, Nishimura SL, Gordon GJ, Broaddus VC. PMID: 18511708; PMCID: PMC2574528.
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32 Fields:
Physiology: fluid and solute exchange in normal physiological states. Textbook of Pleural Diseases. 2008 Apr 25; 65-70.
Broaddus BV. .
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Mammalian target of rapamycin contributes to the acquired apoptotic resistance of human mesothelioma multicellular spheroids. J Biol Chem. 2008 May 09; 283(19):13021-30.
Barbone D, Yang TM, Morgan JR, Gaudino G, Broaddus VC. PMID: 18339627; PMCID: PMC2442321.
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61 Fields:
Targeted drug delivery to mesothelioma cells using functionally selected internalizing human single-chain antibodies. Mol Cancer Ther. 2008 Mar; 7(3):569-78.
An F, Drummond DC, Wilson S, Kirpotin DB, Nishimura SL, Broaddus VC, Liu B. PMID: 18319332; PMCID: PMC2943512.
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25 Fields:
Anti-mesothelin immunotoxin SS1P in combination with gemcitabine results in increased activity against mesothelin-expressing tumor xenografts. Clin Cancer Res. 2007 Dec 01; 13(23):7166-71.
Hassan R, Broaddus VC, Wilson S, Liewehr DJ, Zhang J. PMID: 18056197.
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38 Fields:
Squamous metaplasia amplifies pathologic epithelial-mesenchymal interactions in COPD patients. J Clin Invest. 2007 Nov; 117(11):3551-62.
Araya J, Cambier S, Markovics JA, Wolters P, Jablons D, Hill A, Finkbeiner W, Jones K, Broaddus VC, Sheppard D, Barzcak A, Xiao Y, Erle DJ, Nishimura SL. PMID: 17965775; PMCID: PMC2040320.
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122 Fields:
Pleural mesothelial cells mediate inflammatory and profibrotic responses in talc-induced pleurodesis. Lung. 2007 Dec; 185(6):343-8.
Acencio MM, Vargas FS, Marchi E, Carnevale GG, Teixeira LR, Antonangelo L, Broaddus VC. PMID: 17932716.
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16 Fields:
Malignant mesothelioma cells are rapidly sensitized to TRAIL-induced apoptosis by low-dose anisomycin via Bim. Mol Cancer Ther. 2007 Oct; 6(10):2766-76.
Abayasiriwardana KS, Barbone D, Kim KU, Vivo C, Lee KK, Dansen TB, Hunt AE, Evan GI, Broaddus VC. PMID: 17938269.
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15 Fields:
Eighth international mesothelioma interest group. Oncogene. 2007 Oct 25; 26(49):6959-67.
Carbone M, Albelda SM, Broaddus VC, Flores RM, Hillerdal G, Jaurand MC, Kjaerheim K, Pass HI, Robinson B, Tsao A. PMID: 17496929.
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15 Fields:
Sensitization of mesothelioma cells to tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand-induced apoptosis by heat stress via the inhibition of the 3-phosphoinositide-dependent kinase 1/Akt pathway. Cancer Res. 2007 Mar 15; 67(6):2865-71.
Pespeni MH, Hodnett M, Abayasiriwardana KS, Roux J, Howard M, Broaddus VC, Pittet JF. PMID: 17363610.
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7 Fields:
165 TRAIL and damage pathways converge to induce synergistic apoptosis. Lung Cancer. 2006 Oct 1; 54:s40.
Broaddus BV, Abayasiriwardana AK, Wilson WS, Barbone BD, Evan EG. .
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166 Three-dimensional models of mesothelioma and multi-cellular apoptotic resistance. Lung Cancer. 2006 Oct 1; 54:s40-s41.
Barbone BD, Abayasiriwardana AK, Wilson WS, Gaudino GG, Broaddus BV. .
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53 Identifying and targeting a spectrum of internalizing cell surface antigens expressed by mesothelioma. Lung Cancer. 2006 Oct 1; 54:s13.
Liu LB, An AF, Bidlingmaier BS, Wilson WS, Broaddus BV, Nishimura NS, Drummond DD. .
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Malignant Mesothelioma multicellular spheroids: mechanism of multicellular resistance. The FASEB Journal. 2006 Mar 1; 20(4):a227-a227.
Barbone BD, Abayasiriwardana AK, Arcega AR, Wilson WS, Broaddus BV. .
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Selective apoptosis of mesothelioma cells is mediated in part by the BH3-only protein Bim. The FASEB Journal. 2006 Mar 1; 20(4):a1-a1.
Abayasiriwardana AK, Kim KK, Lee LK, Vivo VC, Dansen DT, Hunt HA, Evan EG, Broaddus BV. .
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Inhibition of the PI3K and mTOR survival pathways enhances apoptosis in human mesothelioma tumor fragment spheroids. The FASEB Journal. 2006 Mar 1; 20(5):a1082-a1082.
Wilson WS, Kim KK, Abayasiriwardana AK, Fjellbirkland FL, Xu XZ, Jablons JD, Nishimura NS, Broaddus BV. .
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A novel in vitro model of human mesothelioma for studying tumor biology and apoptotic resistance. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol. 2005 Dec; 33(6):541-8.
Kim KU, Wilson SM, Abayasiriwardana KS, Collins R, Fjellbirkeland L, Xu Z, Jablons DM, Nishimura SL, Broaddus VC. PMID: 16123394; PMCID: PMC2715331.
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Bid mediates apoptotic synergy between tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) and DNA damage. J Biol Chem. 2005 Apr 01; 280(13):12486-93.
Broaddus VC, Dansen TB, Abayasiriwardana KS, Wilson SM, Finch AJ, Swigart LB, Hunt AE, Evan GI. PMID: 15615731.
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Malignant mesothelioma as both a challenge and an opportunity. Oncogene. 2004 Dec 09; 23(57):9155-61.
Mutti L, Broaddus VC. PMID: 15516978.
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Asbestos-Induced Pleural Inflammation in Mice Genetically Selected for Maximum or Minimum Inflammatory Response. CHEST Journal. 2004 Oct 1; 126(4):895sc-1-895sc-2.
Marchi ME, Vargas VF, Acencio AM, Canzian CM, Ribeiro RO, Ibanez IO, Broaddus BV. .
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Mesothelial cell proliferation and apoptosis. Respirology. 2004 Aug; 9(3):292-9.
Leard LE, Broaddus VC. PMID: 15362999.
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H(2)O(2) inhibits alveolar epithelial wound repair in vitro by induction of apoptosis. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 2004 Aug; 287(2):L448-53.
Geiser T, Ishigaki M, van Leer C, Matthay MA, Broaddus VC. PMID: 15121637.
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Integrin alphavbeta8-mediated activation of transforming growth factor-beta inhibits human airway epithelial proliferation in intact bronchial tissue. Am J Pathol. 2003 Aug; 163(2):533-42.
Fjellbirkeland L, Cambier S, Broaddus VC, Hill A, Brunetta P, Dolganov G, Jablons D, Nishimura SL. PMID: 12875973; PMCID: PMC1868219.
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Workshop on lung disease and the environment: where do we go from here? Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2003 Jul 15; 168(2):250-4.
Crapo JD, Broaddus VC, Brody AR, Malindzak G, Samet J, Wright JR, American Thoracic Society. PMID: 12851246.
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HumansCellsPHPublic Health
c-Jun N-terminal kinase contributes to apoptotic synergy induced by tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand plus DNA damage in chemoresistant, p53 inactive mesothelioma cells. J Biol Chem. 2003 Jul 11; 278(28):25461-7.
Vivo C, Liu W, Broaddus VC. PMID: 12707267.
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The integrin alpha(v)beta8 mediates epithelial homeostasis through MT1-MMP-dependent activation of TGF-beta1. J Cell Biol. 2002 Apr 29; 157(3):493-507.
Mu D, Cambier S, Fjellbirkeland L, Baron JL, Munger JS, Kawakatsu H, Sheppard D, Broaddus VC, Nishimura SL. PMID: 11970960; PMCID: PMC2173277.
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Tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand and chemotherapy cooperate to induce apoptosis in mesothelioma cell lines. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol. 2001 Jul; 25(1):111-8.
Liu W, Bodle E, Chen JY, Gao M, Rosen GD, Broaddus VC. PMID: 11472983.
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Diuresis and transudative effusions--changing the rules of the game. Am J Med. 2001 Jun 15; 110(9):732-5.
Broaddus VC. PMID: 11403759.
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Apoptosis and asbestos-induced disease: Is there a connection? J Lab Clin Med. 2001 May; 137(5):314-5.
Broaddus VC. PMID: 11329527.
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A role for the integrin alphavbeta8 in the negative regulation of epithelial cell growth. Cancer Res. 2000 Dec 15; 60(24):7084-93.
Cambier S, Mu DZ, O'Connell D, Boylen K, Travis W, Liu WH, Broaddus VC, Nishimura SL. PMID: 11156415.
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Vitronectin adsorption to chrysotile asbestos increases fiber phagocytosis and toxicity for mesothelial cells. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 2000 Nov; 279(5):L916-23.
Wu J, Liu W, Koenig K, Idell S, Broaddus VC. PMID: 11053028.
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Phagocytosis of crocidolite asbestos induces oxidative stress, DNA damage, and apoptosis in mesothelial cells. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol. 2000 Sep; 23(3):371-8.
Liu W, Ernst JD, Broaddus VC. PMID: 10970829.
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DNA breakage in asbestos-treated normal and transformed (TSV40) rat pleural mesothelial cells. Mutagenesis. 2000 May; 15(3):239-44.
Levresse V, Renier A, Levy F, Broaddus VC, Jaurand M. PMID: 10792017.
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Mesothelial cell apoptosis is confirmed in vivo by morphological change in cytokeratin distribution. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 2000 Mar; 278(3):L528-35.
Marchi E, Liu W, Broaddus VC. PMID: 10710525.
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Asbestos upregulates expression of the urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptor on mesothelial cells. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol. 1999 Nov; 21(5):637-46.
Perkins RC, Broaddus VC, Shetty S, Hamilton S, Idell S. PMID: 10536123.
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The effects of two antiinflammatory pretreatments on bacterial-induced lung injury. Anesthesiology. 1999 Jun; 90(6):1650-62.
Miyazaki H, Broaddus VC, Wiener-Kronish JP, Sawa T, Pittet JF, Kravchenko V, Mathison JC, Nishizawa H, Hattori S, Yamakawa T, Yamada H, Kudoh I. PMID: 10360864.
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Resistance of pleural mesothelioma cell lines to apoptosis: relation to expression of Bcl-2 and Bax. Am J Physiol. 1998 07; 275(1):L165-71.
Narasimhan SR, Yang L, Gerwin BI, Broaddus VC. PMID: 9688948.
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Preparation and characterization of an endogenously fluorescent annexin for detection of apoptotic cells. Anal Biochem. 1998 Jun 15; 260(1):18-23.
Ernst JD, Yang L, Rosales JL, Broaddus VC. PMID: 9648647.
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Asbestos-induced pleural disease. Clin Chest Med. 1998 Jun; 19(2):311-29.
Nishimura SL, Broaddus VC. PMID: 9646983.
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Asbestos, the mesothelial cell and malignancy: a matter of life or death. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol. 1997 Dec; 17(6):657-9.
Broaddus VC. PMID: 9409552.
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Crocidolite asbestos induces apoptosis of pleural mesothelial cells: role of reactive oxygen species and poly(ADP-ribosyl) polymerase. Environ Health Perspect. 1997 Sep; 105 Suppl 5:1147-52.
Broaddus VC, Yang L, Scavo LM, Ernst JD, Boylan AM. PMID: 9400715; PMCID: PMC1470163.
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Crocidolite Asbestos Induces Apoptosis of Pleural Mesothelial Cells: Role of Reactive Oxygen Species and Poly(ADP-Ribosyl) Polymerase. Environmental Health Perspectives. 1997 Sep 1; 105:1147.
Broaddus BV, Yang YL, Scavo SL, Ernst EJ, Boylan BA. .
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Mechanisms of pleural liquid formation in pleural inflammation. Curr Opin Pulm Med. 1997 Jul; 3(4):305-9.
Marchi E, Broaddus VC. PMID: 9262118.
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Neutralization of interleukin-8 in in vivo models of lung and pleural injury. Methods Enzymol. 1997; 288:161-81.
Broaddus VC, Hébert CA. PMID: 9356994.
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Asbestos induces apoptosis of human and rabbit pleural mesothelial cells via reactive oxygen species. J Clin Invest. 1996 Nov 01; 98(9):2050-9.
Broaddus VC, Yang L, Scavo LM, Ernst JD, Boylan AM. PMID: 8903324; PMCID: PMC507649.
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Vitronectin enhances internalization of crocidolite asbestos by rabbit pleural mesothelial cells via the integrin alpha v beta 5. J Clin Invest. 1995 Oct; 96(4):1987-2001.
Boylan AM, Sanan DA, Sheppard D, Broaddus VC. PMID: 7560092; PMCID: PMC185837.
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Acid aspiration-induced lung injury in rabbits is mediated by interleukin-8-dependent mechanisms. J Clin Invest. 1995 Jul; 96(1):107-16.
Folkesson HG, Matthay MA, Hébert CA, Broaddus VC. PMID: 7615779; PMCID: PMC185178.
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Infections in the Pleural Space: An Update on Pathogenesis and Management. Seminars in Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 1995 Jul 1; 16(04):303-314.
Broaddus BV. .
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Interleukin-8 is a major component of pleural liquid chemotactic activity in a rabbit model of endotoxin pleurisy. Am J Physiol. 1994 Aug; 267(2 Pt 1):L137-44.
Boylan AM, Hébert CA, Sadick M, Wong WL, Chuntharapai A, Hoeffel JM, Hartiala KT, Broaddus VC. PMID: 8074236.
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Fluid and Hemodynamic Management in Acute Lung Injury. Seminars in Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 1994 Jul 1; 15(04):271-288.
Matthay MM, Broaddus BV. .
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Starting an academic career. A survey of junior academic pulmonary physicians. Chest. 1994 Jun; 105(6):1858-63.
Broaddus VC, Feigal DW. PMID: 8205889.
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Neutralization of IL-8 inhibits neutrophil influx in a rabbit model of endotoxin-induced pleurisy. J Immunol. 1994 Mar 15; 152(6):2960-7.
Broaddus VC, Boylan AM, Hoeffel JM, Kim KJ, Sadick M, Chuntharapai A, Hébert CA. PMID: 8144895.
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Interrelationship of pleural and pulmonary interstitial liquid. Annu Rev Physiol. 1993; 55:209-26.
Wiener-Kronish JP, Broaddus VC. PMID: 8466174.
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Interleukin-8 is a major neutrophil chemotactic factor in pleural liquid of patients with empyema. Am Rev Respir Dis. 1992 Oct; 146(4):825-30.
Broaddus VC, Hébert CA, Vitangcol RV, Hoeffel JM, Bernstein MS, Boylan AM. PMID: 1416405.
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What is the origin of pleural transudates and exudates? Chest. 1992 Sep; 102(3):658-9.
Broaddus VC, Light RW. PMID: 1516384.
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Evidence of a role for mesothelial cell-derived interleukin 8 in the pathogenesis of asbestos-induced pleurisy in rabbits. J Clin Invest. 1992 Apr; 89(4):1257-67.
Boylan AM, Rüegg C, Kim KJ, Hébert CA, Hoeffel JM, Pytela R, Sheppard D, Goldstein IM, Broaddus VC. PMID: 1556187; PMCID: PMC442986.
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Liquid and protein dynamics using a new minimally invasive pleural catheter in rabbits. J Appl Physiol (1985). 1992 Mar; 72(3):851-7.
Broaddus VC, Araya M. PMID: 1568980.
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Developmental changes in pleural liquid protein concentration in sheep. Am Rev Respir Dis. 1991 Jan; 143(1):38-41.
Broaddus VC, Araya M, Carlton DP, Bland RD. PMID: 1986682.
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Clearance of lung edema into the pleural space of volume-loaded anesthetized sheep. J Appl Physiol (1985). 1990 Jun; 68(6):2623-30.
Broaddus VC, Wiener-Kronish JP, Staub NC. PMID: 2384440.
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Relationship of pleural effusions to increased permeability pulmonary edema in anesthetized sheep. Journal of Critical Care. 1989 Sep 1; 4(3):237.
Wiener-Kronish WJ, Broaddus BV, Albertine AK. .
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Relationship of pleural effusions to increased permeability pulmonary edema in anesthetized sheep. J Clin Invest. 1988 Oct; 82(4):1422-9.
Wiener-Kronish JP, Broaddus VC, Albertine KH, Gropper MA, Matthay MA, Staub NC. PMID: 3170750; PMCID: PMC442700.
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Alveolar liquid and protein clearance from normal dog lungs. J Appl Physiol (1985). 1988 Aug; 65(2):585-93.
Berthiaume Y, Broaddus VC, Gropper MA, Tanita T, Matthay MA. PMID: 3170409.
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Removal of pleural liquid and protein by lymphatics in awake sheep. J Appl Physiol (1985). 1988 Jan; 64(1):384-90.
Broaddus VC, Wiener-Kronish JP, Berthiaume Y, Staub NC. PMID: 3356657.
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Lack of association of pleural effusion with chronic pulmonary arterial and right atrial hypertension. Chest. 1987 Dec; 92(6):967-70.
Wiener-Kronish JP, Goldstein R, Matthay RA, Biondi JW, Broaddus VC, Chatterjee K, Matthay MA. PMID: 3677841.
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Analytic Reviews : Hemodynamic Management of the Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome. Journal of Intensive Care Medicine. 1987 Aug 1; 2(4):190-213.
Broaddus BV, Berthiaume BY, Biondi BJ, Matthay MM. .
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Reactivation of coccidioides infection. West J Med. 1986 Jul; 145(1):96-8.
Seltzer J, Broaddus VC, Jacobs R, Golden JA. PMID: 3529635; PMCID: PMC1306837.
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