The maternal X chromosome affects cognition and brain ageing in female mice. Nature. 2025 Jan 22.
Abdulai-Saiku S, Gupta S, Wang D, Marino F, Moreno AJ, Huang Y, Srivastava D, Panning B, Dubal DB. PMID: 39843739.
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The nuclear periphery confers repression on H3K9me2-marked genes and transposons to shape cell fate. bioRxiv. 2024 Jul 11.
Marin H, Simental E, Allen C, Martin E, Panning B, Al-Sady B, Buchwalter A. PMID: 39026839; PMCID: PMC11257442.
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X Chromosome Factor Kdm6a Enhances Cognition Independent of Its Demethylase Function in the Aging XY Male Brain. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2023 06 01; 78(6):938-943.
Shaw CK, Abdulai-Saiku S, Marino F, Wang D, Davis EJ, Panning B, Dubal DB. PMID: 36617879; PMCID: PMC10235195.
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A second X chromosome contributes to resilience in a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease. Sci Transl Med. 2020 08 26; 12(558).
Davis EJ, Broestl L, Abdulai-Saiku S, Worden K, Bonham LW, Miñones-Moyano E, Moreno AJ, Wang D, Chang K, Williams G, Garay BI, Lobach I, Devidze N, Kim D, Anderson-Bergman C, Yu GQ, White CC, Harris JA, Miller BL, Bennett DA, Arnold AP, De Jager PL, Palop JJ, Panning B, Yokoyama JS, Mucke L, Dubal DB. PMID: 32848093; PMCID: PMC8409261.
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OGT binds a conserved C-terminal domain of TET1 to regulate TET1 activity and function in development. Elife. 2018 10 16; 7.
Hrit J, Goodrich L, Li C, Wang BA, Nie J, Cui X, Martin EA, Simental E, Fernandez J, Liu MY, Nery JR, Castanon R, Kohli RM, Tretyakova N, He C, Ecker JR, Goll M, Panning B. PMID: 30325306; PMCID: PMC6214653.
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Autotaxin-mediated lipid signaling intersects with LIF and BMP signaling to promote the naive pluripotency transcription factor program. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2016 11 01; 113(44):12478-12483.
Kime C, Sakaki-Yumoto M, Goodrich L, Hayashi Y, Sami S, Derynck R, Asahi M, Panning B, Yamanaka S, Tomoda K. PMID: 27738243; PMCID: PMC5098653.
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Activators and repressors: A balancing act for X-inactivation. Semin Cell Dev Biol. 2016 08; 56:3-8.
Goodrich L, Panning B, Leung KN. PMID: 27223409.
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SOX2 O-GlcNAcylation alters its protein-protein interactions and genomic occupancy to modulate gene expression in pluripotent cells. Elife. 2016 Mar 07; 5:e10647.
Myers SA, Peddada S, Chatterjee N, Friedrich T, Tomoda K, Krings G, Thomas S, Maynard J, Broeker M, Thomson M, Pollard K, Yamanaka S, Burlingame AL, Panning B. PMID: 26949256; PMCID: PMC4841768.
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Editorial overview: Genome architecture and expression. Curr Opin Genet Dev. 2015 Apr; 31:v-vi.
Panning B, Segal E. PMID: 26051228; PMCID: PMC4476266.
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Quantitatively imaging chromosomes by correlated cryo-fluorescence and soft x-ray tomographies. Biophys J. 2014 Oct 21; 107(8):1988-1996.
Smith EA, McDermott G, Do M, Leung K, Panning B, Le Gros MA, Larabell CA. PMID: 25418180; PMCID: PMC4213715.
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Genome-Scale CRISPR-Mediated Control of Gene Repression and Activation. Cell. 2014 Oct 23; 159(3):647-61.
Gilbert LA, Horlbeck MA, Adamson B, Villalta JE, Chen Y, Whitehead EH, Guimaraes C, Panning B, Ploegh HL, Bassik MC, Qi LS, Kampmann M, Weissman JS. PMID: 25307932; PMCID: PMC4253859.
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1310 Fields:
X-inactivation: Xist RNA uses chromosome contacts to coat the X. Curr Biol. 2014 Jan 20; 24(2):R80-R82.
Leung KN, Panning B. PMID: 24456982; PMCID: PMC4465072.
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The Topological Organization of the Inactive X Chromosome in its Native State. Biophysical Journal. 2014 Jan 1; 106(2):434a-435a.
Smith SE, McDermott MG, Leung LK, Panning PB, Larabell LC, Le Gros LM. .
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The imprinted polycomb group gene Sfmbt2 is required for trophoblast maintenance and placenta development. Development. 2013 Nov; 140(22):4480-9.
Miri K, Latham K, Panning B, Zhong Z, Andersen A, Varmuza S. PMID: 24154523; PMCID: PMC3817938.
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Quantitative genetic-interaction mapping in mammalian cells. Nat Methods. 2013 May; 10(5):432-7.
Roguev A, Talbot D, Negri GL, Shales M, Cagney G, Bandyopadhyay S, Panning B, Krogan NJ. PMID: 23407553; PMCID: PMC3641890.
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Derivation conditions impact X-inactivation status in female human induced pluripotent stem cells. Cell Stem Cell. 2012 Jul 06; 11(1):91-9.
Tomoda K, Takahashi K, Leung K, Okada A, Narita M, Yamada NA, Eilertson KE, Tsang P, Baba S, White MP, Sami S, Srivastava D, Conklin BR, Panning B, Yamanaka S. PMID: 22770243; PMCID: PMC3396435.
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Polycomb repressive complex 2 is necessary for the normal site-specific O-GlcNAc distribution in mouse embryonic stem cells. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2011 Jun 07; 108(23):9490-5.
Myers SA, Panning B, Burlingame AL. PMID: 21606357; PMCID: PMC3111310.
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Control of embryonic stem cell identity by nucleosome remodeling enzymes. Curr Opin Genet Dev. 2010 Oct; 20(5):500-4.
Fazzio TG, Panning B. PMID: 20800472; PMCID: PMC3001349.
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The A-repeat links ASF/SF2-dependent Xist RNA processing with random choice during X inactivation. Nat Struct Mol Biol. 2010 Aug; 17(8):948-54.
Royce-Tolland ME, Andersen AA, Koyfman HR, Talbot DJ, Wutz A, Tonks ID, Kay GF, Panning B. PMID: 20657585; PMCID: PMC4336797.
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Condensin complexes regulate mitotic progression and interphase chromatin structure in embryonic stem cells. J Cell Biol. 2010 Feb 22; 188(4):491-503.
Fazzio TG, Panning B. PMID: 20176923; PMCID: PMC2828918.
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High resolution electron transfer dissociation studies of unfractionated intact histones from murine embryonic stem cells using on-line capillary LC separation: determination of abundant histone isoforms and post-translational modifications. Mol Cell Proteomics. 2010 May; 9(5):824-37.
Eliuk SM, Maltby D, Panning B, Burlingame AL. PMID: 20133344; PMCID: PMC2871417.
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Fine-tuning silencing. Cell Stem Cell. 2010 Jan 08; 6(1):3-4.
Panning B. PMID: 20085734; PMCID: PMC4512832.
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The zinc finger protein Zn72D and DEAD box helicase Belle interact and control maleless mRNA and protein levels. BMC Mol Biol. 2009 Apr 22; 10:33.
Worringer KA, Chu F, Panning B. PMID: 19386123; PMCID: PMC2680859.
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Chromatin regulation Tip(60)s the balance in embryonic stem cell self-renewal. Cell Cycle. 2008 Nov 01; 7(21):3302-6.
Fazzio TG, Huff JT, Panning B. PMID: 18948739; PMCID: PMC4476248.
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X-chromosome inactivation: the molecular basis of silencing. J Biol. 2008 Oct 27; 7(8):30.
Panning B. PMID: 18983701; PMCID: PMC2776401.
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Epigenomics: a roadmap, but to where? Science. 2008 Oct 03; 322(5898):43-4.
Madhani HD, Francis NJ, Kingston RE, Kornberg RD, Moazed D, Narlikar GJ, Panning B, Struhl K. PMID: 18832628; PMCID: PMC4479142.
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Transcriptional regulation: it takes a village. Mol Cell. 2008 Sep 05; 31(5):622-9.
Panning B, Taatjes DJ. PMID: 18775322; PMCID: PMC4479147.
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An RNAi screen of chromatin proteins identifies Tip60-p400 as a regulator of embryonic stem cell identity. Cell. 2008 Jul 11; 134(1):162-74.
Fazzio TG, Huff JT, Panning B. PMID: 18614019; PMCID: PMC4308735.
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The colocalization transition of homologous chromosomes at meiosis. Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys. 2008 Jun; 77(6 Pt 1):061913.
Nicodemi M, Panning B, Prisco A. PMID: 18643306.
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A thermodynamic switch for chromosome colocalization. Genetics. 2008 May; 179(1):717-21.
Nicodemi M, Panning B, Prisco A. PMID: 18493085; PMCID: PMC2390650.
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X-inactivation: it takes two to count. Curr Biol. 2008 Mar 25; 18(6):R255-6.
Royce-Tolland M, Panning B. PMID: 18364230.
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IRE1 signaling affects cell fate during the unfolded protein response. Science. 2007 Nov 09; 318(5852):944-9.
Lin JH, Li H, Yasumura D, Cohen HR, Zhang C, Panning B, Shokat KM, Lavail MM, Walter P. PMID: 17991856; PMCID: PMC3670588.
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Differences between homologous alleles of olfactory receptor genes require the Polycomb Group protein Eed. J Cell Biol. 2007 Oct 22; 179(2):269-76.
Alexander MK, Mlynarczyk-Evans S, Royce-Tolland M, Plocik A, Kalantry S, Magnuson T, Panning B. PMID: 17954609; PMCID: PMC2064763.
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Zinc finger protein Zn72D promotes productive splicing of the maleless transcript. Mol Cell Biol. 2007 Dec; 27(24):8760-9.
Worringer KA, Panning B. PMID: 17923683; PMCID: PMC2169391.
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The histone domain of macroH2A1 contains several dispersed elements that are each sufficient to direct enrichment on the inactive X chromosome. J Mol Biol. 2007 Aug 03; 371(1):11-8.
Nusinow DA, Sharp JA, Morris A, Salas S, Plath K, Panning B. PMID: 17570398; PMCID: PMC2701898.
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The polycomb group protein SUZ12 regulates histone H3 lysine 9 methylation and HP1 alpha distribution. Chromosome Res. 2007; 15(3):299-314.
de la Cruz CC, Kirmizis A, Simon MD, Isono K, Koseki H, Panning B. PMID: 17406994.
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The site-specific installation of methyl-lysine analogs into recombinant histones. Cell. 2007 Mar 09; 128(5):1003-12.
Simon MD, Chu F, Racki LR, de la Cruz CC, Burlingame AL, Panning B, Narlikar GJ, Shokat KM. PMID: 17350582; PMCID: PMC2932701.
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The XIST noncoding RNA functions independently of BRCA1 in X inactivation. Cell. 2007 Mar 09; 128(5):977-89.
Xiao C, Sharp JA, Kawahara M, Davalos AR, Difilippantonio MJ, Hu Y, Li W, Cao L, Buetow K, Ried T, Chadwick BP, Deng CX, Panning B. PMID: 17350580.
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XIST RNA exhibits nuclear retention and exhibits reduced association with the export factor TAP/NXF1. Chromosoma. 2007 Aug; 116(4):373-83.
Cohen HR, Panning B. PMID: 17333237.
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Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase 1 is inhibited by a histone H2A variant, MacroH2A, and contributes to silencing of the inactive X chromosome. J Biol Chem. 2007 Apr 27; 282(17):12851-9.
Nusinow DA, Hernández-Muñoz I, Fazzio TG, Shah GM, Kraus WL, Panning B. PMID: 17322296.
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X chromosomes alternate between two states prior to random X-inactivation. PLoS Biol. 2006 Jun; 4(6):e159.
Mlynarczyk-Evans S, Royce-Tolland M, Alexander MK, Andersen AA, Kalantry S, Gribnau J, Panning B. PMID: 16669701; PMCID: PMC1457015.
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Mapping post-translational modifications of the histone variant macroH2A1 using tandem mass spectrometry. The FASEB Journal. 2006 Mar 1; 20(4):a528-a528.
Chu CF, Nusinow ND, Chalkley CR, Plath PK, Panning PB, Burlingame BA. .
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The Polycomb group protein Eed protects the inactive X-chromosome from differentiation-induced reactivation. Nat Cell Biol. 2006 Feb; 8(2):195-202.
Kalantry S, Mills KC, Yee D, Otte AP, Panning B, Magnuson T. PMID: 16415857; PMCID: PMC1400591.
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Counting chromosomes: not as easy as 1, 2, 3. Curr Biol. 2005 Oct 25; 15(20):R834-6.
Alexander MK, Panning B. PMID: 16243022.
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Mapping post-translational modifications of the histone variant MacroH2A1 using tandem mass spectrometry. Mol Cell Proteomics. 2006 Jan; 5(1):194-203.
Chu F, Nusinow DA, Chalkley RJ, Plath K, Panning B, Burlingame AL. PMID: 16210244.
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Developmental regulation of Suz 12 localization. Chromosoma. 2005 Aug; 114(3):183-92.
de la Cruz CC, Fang J, Plath K, Worringer KA, Nusinow DA, Zhang Y, Panning B. PMID: 15986205.
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Stable X chromosome inactivation involves the PRC1 Polycomb complex and requires histone MACROH2A1 and the CULLIN3/SPOP ubiquitin E3 ligase. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2005 May 24; 102(21):7635-40.
Hernández-Muñoz I, Lund AH, van der Stoop P, Boutsma E, Muijrers I, Verhoeven E, Nusinow DA, Panning B, Marahrens Y, van Lohuizen M. PMID: 15897469; PMCID: PMC1140410.
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Recognition and modification of seX chromosomes. Curr Opin Genet Dev. 2005 Apr; 15(2):206-13.
Nusinow DA, Panning B. PMID: 15797204.
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Chromatin modifications on the inactive X chromosome. Prog Mol Subcell Biol. 2005; 38:91-122.
Cohen HR, Royce-Tolland ME, Worringer KA, Panning B. PMID: 15881892.
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Chromatin remodeling in dosage compensation. Annu Rev Genet. 2005; 39:615-51.
Lucchesi JC, Kelly WG, Panning B. PMID: 16285873.
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Developmentally regulated alterations in Polycomb repressive complex 1 proteins on the inactive X chromosome. J Cell Biol. 2004 Dec 20; 167(6):1025-35.
Plath K, Talbot D, Hamer KM, Otte AP, Yang TP, Jaenisch R, Panning B. PMID: 15596546; PMCID: PMC2172612.
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X inactivation in mouse ES cells: histone modifications and FISH. Methods Enzymol. 2004; 376:419-28.
Panning B. PMID: 14975322.
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MACRO-H2A: A STRUCTURALLY AND FUNCTIONALLY DIVERSE HISTONE VARIANT. Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology. 2004 Jan 1; 69(1):1-1.
Chakravarthy CS, Nusinow ND, Plath PK, Perche PP, Khochbin KS, Panning PB, Luger LK. .
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Epigenetic gene regulation by noncoding RNAs. Current Opinion in Cell Biology. 2003 Aug 1; 15(4):504.
Andersen AA, Panning PB. .
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Epigenetic gene regulation by noncoding RNAs. Curr Opin Cell Biol. 2003 Jun; 15(3):281-9.
Andersen AA, Panning B. PMID: 12787769.
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Role of histone H3 lysine 27 methylation in X inactivation. Science. 2003 Apr 04; 300(5616):131-5.
Plath K, Fang J, Mlynarczyk-Evans SK, Cao R, Worringer KA, Wang H, de la Cruz CC, Otte AP, Panning B, Zhang Y. PMID: 12649488.
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Xist RNA and the mechanism of X chromosome inactivation. Annu Rev Genet. 2002; 36:233-78.
Plath K, Mlynarczyk-Evans S, Nusinow DA, Panning B. PMID: 12429693.
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Identification of an autoimmune serum containing antibodies against the Barr body. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2001 Jul 17; 98(15):8703-8.
Hong B, Reeves P, Panning B, Swanson MS, Yang TP. PMID: 11438711; PMCID: PMC37499.
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X inactivation: Tsix and Xist as yin and yang. Curr Biol. 2000 Dec 14-28; 10(24):R899-903.
Mlynarczyk SK, Panning B. PMID: 11137025.
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Messenger RNAs encoding mouse histone macroH2A1 isoforms are expressed at similar levels in male and female cells and result from alternative splicing. Nucleic Acids Res. 1999 Sep 15; 27(18):3685-9.
Rasmussen TP, Huang T, Mastrangelo MA, Loring J, Panning B, Jaenisch R. PMID: 10471737; PMCID: PMC148623.
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Conditional deletion of Xist disrupts histone macroH2A localization but not maintenance of X inactivation. Nat Genet. 1999 Aug; 22(4):323-4.
Csankovszki G, Panning B, Bates B, Pehrson JR, Jaenisch R. PMID: 10431231.
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RNA and the epigenetic regulation of X chromosome inactivation. Cell. 1998 May 01; 93(3):305-8.
Panning B, Jaenisch R. PMID: 9590161.
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Mammalian X chromosome inactivation. Novartis Found Symp. 1998; 214:200-9; discussion 209-13, 228-32.
Jaenisch R, Beard C, Lee J, Marahrens Y, Panning B. PMID: 9601019.
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X chromosome inactivation is mediated by Xist RNA stabilization. Cell. 1997 Sep 05; 90(5):907-16.
Panning B, Dausman J, Jaenisch R. PMID: 9298902.
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Herpes simplex virus immediate-early proteins ICP0 and ICP4 activate the endogenous human alpha-globin gene in nonerythroid cells. J Virol. 1997 Mar; 71(3):1784-93.
Cheung P, Panning B, Smiley JR. PMID: 9032307; PMCID: PMC191247.
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Xist-deficient mice are defective in dosage compensation but not spermatogenesis. Genes Dev. 1997 Jan 15; 11(2):156-66.
Marahrens Y, Panning B, Dausman J, Strauss W, Jaenisch R. PMID: 9009199.
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DNA hypomethylation can activate Xist expression and silence X-linked genes. Genes Dev. 1996 Aug 15; 10(16):1991-2002.
Panning B, Jaenisch R. PMID: 8769643.
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Activation of expression of multiple subfamilies of human Alu elements by adenovirus type 5 and herpes simplex virus type 1. J Mol Biol. 1995 May 05; 248(3):513-24.
Panning B, Smiley JR. PMID: 7752221.
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Activation of RNA polymerase III transcription of human Alu elements by herpes simplex virus. Virology. 1994 Jul; 202(1):408-17.
Panning B, Smiley JR. PMID: 8009851.
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Activation of RNA polymerase III transcription of human Alu repetitive elements by adenovirus type 5: requirement for the E1b 58-kilodalton protein and the products of E4 open reading frames 3 and 6. Mol Cell Biol. 1993 Jun; 13(6):3231-44.
Panning B, Smiley JR. PMID: 7684492; PMCID: PMC359768.
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Regulation of cellular genes transduced by herpes simplex virus. J Virol. 1989 May; 63(5):1929-37.
Panning B, Smiley JR. PMID: 2539495; PMCID: PMC250605.
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