Significant oligodendrocyte progenitor and microglial cell death is a feature of remyelination following toxin-induced experimental demyelination. Brain Commun. 2025; 7(1):fcae386.
Gaitsch H, Assinck P, Dimas P, Zhao C, Morcom L, Rowitch DH, Reich DS, Franklin RJM. PMID: 39830424; PMCID: PMC11739797.
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Exome and Genome Sequencing to Diagnose the Genetic Basis of Neonatal Hypotonia: An International Consortium Study. Neurology. 2025 Jan 14; 104(1):e210106.
Morton SU, Costain G, French CE, Wakeling E, Szuto A, Christodoulou J, Cohn R, Darras BT, Wojcik MH, D'Gama AM, Dowling JJ, Lunke S, Muntoni F, Raymond L, Rowitch D, Beggs AH, Stark Z, Agrawal PB. PMID: 39700446; PMCID: PMC11666248.
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Epidermal growth factor receptor and Ink4a/Arf: Convergent mechanisms governing terminal differentiation and transformation along the neural stem cell to astrocyte axis. Cancer Cell. 2024 Dec 09; 42(12):2124.
Bachoo RM, Maher EA, Ligon KL, Sharpless NE, Chan SS, You MJ, Tang Y, DeFrances J, Stover E, Weissleder R, Rowitch DH, Louis DN, DePinho RA. PMID: 39663072.
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Oligodendrocyte Slc48a1 (Hrg1) encodes a functional heme transporter required for myelin integrity. Glia. 2025 Feb; 73(2):399-421.
Stockley JH, Vaquie AM, Xu Z, Bartels T, Jordan GD, Holmqvist S, Gunter S, Lam G, Yamamoto D, Pek RH, Chambers IG, Rock AS, Hill M, Zhao C, Dillon S, Franklin RJM, O'Connor R, Bodine DM, Hamza I, Rowitch DH. PMID: 39501820; PMCID: PMC11662986.
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Identifying barriers and opportunities to facilitate the uptake of whole genome sequencing in paediatric haematology and oncology practice. BMC Med Educ. 2024 Nov 06; 24(1):1273.
Bishop M, Vedi A, Bowdin S, Armstrong R, Bartram J, Bentley D, Ross M, Hook CE, Yin Chung BH, Moss P, Rowitch DH, Tarpey P, Behjati S, Murray MJ. PMID: 39506754; PMCID: PMC11542304.
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Generation of Mammalian Astrocyte Functional Heterogeneity. Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol. 2024 Nov 01; 16(11).
Bartels T, Rowitch DH, Bayraktar OA. PMID: 38692833; PMCID: PMC11529848.
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Editor's Note: Inhibition of Phosphatidylinositol 3-Kinase Destabilizes Mycn Protein and Blocks Malignant Progression in Neuroblastoma. Cancer Res. 2024 Oct 01; 84(19):3311.
Chesler L, Schlieve C, Goldenberg DD, Kenney A, Kim G, McMillan A, Matthay KK, Rowitch D, Weiss WA. PMID: 39350668.
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Novel human iPSC models of neuroinflammation in neurodegenerative disease and regenerative medicine. Trends Immunol. 2024 Oct; 45(10):799-813.
Summers RA, Fagiani F, Rowitch DH, Absinta M, Reich DS. PMID: 39307583; PMCID: PMC11471369.
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Genetic investigations in cerebral palsy. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2025 Feb; 67(2):177-185.
Basu AP, Low K, Ratnaike T, Rowitch D. PMID: 39208295; PMCID: PMC11695794.
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Neuroinflammatory reactive astrocyte formation correlates with adverse outcomes in perinatal white matter injury. Glia. 2024 09; 72(9):1663-1673.
Renz P, Steinfort M, Haesler V, Tscherrig V, Huang EJ, Chavali M, Liddelow S, Rowitch DH, Surbek D, Schoeberlein A, Brosius Lutz A. PMID: 38924630.
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Developmental origin of oligodendrocytes determines their function in the adult brain. Nat Neurosci. 2024 Aug; 27(8):1545-1554.
Foerster S, Floriddia EM, van Bruggen D, Kukanja P, Hervé B, Cheng S, Kim E, Phillips BU, Heath CJ, Tripathi RB, Call C, Bartels T, Ridley K, Neumann B, López-Cruz L, Crawford AH, Lynch CJ, Serrano M, Saksida L, Rowitch DH, Möbius W, Nave KA, Rasband MN, Bergles DE, Kessaris N, Richardson WD, Bussey TJ, Zhao C, Castelo-Branco G, Franklin RJM. PMID: 38849524; PMCID: PMC11303253.
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A retroviral link to vertebrate myelination through retrotransposon-RNA-mediated control of myelin gene expression. Cell. 2024 Feb 15; 187(4):814-830.e23.
Ghosh T, Almeida RG, Zhao C, Mannioui A, Martin E, Fleet A, Chen CZ, Assinck P, Ellams S, Gonzalez GA, Graham SC, Rowitch DH, Stott K, Adams I, Zalc B, Goldman N, Lyons DA, Franklin RJM. PMID: 38364788.
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Time-resolved single-cell RNAseq profiling identifies a novel Fabp5+ subpopulation of inflammatory myeloid cells with delayed cytotoxic profile in chronic spinal cord injury. Heliyon. 2023 Aug; 9(8):e18339.
Hamel R, Peruzzotti-Jametti L, Ridley K, Testa V, Yu B, Rowitch D, Marioni JC, Pluchino S. PMID: 37636454; PMCID: PMC10450865.
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Neuron-oligodendrocyte potassium shuttling at nodes of Ranvier protects against inflammatory demyelination. J Clin Invest. 2023 04 03; 133(7).
Kapell H, Fazio L, Dyckow J, Schwarz S, Cruz-Herranz A, Mayer C, Campos J, D'Este E, Möbius W, Cordano C, Pröbstel AK, Gharagozloo M, Zulji A, Narayanan Naik V, Delank A, Cerina M, Müntefering T, Lerma-Martin C, Sonner JK, Sin JH, Disse P, Rychlik N, Sabeur K, Chavali M, Srivastava R, Heidenreich M, Fitzgerald KC, Seebohm G, Stadelmann C, Hemmer B, Platten M, Jentsch TJ, Engelhardt M, Budde T, Nave KA, Calabresi PA, Friese MA, Green AJ, Acuna C, Rowitch DH, Meuth SG, Schirmer L. PMID: 36719741; PMCID: PMC10065072.
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Clinical and Neurophysiologic Phenotypes in Neonates With BRAT1 Encephalopathy. Neurology. 2023 03 21; 100(12):e1234-e1247.
Carapancea E, Cornet MC, Milh M, De Cosmo L, Huang EJ, Granata T, Striano P, Ceulemans B, Stein A, Morris-Rosendahl D, Conti G, Mitra N, Raymond FL, Rowitch DH, Solazzi R, Vercellino F, De Liso P, D'Onofrio G, Boniver C, Danhaive O, Carkeek K, Salpietro V, Weckhuysen S, Fedrigo M, Angelini A, Castellotti B, Lederer D, Benoit V, Raviglione F, Guerrini R, Dilena R, Cilio MR. PMID: 36599696; PMCID: PMC10033164.
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Publisher Correction: Brain charts for the human lifespan. Nature. 2022 Oct; 610(7931):E6.
Bethlehem RAI, Seidlitz J, White SR, Vogel JW, Anderson KM, Adamson C, Adler S, Alexopoulos GS, Anagnostou E, Areces-Gonzalez A, Astle DE, Auyeung B, Ayub M, Bae J, Ball G, Baron-Cohen S, Beare R, Bedford SA, Benegal V, Beyer F, Blangero J, Blesa Cábez M, Boardman JP, Borzage M, Bosch-Bayard JF, Bourke N, Calhoun VD, Chakravarty MM, Chen C, Chertavian C, Chetelat G, Chong YS, Cole JH, Corvin A, Costantino M, Courchesne E, Crivello F, Cropley VL, Crosbie J, Crossley N, Delarue M, Delorme R, Desrivieres S, Devenyi GA, Di Biase MA, Dolan R, Donald KA, Donohoe G, Dunlop K, Edwards AD, Elison JT, Ellis CT, Elman JA, Eyler L, Fair DA, Feczko E, Fletcher PC, Fonagy P, Franz CE, Galan-Garcia L, Gholipour A, Giedd J, Gilmore JH, Glahn DC, Goodyer IM, Grant PE, Groenewold NA, Gunning FM, Gur RE, Gur RC, Hammill CF, Hansson O, Hedden T, Heinz A, Henson RN, Heuer K, Hoare J, Holla B, Holmes AJ, Holt R, Huang H, Im K, Ipser J, Jack CR, Jackowski AP, Jia T, Johnson KA, Jones PB, Jones DT, Kahn RS, Karlsson H, Karlsson L, Kawashima R, Kelley EA, Kern S, Kim KW, Kitzbichler MG, Kremen WS, Lalonde F, Landeau B, Lee S, Lerch J, Lewis JD, Li J, Liao W, Liston C, Lombardo MV, Lv J, Lynch C, Mallard TT, Marcelis M, Markello RD, Mathias SR, Mazoyer B, McGuire P, Meaney MJ, Mechelli A, Medic N, Misic B, Morgan SE, Mothersill D, Nigg J, Ong MQW, Ortinau C, Ossenkoppele R, Ouyang M, Palaniyappan L, Paly L, Pan PM, Pantelis C, Park MM, Paus T, Pausova Z, Paz-Linares D, Pichet Binette A, Pierce K, Qian X, Qiu J, Qiu A, Raznahan A, Rittman T, Rodrigue A, Rollins CK, Romero-Garcia R, Ronan L, Rosenberg MD, Rowitch DH, Salum GA, Satterthwaite TD, Schaare HL, Schachar RJ, Schultz AP, Schumann G, Schöll M, Sharp D, Shinohara RT, Skoog I, Smyser CD, Sperling RA, Stein DJ, Stolicyn A, Suckling J, Sullivan G, Taki Y, Thyreau B, Toro R, Traut N, Tsvetanov KA, Turk-Browne NB, Tuulari JJ, Tzourio C, Vachon-Presseau É, Valdes-Sosa MJ, Valdes-Sosa PA, Valk SL, van Amelsvoort T, Vandekar SN, Vasung L, Victoria LW, Villeneuve S, Villringer A, Vértes PE, Wagstyl K, Wang YS, Warfield SK, Warrier V, Westman E, Westwater ML, Whalley HC, Witte AV, Yang N, Yeo B, Yun H, Zalesky A, Zar HJ, Zettergren A, Zhou JH, Ziauddeen H, Zugman A, Zuo XN, 3R-BRAIN, AIBL, Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative, Alzheimer’s Disease Repository Without Borders Investigators, CALM Team, Cam-CAN, CCNP, COBRE, cVEDA, ENIGMA Developmental Brain Age Working Group, Developing Human Connectome Project, FinnBrain, Harvard Aging Brain Study, IMAGEN, KNE96, Mayo Clinic Study of Aging, NSPN, POND, PREVENT-AD Research Group, VETSA, Bullmore ET, Alexander-Bloch AF. PMID: 36151472; PMCID: PMC9556297.
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Myeloid cell interferon secretion restricts Zika flavivirus infection of developing and malignant human neural progenitor cells. Neuron. 2022 12 07; 110(23):3936-3951.e10.
Bulstrode H, Girdler GC, Gracia T, Aivazidis A, Moutsopoulos I, Young AMH, Hancock J, He X, Ridley K, Xu Z, Stockley JH, Finlay J, Hallou C, Fajardo T, Fountain DM, van Dongen S, Joannides A, Morris R, Mair R, Watts C, Santarius T, Price SJ, Hutchinson PJA, Hodson EJ, Pollard SM, Mohorianu I, Barker RA, Sweeney TR, Bayraktar O, Gergely F, Rowitch DH. PMID: 36174572; PMCID: PMC7615581.
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Generation of functional human oligodendrocytes from dermal fibroblasts by direct lineage conversion. Development. 2022 10 15; 149(20).
Tanabe K, Nobuta H, Yang N, Ang CE, Huie P, Jordan S, Oldham MC, Rowitch DH, Wernig M. PMID: 35748297; PMCID: PMC9357374.
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Genetic correlates of phenotypic heterogeneity in autism. Nat Genet. 2022 09; 54(9):1293-1304.
Warrier V, Zhang X, Reed P, Havdahl A, Moore TM, Cliquet F, Leblond CS, Rolland T, Rosengren A, EU-AIMS LEAP, iPSYCH-Autism Working Group, Spectrum 10K and APEX Consortia, Rowitch DH, Hurles ME, Geschwind DH, Børglum AD, Robinson EB, Grove J, Martin HC, Bourgeron T, Baron-Cohen S. PMID: 35654973; PMCID: PMC9470531.
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Refinements and considerations for trio whole-genome sequence analysis when investigating Mendelian diseases presenting in early childhood. HGG Adv. 2022 Jul 14; 3(3):100113.
French CE, Dolling H, Mégy K, Sanchis-Juan A, Kumar A, Delon I, Wakeling M, Mallin L, Agrawal S, Austin T, Walston F, Park SM, Parker A, Piyasena C, Bradbury K, Next Generation Children’s Project Consortium, Ellard S, Rowitch DH, Raymond FL. PMID: 35586607; PMCID: PMC9108978.
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Brain charts for the human lifespan. Nature. 2022 04; 604(7906):525-533.
Bethlehem RAI, Seidlitz J, White SR, Vogel JW, Anderson KM, Adamson C, Adler S, Alexopoulos GS, Anagnostou E, Areces-Gonzalez A, Astle DE, Auyeung B, Ayub M, Bae J, Ball G, Baron-Cohen S, Beare R, Bedford SA, Benegal V, Beyer F, Blangero J, Blesa Cábez M, Boardman JP, Borzage M, Bosch-Bayard JF, Bourke N, Calhoun VD, Chakravarty MM, Chen C, Chertavian C, Chetelat G, Chong YS, Cole JH, Corvin A, Costantino M, Courchesne E, Crivello F, Cropley VL, Crosbie J, Crossley N, Delarue M, Delorme R, Desrivieres S, Devenyi GA, Di Biase MA, Dolan R, Donald KA, Donohoe G, Dunlop K, Edwards AD, Elison JT, Ellis CT, Elman JA, Eyler L, Fair DA, Feczko E, Fletcher PC, Fonagy P, Franz CE, Galan-Garcia L, Gholipour A, Giedd J, Gilmore JH, Glahn DC, Goodyer IM, Grant PE, Groenewold NA, Gunning FM, Gur RE, Gur RC, Hammill CF, Hansson O, Hedden T, Heinz A, Henson RN, Heuer K, Hoare J, Holla B, Holmes AJ, Holt R, Huang H, Im K, Ipser J, Jack CR, Jackowski AP, Jia T, Johnson KA, Jones PB, Jones DT, Kahn RS, Karlsson H, Karlsson L, Kawashima R, Kelley EA, Kern S, Kim KW, Kitzbichler MG, Kremen WS, Lalonde F, Landeau B, Lee S, Lerch J, Lewis JD, Li J, Liao W, Liston C, Lombardo MV, Lv J, Lynch C, Mallard TT, Marcelis M, Markello RD, Mathias SR, Mazoyer B, McGuire P, Meaney MJ, Mechelli A, Medic N, Misic B, Morgan SE, Mothersill D, Nigg J, Ong MQW, Ortinau C, Ossenkoppele R, Ouyang M, Palaniyappan L, Paly L, Pan PM, Pantelis C, Park MM, Paus T, Pausova Z, Paz-Linares D, Pichet Binette A, Pierce K, Qian X, Qiu J, Qiu A, Raznahan A, Rittman T, Rodrigue A, Rollins CK, Romero-Garcia R, Ronan L, Rosenberg MD, Rowitch DH, Salum GA, Satterthwaite TD, Schaare HL, Schachar RJ, Schultz AP, Schumann G, Schöll M, Sharp D, Shinohara RT, Skoog I, Smyser CD, Sperling RA, Stein DJ, Stolicyn A, Suckling J, Sullivan G, Taki Y, Thyreau B, Toro R, Traut N, Tsvetanov KA, Turk-Browne NB, Tuulari JJ, Tzourio C, Vachon-Presseau É, Valdes-Sosa MJ, Valdes-Sosa PA, Valk SL, van Amelsvoort T, Vandekar SN, Vasung L, Victoria LW, Villeneuve S, Villringer A, Vértes PE, Wagstyl K, Wang YS, Warfield SK, Warrier V, Westman E, Westwater ML, Whalley HC, Witte AV, Yang N, Yeo B, Yun H, Zalesky A, Zar HJ, Zettergren A, Zhou JH, Ziauddeen H, Zugman A, Zuo XN, 3R-BRAIN, AIBL, Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative, Alzheimer’s Disease Repository Without Borders Investigators, CALM Team, Cam-CAN, CCNP, COBRE, cVEDA, ENIGMA Developmental Brain Age Working Group, Developing Human Connectome Project, FinnBrain, Harvard Aging Brain Study, IMAGEN, KNE96, Mayo Clinic Study of Aging, NSPN, POND, PREVENT-AD Research Group, VETSA, Bullmore ET, Alexander-Bloch AF. PMID: 35388223; PMCID: PMC9021021.
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413 Fields:
Multicenter Consensus Approach to Evaluation of Neonatal Hypotonia in the Genomic Era: A Review. JAMA Neurol. 2022 04 01; 79(4):405-413.
Morton SU, Christodoulou J, Costain G, Muntoni F, Wakeling E, Wojcik MH, French CE, Szuto A, Dowling JJ, Cohn RD, Raymond FL, Darras BT, Williams DA, Lunke S, Stark Z, Rowitch DH, Agrawal PB. PMID: 35254387; PMCID: PMC10134401.
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MC3R links nutritional state to childhood growth and the timing of puberty. Nature. 2021 11; 599(7885):436-441.
Lam BYH, Williamson A, Finer S, Day FR, Tadross JA, Gonçalves Soares A, Wade K, Sweeney P, Bedenbaugh MN, Porter DT, Melvin A, Ellacott KLJ, Lippert RN, Buller S, Rosmaninho-Salgado J, Dowsett GKC, Ridley KE, Xu Z, Cimino I, Rimmington D, Rainbow K, Duckett K, Holmqvist S, Khan A, Dai X, Bochukova EG, Genes & Health Research Team, Trembath RC, Martin HC, Coll AP, Rowitch DH, Wareham NJ, van Heel DA, Timpson N, Simerly RB, Ong KK, Cone RD, Langenberg C, Perry JRB, Yeo GS, O'Rahilly S. PMID: 34732894; PMCID: PMC8819628.
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Optimising the health-care experiences of babies, children, and young people. Lancet. 2021 10 02; 398(10307):1201-1203.
Ford T, Kusi-Mensah K, Newlove-Delgado T, Ramchandani P, Price-Kuehne F, Rowitch D. PMID: 34559997.
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Evidence for glutamine synthetase function in mouse spinal cord oligodendrocytes. Glia. 2021 12; 69(12):2812-2827.
Ben Haim L, Schirmer L, Zulji A, Sabeur K, Tiret B, Ribon M, Chang S, Lamers WH, Boillée S, Chaumeil MM, Rowitch DH. PMID: 34396578; PMCID: PMC8502205.
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Nutritional regulation of oligodendrocyte differentiation regulates perineuronal net remodeling in the median eminence. Cell Rep. 2021 07 13; 36(2):109362.
Kohnke S, Buller S, Nuzzaci D, Ridley K, Lam B, Pivonkova H, Bentsen MA, Alonge KM, Zhao C, Tadross J, Holmqvist S, Shimizu T, Hathaway H, Li H, Macklin W, Schwartz MW, Richardson WD, Yeo GSH, Franklin RJM, Karadottir RT, Rowitch DH, Blouet C. PMID: 34260928; PMCID: PMC8293628.
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On-chip perivascular niche supporting stemness of patient-derived glioma cells in a serum-free, flowable culture. Lab Chip. 2021 06 15; 21(12):2343-2358.
Gerigk M, Bulstrode H, Shi HH, Tönisen F, Cerutti C, Morrison G, Rowitch D, Huang YYS. PMID: 33969368; PMCID: PMC8204159.
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A classification of videoconferencing related illness: the Zoomnotic diseases. QJM. 2021 05 19; 114(3):159-162.
Rowitch DH, O'Rahilly S, Smith GCS. PMID: 33245119.
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Letter to Editor Response to: Is zoomnosis a human-driven human zoonosis? A call for action. QJM. 2021 04 27; 114(2):143.
Rowitch DH, O'Rahilly S, Smith GCS. PMID: 33459783.
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Neuroprotective effects of Sonic hedgehog agonist SAG in a rat model of neonatal stroke. Pediatr Res. 2021 12; 90(6):1161-1170.
Nguyen V, Chavali M, Larpthaveesarp A, Kodali S, Gonzalez G, Franklin RJM, Rowitch DH, Gonzalez F. PMID: 33654279; PMCID: PMC8410885.
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Reactive astrocyte nomenclature, definitions, and future directions. Nat Neurosci. 2021 03; 24(3):312-325.
Escartin C, Galea E, Lakatos A, O'Callaghan JP, Petzold GC, Serrano-Pozo A, Steinhäuser C, Volterra A, Carmignoto G, Agarwal A, Allen NJ, Araque A, Barbeito L, Barzilai A, Bergles DE, Bonvento G, Butt AM, Chen WT, Cohen-Salmon M, Cunningham C, Deneen B, De Strooper B, Díaz-Castro B, Farina C, Freeman M, Gallo V, Goldman JE, Goldman SA, Götz M, Gutiérrez A, Haydon PG, Heiland DH, Hol EM, Holt MG, Iino M, Kastanenka KV, Kettenmann H, Khakh BS, Koizumi S, Lee CJ, Liddelow SA, MacVicar BA, Magistretti P, Messing A, Mishra A, Molofsky AV, Murai KK, Norris CM, Okada S, Oliet SHR, Oliveira JF, Panatier A, Parpura V, Pekna M, Pekny M, Pellerin L, Perea G, Pérez-Nievas BG, Pfrieger FW, Poskanzer KE, Quintana FJ, Ransohoff RM, Riquelme-Perez M, Robel S, Rose CR, Rothstein JD, Rouach N, Rowitch DH, Semyanov A, Sirko S, Sontheimer H, Swanson RA, Vitorica J, Wanner IB, Wood LB, Wu J, Zheng B, Zimmer ER, Zorec R, Sofroniew MV, Verkhratsky A. PMID: 33589835; PMCID: PMC8007081.
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852 Fields:
Diversity and Function of Glial Cell Types in Multiple Sclerosis. Trends Immunol. 2021 03; 42(3):228-247.
Schirmer L, Schafer DP, Bartels T, Rowitch DH, Calabresi PA. PMID: 33593693; PMCID: PMC7914214.
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Behaviorally consequential astrocytic regulation of neural circuits. Neuron. 2021 02 17; 109(4):576-596.
Nagai J, Yu X, Papouin T, Cheong E, Freeman MR, Monk KR, Hastings MH, Haydon PG, Rowitch D, Shaham S, Khakh BS. PMID: 33385325; PMCID: PMC7897322.
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Wnt-Dependent Oligodendroglial-Endothelial Interactions Regulate White Matter Vascularization and Attenuate Injury. Neuron. 2020 12 23; 108(6):1130-1145.e5.
Chavali M, Ulloa-Navas MJ, Pérez-Borredá P, Garcia-Verdugo JM, McQuillen PS, Huang EJ, Rowitch DH. PMID: 33086038; PMCID: PMC7769920.
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Applying support-vector machine learning algorithms toward predicting host-guest interactions with cucurbit[7]uril. Phys Chem Chem Phys. 2020 Jul 14; 22(26):14976-14982.
Tabet A, Gebhart T, Wu G, Readman C, Pierson Smela M, Rana VK, Baker C, Bulstrode H, Anikeeva P, Rowitch DH, Scherman OA. PMID: 32588846.
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Oxygen Tension and the VHL-Hif1α Pathway Determine Onset of Neuronal Polarization and Cerebellar Germinal Zone Exit. Neuron. 2020 05 20; 106(4):607-623.e5.
Kullmann JA, Trivedi N, Howell D, Laumonnerie C, Nguyen V, Banerjee SS, Stabley DR, Shirinifard A, Rowitch DH, Solecki DJ. PMID: 32183943; PMCID: PMC7244394.
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Astrocyte layers in the mammalian cerebral cortex revealed by a single-cell in situ transcriptomic map. Nat Neurosci. 2020 04; 23(4):500-509.
Bayraktar OA, Bartels T, Holmqvist S, Kleshchevnikov V, Martirosyan A, Polioudakis D, Ben Haim L, Young AMH, Batiuk MY, Prakash K, Brown A, Roberts K, Paredes MF, Kawaguchi R, Stockley JH, Sabeur K, Chang SM, Huang E, Hutchinson P, Ullian EM, Hemberg M, Coppola G, Holt MG, Geschwind DH, Rowitch DH. PMID: 32203496; PMCID: PMC7116562.
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An update on human astrocytes and their role in development and disease. Glia. 2020 04; 68(4):685-704.
de Majo M, Koontz M, Rowitch D, Ullian EM. PMID: 31926040.
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Astrocyte Unfolded Protein Response Induces a Specific Reactivity State that Causes Non-Cell-Autonomous Neuronal Degeneration. Neuron. 2020 03 04; 105(5):855-866.e5.
Smith HL, Freeman OJ, Butcher AJ, Holmqvist S, Humoud I, Schätzl T, Hughes DT, Verity NC, Swinden DP, Hayes J, de Weerd L, Rowitch DH, Franklin RJM, Mallucci GR. PMID: 31924446; PMCID: PMC7054837.
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Decreased microglial Wnt/β-catenin signalling drives microglial pro-inflammatory activation in the developing brain. Brain. 2019 12 01; 142(12):3806-3833.
Van Steenwinckel J, Schang AL, Krishnan ML, Degos V, Delahaye-Duriez A, Bokobza C, Csaba Z, Verdonk F, Montané A, Sigaut S, Hennebert O, Lebon S, Schwendimann L, Le Charpentier T, Hassan-Abdi R, Ball G, Aljabar P, Saxena A, Holloway RK, Birchmeier W, Baud O, Rowitch D, Miron V, Chretien F, Leconte C, Besson VC, Petretto EG, Edwards AD, Hagberg H, Soussi-Yanicostas N, Fleiss B, Gressens P. PMID: 31665242; PMCID: PMC6906599.
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Cucurbit[8]uril-Derived Graphene Hydrogels. ACS Macro Lett. 2019 Dec 17; 8(12):1629-1634.
Rana VK, Tabet A, Vigil JA, Balzer CJ, Narkevicius A, Finlay J, Hallou C, Rowitch DH, Bulstrode H, Scherman OA. PMID: 35619388.
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Oligodendrocyte Death in Pelizaeus-Merzbacher Disease Is Rescued by Iron Chelation. Cell Stem Cell. 2019 Oct 03; 25(4):531-541.e6.
Nobuta H, Yang N, Ng YH, Marro SG, Sabeur K, Chavali M, Stockley JH, Killilea DW, Walter PB, Zhao C, Huie P, Goldman SA, Kriegstein AR, Franklin RJM, Rowitch DH, Wernig M. PMID: 31585094; PMCID: PMC8282124.
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45 Fields:
Author Correction: Niche stiffness underlies the ageing of central nervous system progenitor cells. Nature. 2019 Sep; 573(7773):E3.
Segel M, Neumann B, Hill MFE, Weber IP, Viscomi C, Zhao C, Young A, Agley CC, Thompson AJ, Gonzalez GA, Sharma A, Holmqvist S, Rowitch DH, Franze K, Franklin RJM, Chalut KJ. PMID: 31462780.
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Niche stiffness underlies the ageing of central nervous system progenitor cells. Nature. 2019 09; 573(7772):130-134.
Segel M, Neumann B, Hill MFE, Weber IP, Viscomi C, Zhao C, Young A, Agley CC, Thompson AJ, Gonzalez GA, Sharma A, Holmqvist S, Rowitch DH, Franze K, Franklin RJM, Chalut KJ. PMID: 31413369; PMCID: PMC7025879.
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178 Fields:
Challenges to curing primary brain tumours. Nat Rev Clin Oncol. 2019 08; 16(8):509-520.
Aldape K, Brindle KM, Chesler L, Chopra R, Gajjar A, Gilbert MR, Gottardo N, Gutmann DH, Hargrave D, Holland EC, Jones DTW, Joyce JA, Kearns P, Kieran MW, Mellinghoff IK, Merchant M, Pfister SM, Pollard SM, Ramaswamy V, Rich JN, Robinson GW, Rowitch DH, Sampson JH, Taylor MD, Workman P, Gilbertson RJ. PMID: 30733593; PMCID: PMC6650350.
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363 Fields:
Long-Term Safety, Immunologic Response, and Imaging Outcomes following Neural Stem Cell Transplantation for Pelizaeus-Merzbacher Disease. Stem Cell Reports. 2019 08 13; 13(2):254-261.
Gupta N, Henry RG, Kang SM, Strober J, Lim DA, Ryan T, Perry R, Farrell J, Ulman M, Rajalingam R, Gage A, Huhn SL, Barkovich AJ, Rowitch DH. PMID: 31378671; PMCID: PMC6700500.
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Reply to 'Assembling the brain trust: the multidisciplinary imperative in neuro-oncology'. Nat Rev Clin Oncol. 2019 08; 16(8):522-523.
Aldape K, Brindle KM, Chesler L, Chopra R, Gajjar A, Gilbert MR, Gottardo N, Gutmann DH, Hargrave D, Holland EC, Jones DTW, Joyce JA, Kearns P, Kieran MW, Mellinghoff IK, Merchant M, Pfister SM, Pollard SM, Ramaswamy V, Rich JN, Robinson GW, Rowitch DH, Sampson JH, Taylor MD, Workman P, Gilbertson RJ. PMID: 31150022.
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Neuronal vulnerability and multilineage diversity in multiple sclerosis. Nature. 2019 09; 573(7772):75-82.
Schirmer L, Velmeshev D, Holmqvist S, Kaufmann M, Werneburg S, Jung D, Vistnes S, Stockley JH, Young A, Steindel M, Tung B, Goyal N, Bhaduri A, Mayer S, Engler JB, Bayraktar OA, Franklin RJM, Haeussler M, Reynolds R, Schafer DP, Friese MA, Shiow LR, Kriegstein AR, Rowitch DH. PMID: 31316211; PMCID: PMC6731122.
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239 Fields:
Single-cell genomics identifies cell type-specific molecular changes in autism. Science. 2019 05 17; 364(6441):685-689.
Velmeshev D, Schirmer L, Jung D, Haeussler M, Perez Y, Mayer S, Bhaduri A, Goyal N, Rowitch DH, Kriegstein AR. PMID: 31097668; PMCID: PMC7678724.
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375 Fields:
Ferret brain possesses young interneuron collections equivalent to human postnatal migratory streams. J Comp Neurol. 2019 12 01; 527(17):2843-2859.
Ellis JK, Sorrells SF, Mikhailova S, Chavali M, Chang S, Sabeur K, Mcquillen P, Rowitch DH. PMID: 31050805; PMCID: PMC6773523.
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The neurointensive nursery: concept, development, and insights gained. Curr Opin Pediatr. 2019 04; 31(2):202-209.
Glass HC, Ferriero DM, Rowitch DH, Shimotake TK. PMID: 30720542.
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9 Translation:
Whole genome sequencing reveals that genetic conditions are frequent in intensively ill children. Intensive Care Med. 2019 05; 45(5):627-636.
French CE, Delon I, Dolling H, Sanchis-Juan A, Shamardina O, Mégy K, Abbs S, Austin T, Bowdin S, Branco RG, Firth H, NIHR BioResource—Rare Disease, Next Generation Children Project, Rowitch DH, Raymond FL. PMID: 30847515; PMCID: PMC6483967.
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Single-cell reconstruction of the early maternal-fetal interface in humans. Nature. 2018 11; 563(7731):347-353.
Vento-Tormo R, Efremova M, Botting RA, Turco MY, Vento-Tormo M, Meyer KB, Park JE, Stephenson E, Polanski K, Goncalves A, Gardner L, Holmqvist S, Henriksson J, Zou A, Sharkey AM, Millar B, Innes B, Wood L, Wilbrey-Clark A, Payne RP, Ivarsson MA, Lisgo S, Filby A, Rowitch DH, Bulmer JN, Wright GJ, Stubbington MJT, Haniffa M, Moffett A, Teichmann SA. PMID: 30429548; PMCID: PMC7612850.
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Dlx1 and Dlx2 Promote Interneuron GABA Synthesis, Synaptogenesis, and Dendritogenesis. Cereb Cortex. 2018 11 01; 28(11):3797-3815.
Pla R, Stanco A, Howard MA, Rubin AN, Vogt D, Mortimer N, Cobos I, Potter GB, Lindtner S, Price JD, Nord AS, Visel A, Schreiner CE, Baraban SC, Rowitch DH, Rubenstein JLR. PMID: 29028947; PMCID: PMC6188538.
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New Recipes for Myelinating Oligodendrocytes. Cell Stem Cell. 2018 10 04; 23(4):464-465.
Nobuta H, Stockley JH, Rowitch DH. PMID: 30290175.
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Oligodendrocyte-encoded Kir4.1 function is required for axonal integrity. Elife. 2018 09 11; 7.
Schirmer L, Möbius W, Zhao C, Cruz-Herranz A, Ben Haim L, Cordano C, Shiow LR, Kelley KW, Sadowski B, Timmons G, Pröbstel AK, Wright JN, Sin JH, Devereux M, Morrison DE, Chang SM, Sabeur K, Green AJ, Nave KA, Franklin RJ, Rowitch DH. PMID: 30204081; PMCID: PMC6167053.
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A Glial Signature and Wnt7 Signaling Regulate Glioma-Vascular Interactions and Tumor Microenvironment. Cancer Cell. 2018 05 14; 33(5):874-889.e7.
Griveau A, Seano G, Shelton SJ, Kupp R, Jahangiri A, Obernier K, Krishnan S, Lindberg OR, Yuen TJ, Tien AC, Sabo JK, Wang N, Chen I, Kloepper J, Larrouquere L, Ghosh M, Tirosh I, Huillard E, Alvarez-Buylla A, Oldham MC, Persson AI, Weiss WA, Batchelor TT, Stemmer-Rachamimov A, Suvà ML, Phillips JJ, Aghi MK, Mehta S, Jain RK, Rowitch DH. PMID: 29681511; PMCID: PMC6211172.
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120 Fields:
Kir4.1-Dependent Astrocyte-Fast Motor Neuron Interactions Are Required for Peak Strength. Neuron. 2018 04 18; 98(2):306-319.e7.
Kelley KW, Ben Haim L, Schirmer L, Tyzack GE, Tolman M, Miller JG, Tsai HH, Chang SM, Molofsky AV, Yang Y, Patani R, Lakatos A, Ullian EM, Rowitch DH. PMID: 29606582; PMCID: PMC5919779.
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Sonic Hedgehog Agonist Protects Against Complex Neonatal Cerebellar Injury. Cerebellum. 2018 Apr; 17(2):213-227.
Nguyen V, Sabeur K, Maltepe E, Ameri K, Bayraktar O, Rowitch DH. PMID: 29134361; PMCID: PMC5849674.
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Systematic Three-Dimensional Coculture Rapidly Recapitulates Interactions between Human Neurons and Astrocytes. Stem Cell Reports. 2017 12 12; 9(6):1745-1753.
Krencik R, Seo K, van Asperen JV, Basu N, Cvetkovic C, Barlas S, Chen R, Ludwig C, Wang C, Ward ME, Gan L, Horner PJ, Rowitch DH, Ullian EM. PMID: 29198827; PMCID: PMC5785708.
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Origin and dynamics of oligodendrocytes in the developing brain: Implications for perinatal white matter injury. Glia. 2018 02; 66(2):221-238.
van Tilborg E, de Theije CGM, van Hal M, Wagenaar N, de Vries LS, Benders MJ, Rowitch DH, Nijboer CH. PMID: 29134703; PMCID: PMC5765410.
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135 Fields:
Fibrinogen Activates BMP Signaling in Oligodendrocyte Progenitor Cells and Inhibits Remyelination after Vascular Damage. Neuron. 2017 Dec 06; 96(5):1003-1012.e7.
Petersen MA, Ryu JK, Chang KJ, Etxeberria A, Bardehle S, Mendiola AS, Kamau-Devers W, Fancy SPJ, Thor A, Bushong EA, Baeza-Raja B, Syme CA, Wu MD, Rios Coronado PE, Meyer-Franke A, Yahn S, Pous L, Lee JK, Schachtrup C, Lassmann H, Huang EJ, Han MH, Absinta M, Reich DS, Ellisman MH, Rowitch DH, Chan JR, Akassoglou K. PMID: 29103804; PMCID: PMC5851281.
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Reactive astrocyte COX2-PGE2 production inhibits oligodendrocyte maturation in neonatal white matter injury. Glia. 2017 12; 65(12):2024-2037.
Shiow LR, Favrais G, Schirmer L, Schang AL, Cipriani S, Andres C, Wright JN, Nobuta H, Fleiss B, Gressens P, Rowitch DH. PMID: 28856805; PMCID: PMC5753598.
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The role of prenatal steroids at 34-36 weeks of gestation. Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed. 2017 Jul; 102(4):F284-F285.
Smith GC, Rowitch D, Mol BW. PMID: 28377385.
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Olig1 is required for noggin-induced neonatal myelin repair. Ann Neurol. 2017 Apr; 81(4):560-571.
Sabo JK, Heine V, Silbereis JC, Schirmer L, Levison SW, Rowitch DH. PMID: 28253550; PMCID: PMC5401646.
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A Sequentially Priming Phosphorylation Cascade Activates the Gliomagenic Transcription Factor Olig2. Cell Rep. 2017 03 28; 18(13):3167-3177.
Zhou J, Tien AC, Alberta JA, Ficarro SB, Griveau A, Sun Y, Deshpande JS, Card JD, Morgan-Smith M, Michowski W, Hashizume R, James CD, Ligon KL, Snider WD, Sicinski P, Marto JA, Rowitch DH, Stiles CD. PMID: 28355568; PMCID: PMC5394178.
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Moderate-Grade Germinal Matrix Haemorrhage Activates Cell Division in the Neonatal Mouse Subventricular Zone. Dev Neurosci. 2016; 38(6):430-444.
Dawes WJ, Zhang X, Fancy SPJ, Rowitch D, Marino S. PMID: 28343214.
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Neurotoxic reactive astrocytes are induced by activated microglia. Nature. 2017 01 26; 541(7638):481-487.
Liddelow SA, Guttenplan KA, Clarke LE, Bennett FC, Bohlen CJ, Schirmer L, Bennett ML, Münch AE, Chung WS, Peterson TC, Wilton DK, Frouin A, Napier BA, Panicker N, Kumar M, Buckwalter MS, Rowitch DH, Dawson VL, Dawson TM, Stevens B, Barres BA. PMID: 28099414; PMCID: PMC5404890.
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3241 Fields:
Sirt1 regulates glial progenitor proliferation and regeneration in white matter after neonatal brain injury. Nat Commun. 2016 12 19; 7:13866.
Jablonska B, Gierdalski M, Chew LJ, Hawley T, Catron M, Lichauco A, Cabrera-Luque J, Yuen T, Rowitch D, Gallo V. PMID: 27991597; PMCID: PMC5187440.
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Functional diversity of astrocytes in neural circuit regulation. Nat Rev Neurosci. 2017 01; 18(1):31-41.
Ben Haim L, Rowitch DH. PMID: 27904142.
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285 Fields:
Concise Review: Stem Cell-Based Treatment of Pelizaeus-Merzbacher Disease. Stem Cells. 2017 02; 35(2):311-315.
Osorio MJ, Rowitch DH, Tesar P, Wernig M, Windrem MS, Goldman SA. PMID: 27882623; PMCID: PMC5314962.
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Extensive migration of young neurons into the infant human frontal lobe. Science. 2016 Oct 07; 354(6308).
Paredes MF, James D, Gil-Perotin S, Kim H, Cotter JA, Ng C, Sandoval K, Rowitch DH, Xu D, McQuillen PS, Garcia-Verdugo JM, Huang EJ, Alvarez-Buylla A. PMID: 27846470; PMCID: PMC5436574.
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153 Fields:
Lineage-Restricted OLIG2-RTK Signaling Governs the Molecular Subtype of Glioma Stem-like Cells. Cell Rep. 2016 09 13; 16(11):2838-2845.
Kupp R, Shtayer L, Tien AC, Szeto E, Sanai N, Rowitch DH, Mehta S. PMID: 27626655; PMCID: PMC5024710.
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The Role of the Neurointensive Care Nursery for Neonatal Encephalopathy. Clin Perinatol. 2016 Sep; 43(3):547-57.
Glass HC, Rowitch DH. PMID: 27524453; PMCID: PMC4988330.
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Identification of the Kappa-Opioid Receptor as a Therapeutic Target for Oligodendrocyte Remyelination. J Neurosci. 2016 07 27; 36(30):7925-35.
Mei F, Mayoral SR, Nobuta H, Wang F, Desponts C, Lorrain DS, Xiao L, Green AJ, Rowitch D, Whistler J, Chan JR. PMID: 27466337; PMCID: PMC4961778.
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Sustaining careers of physician-scientists in neonatology and pediatric critical care medicine: formulating supportive departmental policies. Pediatr Res. 2016 11; 80(5):635-640.
Christou H, Dizon ML, Farrow KN, Jadcherla SR, Leeman KT, Maheshwari A, Rubin LP, Stansfield BK, Rowitch DH. PMID: 27434118.
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Identification of proliferative progenitors associated with prominent postnatal growth of the pons. Nat Commun. 2016 05 18; 7:11628.
Lindquist RA, Guinto CD, Rodas-Rodriguez JL, Fuentealba LC, Tate MC, Rowitch DH, Alvarez-Buylla A. PMID: 27188978; PMCID: PMC4873968.
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Astrocytes: The Final Frontier…. Neuron. 2016 Jan 06; 89(1):1-2.
Kelley KW, Rowitch DH. PMID: 26748083.
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Dysregulation of locus coeruleus development in congenital central hypoventilation syndrome. Acta Neuropathol. 2015 Aug; 130(2):171-83.
Nobuta H, Cilio MR, Danhaive O, Tsai HH, Tupal S, Chang SM, Murnen A, Kreitzer F, Bravo V, Czeisler C, Gokozan HN, Gygli P, Bush S, Weese-Mayer DE, Conklin B, Yee SP, Huang EJ, Gray PA, Rowitch D, Otero JJ. PMID: 25975378; PMCID: PMC4503865.
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Dysregulation of astrocyte extracellular signaling in Costello syndrome. Sci Transl Med. 2015 May 06; 7(286):286ra66.
Krencik R, Hokanson KC, Narayan AR, Dvornik J, Rooney GE, Rauen KA, Weiss LA, Rowitch DH, Ullian EM. PMID: 25947161; PMCID: PMC4474402.
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Disease specific therapies in leukodystrophies and leukoencephalopathies. Mol Genet Metab. 2015 Apr; 114(4):527-36.
Helman G, Van Haren K, Bonkowsky JL, Bernard G, Pizzino A, Braverman N, Suhr D, Patterson MC, Ali Fatemi S, Leonard J, van der Knaap MS, Back SA, Damiani S, Goldman SA, Takanohashi A, Petryniak M, Rowitch D, Messing A, Wrabetz L, Schiffmann R, Eichler F, Escolar ML, Vanderver A, GLIA Consortium. PMID: 25684057; PMCID: PMC4390468.
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Astrocyte development and heterogeneity. Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol. 2014 Nov 20; 7(1):a020362.
Bayraktar OA, Fuentealba LC, Alvarez-Buylla A, Rowitch DH. PMID: 25414368; PMCID: PMC4292163.
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162 Fields:
Oligodendrocyte-encoded HIF function couples postnatal myelination and white matter angiogenesis. Cell. 2014 Jul 17; 158(2):383-396.
Yuen TJ, Silbereis JC, Griveau A, Chang SM, Daneman R, Fancy SPJ, Zahed H, Maltepe E, Rowitch DH. PMID: 25018103; PMCID: PMC4149873.
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201 Fields:
Hypomyelinating leukodystrophies: translational research progress and prospects. Ann Neurol. 2014 Jul; 76(1):5-19.
Pouwels PJ, Vanderver A, Bernard G, Wolf NI, Dreha-Kulczewksi SF, Deoni SC, Bertini E, Kohlschütter A, Richardson W, Ffrench-Constant C, Köhler W, Rowitch D, Barkovich AJ. PMID: 24916848.
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An amino terminal phosphorylation motif regulates intranuclear compartmentalization of Olig2 in neural progenitor cells. J Neurosci. 2014 Jun 18; 34(25):8507-18.
Meijer DH, Sun Y, Liu T, Kane MF, Alberta JA, Adelmant G, Kupp R, Marto JA, Rowitch DH, Nakatani Y, Stiles CD, Mehta S. PMID: 24948806; PMCID: PMC4061392.
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Astrocyte-encoded positional cues maintain sensorimotor circuit integrity. Nature. 2014 May 08; 509(7499):189-94.
Molofsky AV, Kelley KW, Tsai HH, Redmond SA, Chang SM, Madireddy L, Chan JR, Baranzini SE, Ullian EM, Rowitch DH. PMID: 24776795; PMCID: PMC4057936.
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Parallel states of pathological Wnt signaling in neonatal brain injury and colon cancer. Nat Neurosci. 2014 Apr; 17(4):506-12.
Fancy SP, Harrington EP, Baranzini SE, Silbereis JC, Shiow LR, Yuen TJ, Huang EJ, Lomvardas S, Rowitch DH. PMID: 24609463; PMCID: PMC3975168.
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Olig1 function is required to repress dlx1/2 and interneuron production in Mammalian brain. Neuron. 2014 Feb 05; 81(3):574-87.
Silbereis JC, Nobuta H, Tsai HH, Heine VM, McKinsey GL, Meijer DH, Howard MA, Petryniak MA, Potter GB, Alberta JA, Baraban SC, Stiles CD, Rubenstein JL, Rowitch DH. PMID: 24507192; PMCID: PMC3979971.
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Cerebellar cortical lamination and foliation require cyclin A2. Dev Biol. 2014 Jan 15; 385(2):328-39.
Otero JJ, Kalaszczynska I, Michowski W, Wong M, Gygli PE, Gokozan HN, Griveau A, Odajima J, Czeisler C, Catacutan FP, Murnen A, Schüller U, Sicinski P, Rowitch D. PMID: 24184637; PMCID: PMC3909955.
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Evolving concepts of gliogenesis: a look way back and ahead to the next 25 years. Neuron. 2013 Oct 30; 80(3):613-23.
Freeman MR, Rowitch DH. PMID: 24183014; PMCID: PMC5221505.
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A dramatic increase of C1q protein in the CNS during normal aging. J Neurosci. 2013 Aug 14; 33(33):13460-74.
Stephan AH, Madison DV, Mateos JM, Fraser DA, Lovelett EA, Coutellier L, Kim L, Tsai HH, Huang EJ, Rowitch DH, Berns DS, Tenner AJ, Shamloo M, Barres BA. PMID: 23946404; PMCID: PMC3742932.
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225 Fields:
The role of Tal2 and Tal1 in the differentiation of midbrain GABAergic neuron precursors. Biol Open. 2013; 2(10):990-7.
Achim K, Peltopuro P, Lahti L, Tsai HH, Zachariah A, Astrand M, Salminen M, Rowitch D, Partanen J. PMID: 24167708; PMCID: PMC3798194.
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Expression profiling of Aldh1l1-precursors in the developing spinal cord reveals glial lineage-specific genes and direct Sox9-Nfe2l1 interactions. Glia. 2013 Sep; 61(9):1518-32.
Molofsky AV, Glasgow SM, Chaboub LS, Tsai HH, Murnen AT, Kelley KW, Fancy SP, Yuen TJ, Madireddy L, Baranzini S, Deneen B, Rowitch DH, Oldham MC. PMID: 23840004; PMCID: PMC3909648.
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Nuclear localization of the mitochondrial factor HIGD1A during metabolic stress. PLoS One. 2013; 8(4):e62758.
Ameri K, Rajah AM, Nguyen V, Sanders TA, Jahangiri A, Delay M, Donne M, Choi HJ, Tormos KV, Yeghiazarians Y, Jeffrey SS, Rinaudo PF, Rowitch DH, Aghi M, Maltepe E. PMID: 23646141; PMCID: PMC3639984.
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Missense mutation in mouse GALC mimics human gene defect and offers new insights into Krabbe disease. Hum Mol Genet. 2013 Sep 01; 22(17):3397-414.
Potter GB, Santos M, Davisson MT, Rowitch DH, Marks DL, Bongarzone ER, Petryniak MA. PMID: 23620143; PMCID: PMC3736866.
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Separated at birth? The functional and molecular divergence of OLIG1 and OLIG2. Nat Rev Neurosci. 2012 Dec; 13(12):819-31.
Meijer DH, Kane MF, Mehta S, Liu H, Harrington E, Taylor CM, Stiles CD, Rowitch DH. PMID: 23165259; PMCID: PMC3733228.
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Oligodendrocyte regeneration after neonatal hypoxia requires FoxO1-mediated p27Kip1 expression. J Neurosci. 2012 Oct 17; 32(42):14775-93.
Jablonska B, Scafidi J, Aguirre A, Vaccarino F, Nguyen V, Borok E, Horvath TL, Rowitch DH, Gallo V. PMID: 23077062; PMCID: PMC3517297.
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Neural stem cell engraftment and myelination in the human brain. Sci Transl Med. 2012 Oct 10; 4(155):155ra137.
Gupta N, Henry RG, Strober J, Kang SM, Lim DA, Bucci M, Caverzasi E, Gaetano L, Mandelli ML, Ryan T, Perry R, Farrell J, Jeremy RJ, Ulman M, Huhn SL, Barkovich AJ, Rowitch DH. PMID: 23052294; PMCID: PMC3893824.
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HumansCellsCTClinical Trials
STAT3-mediated astrogliosis protects myelin development in neonatal brain injury. Ann Neurol. 2012 Nov; 72(5):750-65.
Nobuta H, Ghiani CA, Paez PM, Spreuer V, Dong H, Korsak RA, Manukyan A, Li J, Vinters HV, Huang EJ, Rowitch DH, Sofroniew MV, Campagnoni AT, de Vellis J, Waschek JA. PMID: 22941903; PMCID: PMC3514566.
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Voltage-gated potassium channel EAG2 controls mitotic entry and tumor growth in medulloblastoma via regulating cell volume dynamics. Genes Dev. 2012 Aug 15; 26(16):1780-96.
Huang X, Dubuc AM, Hashizume R, Berg J, He Y, Wang J, Chiang C, Cooper MK, Northcott PA, Taylor MD, Barnes MJ, Tihan T, Chen J, Hackett CS, Weiss WA, James CD, Rowitch DH, Shuman MA, Jan YN, Jan LY. PMID: 22855790; PMCID: PMC3426758.
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Evidence that nuclear factor IA inhibits repair after white matter injury. Ann Neurol. 2012 Aug; 72(2):224-33.
Fancy SP, Glasgow SM, Finley M, Rowitch DH, Deneen B. PMID: 22807310; PMCID: PMC3429638.
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Regional astrocyte allocation regulates CNS synaptogenesis and repair. Science. 2012 Jul 20; 337(6092):358-62.
Tsai HH, Li H, Fuentealba LC, Molofsky AV, Taveira-Marques R, Zhuang H, Tenney A, Murnen AT, Fancy SP, Merkle F, Kessaris N, Alvarez-Buylla A, Richardson WD, Rowitch DH. PMID: 22745251; PMCID: PMC4059181.
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294 Fields:
Regulated temporal-spatial astrocyte precursor cell proliferation involves BRAF signalling in mammalian spinal cord. Development. 2012 Jul; 139(14):2477-87.
Tien AC, Tsai HH, Molofsky AV, McMahon M, Foo LC, Kaul A, Dougherty JD, Heintz N, Gutmann DH, Barres BA, Rowitch DH. PMID: 22675209; PMCID: PMC3383225.
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Cooperative interactions of BRAFV600E kinase and CDKN2A locus deficiency in pediatric malignant astrocytoma as a basis for rational therapy. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2012 May 29; 109(22):8710-5.
Huillard E, Hashizume R, Phillips JJ, Griveau A, Ihrie RA, Aoki Y, Nicolaides T, Perry A, Waldman T, McMahon M, Weiss WA, Petritsch C, James CD, Rowitch DH. PMID: 22586120; PMCID: PMC3365162.
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Species-dependent posttranscriptional regulation of NOS1 by FMRP in the developing cerebral cortex. Cell. 2012 May 11; 149(4):899-911.
Kwan KY, Lam MM, Johnson MB, Dube U, Shim S, Rašin MR, Sousa AM, Fertuzinhos S, Chen JG, Arellano JI, Chan DW, Pletikos M, Vasung L, Rowitch DH, Huang EJ, Schwartz ML, Willemsen R, Oostra BA, Rakic P, Heffer M, Kostovic I, Judaš M, Sestan N. PMID: 22579290; PMCID: PMC3351852.
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Identification of molecular compartments and genetic circuitry in the developing mammalian kidney. Development. 2012 May; 139(10):1863-73.
Yu J, Valerius MT, Duah M, Staser K, Hansard JK, Guo JJ, McMahon J, Vaughan J, Faria D, Georgas K, Rumballe B, Ren Q, Krautzberger AM, Junker JP, Thiagarajan RD, Machanick P, Gray PA, van Oudenaarden A, Rowitch DH, Stiles CD, Ma Q, Grimmond SM, Bailey TL, Little MH, McMahon AP. PMID: 22510988; PMCID: PMC3328182.
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Astrocytes and disease: a neurodevelopmental perspective. Genes Dev. 2012 May 01; 26(9):891-907.
Molofsky AV, Krencik R, Krenick R, Ullian EM, Ullian E, Tsai HH, Deneen B, Richardson WD, Barres BA, Rowitch DH. PMID: 22549954; PMCID: PMC3347787.
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366 Fields:
Olig1 function is required for remyelination potential of transplanted neural progenitor cells in a model of viral-induced demyelination. Exp Neurol. 2012 May; 235(1):380-7.
Whitman LM, Blanc CA, Schaumburg CS, Rowitch DH, Lane TE. PMID: 22449475; PMCID: PMC3350784.
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21 Fields:
Sonic hedgehog-associated medulloblastoma arising from the cochlear nuclei of the brainstem. Acta Neuropathol. 2012 Apr; 123(4):601-14.
Grammel D, Warmuth-Metz M, von Bueren AO, Kool M, Pietsch T, Kretzschmar HA, Rowitch DH, Rutkowski S, Pfister SM, Schüller U. PMID: 22349907.
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Heparan sulfate sulfatase SULF2 regulates PDGFRα signaling and growth in human and mouse malignant glioma. J Clin Invest. 2012 Mar; 122(3):911-22.
Phillips JJ, Huillard E, Robinson AE, Ward A, Lum DH, Polley MY, Rosen SD, Rowitch DH, Werb Z. PMID: 22293178; PMCID: PMC3287216.
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Ablation of NG2 proteoglycan leads to deficits in brown fat function and to adult onset obesity. PLoS One. 2012; 7(1):e30637.
Chang Y, She ZG, Sakimura K, Roberts A, Kucharova K, Rowitch DH, Stallcup WB. PMID: 22295099; PMCID: PMC3266271.
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Neurite outgrowth inhibitor Nogo-A establishes spatial segregation and extent of oligodendrocyte myelination. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2012 Jan 24; 109(4):1299-304.
Chong SY, Rosenberg SS, Fancy SP, Zhao C, Shen YA, Hahn AT, McGee AW, Xu X, Zheng B, Zhang LI, Rowitch DH, Franklin RJ, Lu QR, Chan JR. PMID: 22160722; PMCID: PMC3268264.
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Targeted therapy for BRAFV600E malignant astrocytoma. Clin Cancer Res. 2011 Dec 15; 17(24):7595-604.
Nicolaides TP, Li H, Solomon DA, Hariono S, Hashizume R, Barkovich K, Baker SJ, Paugh BS, Jones C, Forshew T, Hindley GF, Hodgson JG, Kim JS, Rowitch DH, Weiss WA, Waldman TA, James CD. PMID: 22038996; PMCID: PMC3638050.
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93 Fields:
A small-molecule smoothened agonist prevents glucocorticoid-induced neonatal cerebellar injury. Sci Transl Med. 2011 Oct 19; 3(105):105ra104.
Heine VM, Griveau A, Chapin C, Ballard PL, Chen JK, Rowitch DH. PMID: 22013124; PMCID: PMC3694585.
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Myelin regeneration in multiple sclerosis: targeting endogenous stem cells. Neurotherapeutics. 2011 Oct; 8(4):650-8.
Huang JK, Fancy SP, Zhao C, Rowitch DH, Ffrench-Constant C, Franklin RJ. PMID: 21904791; PMCID: PMC3250284.
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Corridors of migrating neurons in the human brain and their decline during infancy. Nature. 2011 Sep 28; 478(7369):382-6.
Sanai N, Nguyen T, Ihrie RA, Mirzadeh Z, Tsai HH, Wong M, Gupta N, Berger MS, Huang E, Garcia-Verdugo JM, Rowitch DH, Alvarez-Buylla A. PMID: 21964341; PMCID: PMC3197903.
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422 Fields:
Pro-neural miR-128 is a glioma tumor suppressor that targets mitogenic kinases. Oncogene. 2012 Apr 12; 31(15):1884-95.
Papagiannakopoulos T, Friedmann-Morvinski D, Neveu P, Dugas JC, Gill RM, Huillard E, Liu C, Zong H, Rowitch DH, Barres BA, Verma IM, Kosik KS. PMID: 21874051; PMCID: PMC4160048.
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92 Fields:
Axin2 as regulatory and therapeutic target in newborn brain injury and remyelination. Nat Neurosci. 2011 Jun 26; 14(8):1009-16.
Fancy SP, Harrington EP, Yuen TJ, Silbereis JC, Zhao C, Baranzini SE, Bruce CC, Otero JJ, Huang EJ, Nusse R, Franklin RJ, Rowitch DH. PMID: 21706018; PMCID: PMC3145042.
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190 Fields:
Myelin restoration: progress and prospects for human cell replacement therapies. Arch Immunol Ther Exp (Warsz). 2011 Jun; 59(3):179-93.
Potter GB, Rowitch DH, Petryniak MA. PMID: 21461592.
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Phosphorylation state of Olig2 regulates proliferation of neural progenitors. Neuron. 2011 Mar 10; 69(5):906-17.
Sun Y, Meijer DH, Alberta JA, Mehta S, Kane MF, Tien AC, Fu H, Petryniak MA, Potter GB, Liu Z, Powers JF, Runquist IS, Rowitch DH, Stiles CD. PMID: 21382551; PMCID: PMC3065213.
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71 Fields:
The central nervous system-restricted transcription factor Olig2 opposes p53 responses to genotoxic damage in neural progenitors and malignant glioma. Cancer Cell. 2011 Mar 08; 19(3):359-71.
Mehta S, Huillard E, Kesari S, Maire CL, Golebiowski D, Harrington EP, Alberta JA, Kane MF, Theisen M, Ligon KL, Rowitch DH, Stiles CD. PMID: 21397859; PMCID: PMC3070398.
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95 Fields:
Hedgehog-responsive candidate cell of origin for diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2011 Mar 15; 108(11):4453-8.
Monje M, Mitra SS, Freret ME, Raveh TB, Kim J, Masek M, Attema JL, Li G, Haddix T, Edwards MS, Fisher PG, Weissman IL, Rowitch DH, Vogel H, Wong AJ, Beachy PA. PMID: 21368213; PMCID: PMC3060250.
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175 Fields:
Role of academic medical centers in cell-based therapeutic clinical trials. Transl Res. 2011 May; 157(5):320-1.
Rowitch DH, Lo B. PMID: 21497779; PMCID: PMC3090215.
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NIH Consensus Development Conference statement: inhaled nitric-oxide therapy for premature infants. Pediatrics. 2011 Feb; 127(2):363-9.
Cole FS, Alleyne C, Barks JD, Boyle RJ, Carroll JL, Dokken D, Edwards WH, Georgieff M, Gregory K, Johnston MV, Kramer M, Mitchell C, Neu J, Pursley DM, Robinson WM, Rowitch DH. PMID: 21220405.
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65 Fields:
Myelin regeneration: a recapitulation of development? Annu Rev Neurosci. 2011; 34:21-43.
Fancy SP, Chan JR, Baranzini SE, Franklin RJ, Rowitch DH. PMID: 21692657.
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152 Fields:
OLIG2 is differentially expressed in pediatric astrocytic and in ependymal neoplasms. J Neurooncol. 2011 Sep; 104(2):423-38.
Otero JJ, Rowitch D, Vandenberg S. PMID: 21193945; PMCID: PMC3161192.
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Developmental genetics of vertebrate glial-cell specification. Nature. 2010 Nov 11; 468(7321):214-22.
Rowitch DH, Kriegstein AR. PMID: 21068830.
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Towards improved animal models of neonatal white matter injury associated with cerebral palsy. Dis Model Mech. 2010 Nov-Dec; 3(11-12):678-88.
Silbereis JC, Huang EJ, Back SA, Rowitch DH. PMID: 21030421; PMCID: PMC2965396.
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Oligodendrocyte PTEN is required for myelin and axonal integrity, not remyelination. Ann Neurol. 2010 Nov; 68(5):703-16.
Harrington EP, Zhao C, Fancy SP, Kaing S, Franklin RJ, Rowitch DH. PMID: 20853437; PMCID: PMC2966537.
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NIH consensus development conference: Inhaled nitric oxide therapy for premature infants. NIH Consens State Sci Statements. 2010 Oct 29; 27(5):1-34.
Cole FS, Alleyne C, Barks JD, Boyle RJ, Carroll JL, Dokken D, Edwards WH, Georgieff M, Gregory K, Johnston MV, Kramer M, Mitchell C, Neu J, Pursley DM, Robinson W, Rowitch DH. PMID: 21042341.
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Cerebellar abnormalities following hypoxia alone compared to hypoxic-ischemic forebrain injury in the developing rat brain. Neurobiol Dis. 2011 Jan; 41(1):138-46.
Biran V, Heine VM, Verney C, Sheldon RA, Spadafora R, Vexler ZS, Rowitch DH, Ferriero DM. PMID: 20843479; PMCID: PMC3910430.
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Conserved role of intragenic DNA methylation in regulating alternative promoters. Nature. 2010 Jul 08; 466(7303):253-7.
Maunakea AK, Nagarajan RP, Bilenky M, Ballinger TJ, D'Souza C, Fouse SD, Johnson BE, Hong C, Nielsen C, Zhao Y, Turecki G, Delaney A, Varhol R, Thiessen N, Shchors K, Heine VM, Rowitch DH, Xing X, Fiore C, Schillebeeckx M, Jones SJ, Haussler D, Marra MA, Hirst M, Wang T, Costello JF. PMID: 20613842; PMCID: PMC3998662.
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859 Fields:
Dexamethasone destabilizes Nmyc to inhibit the growth of hedgehog-associated medulloblastoma. Cancer Res. 2010 Jul 01; 70(13):5220-5.
Heine VM, Priller M, Ling J, Rowitch DH, Schüller U. PMID: 20530674; PMCID: PMC2896447.
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CNS-resident glial progenitor/stem cells produce Schwann cells as well as oligodendrocytes during repair of CNS demyelination. Cell Stem Cell. 2010 Jun 04; 6(6):578-90.
Zawadzka M, Rivers LE, Fancy SP, Zhao C, Tripathi R, Jamen F, Young K, Goncharevich A, Pohl H, Rizzi M, Rowitch DH, Kessaris N, Suter U, Richardson WD, Franklin RJ. PMID: 20569695; PMCID: PMC3856868.
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306 Fields:
Neurocritical care for neonates. Neurocrit Care. 2010 Jun; 12(3):421-9.
Glass HC, Bonifacio SL, Peloquin S, Shimotake T, Sehring S, Sun Y, Sullivan J, Rogers E, Barkovich AJ, Rowitch D, Ferriero DM. PMID: 20066514; PMCID: PMC2881702.
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A FOXO-Pak1 transcriptional pathway controls neuronal polarity. Genes Dev. 2010 Apr 15; 24(8):799-813.
de la Torre-Ubieta L, Gaudillière B, Yang Y, Ikeuchi Y, Yamada T, DiBacco S, Stegmüller J, Schüller U, Salih DA, Rowitch D, Brunet A, Bonni A. PMID: 20395366; PMCID: PMC2854394.
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Oncogenic BRAF mutation with CDKN2A inactivation is characteristic of a subset of pediatric malignant astrocytomas. Cancer Res. 2010 Jan 15; 70(2):512-9.
Schiffman JD, Hodgson JG, VandenBerg SR, Flaherty P, Polley MY, Yu M, Fisher PG, Rowitch DH, Ford JM, Berger MS, Ji H, Gutmann DH, James CD. PMID: 20068183; PMCID: PMC2851233.
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Overcoming remyelination failure in multiple sclerosis and other myelin disorders. Exp Neurol. 2010 Sep; 225(1):18-23.
Fancy SP, Kotter MR, Harrington EP, Huang JK, Zhao C, Rowitch DH, Franklin RJ. PMID: 20044992.
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Notch1 signaling plays a role in regulating precursor differentiation during CNS remyelination. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2009 Nov 10; 106(45):19162-7.
Zhang Y, Argaw AT, Gurfein BT, Zameer A, Snyder BJ, Ge C, Lu QR, Rowitch DH, Raine CS, Brosnan CF, John GR. PMID: 19855010; PMCID: PMC2776461.
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A genome-wide screen for spatially restricted expression patterns identifies transcription factors that regulate glial development. J Neurosci. 2009 Sep 09; 29(36):11399-408.
Fu H, Cai J, Clevers H, Fast E, Gray S, Greenberg R, Jain MK, Ma Q, Qiu M, Rowitch DH, Taylor CM, Stiles CD. PMID: 19741146; PMCID: PMC2775518.
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76 Fields:
Small-molecule inhibitors reveal multiple strategies for Hedgehog pathway blockade. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2009 Aug 18; 106(33):14132-7.
Hyman JM, Firestone AJ, Heine VM, Zhao Y, Ocasio CA, Han K, Sun M, Rack PG, Sinha S, Wu JJ, Solow-Cordero DE, Jiang J, Rowitch DH, Chen JK. PMID: 19666565; PMCID: PMC2721821.
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159 Fields:
Myelin gene regulatory factor is a critical transcriptional regulator required for CNS myelination. Cell. 2009 Jul 10; 138(1):172-85.
Emery B, Agalliu D, Cahoy JD, Watkins TA, Dugas JC, Mulinyawe SB, Ibrahim A, Ligon KL, Rowitch DH, Barres BA. PMID: 19596243; PMCID: PMC2757090.
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262 Fields:
Dysregulation of the Wnt pathway inhibits timely myelination and remyelination in the mammalian CNS. Genes Dev. 2009 Jul 01; 23(13):1571-85.
Fancy SP, Baranzini SE, Zhao C, Yuk DI, Irvine KA, Kaing S, Sanai N, Franklin RJ, Rowitch DH. PMID: 19515974; PMCID: PMC2704469.
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333 Fields:
Hedgehog signaling has a protective effect in glucocorticoid-induced mouse neonatal brain injury through an 11betaHSD2-dependent mechanism. J Clin Invest. 2009 Feb; 119(2):267-77.
Heine VM, Rowitch DH. PMID: 19164857; PMCID: PMC2631296.
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A centrosomal Cdc20-APC pathway controls dendrite morphogenesis in postmitotic neurons. Cell. 2009 Jan 23; 136(2):322-36.
Kim AH, Puram SV, Bilimoria PM, Ikeuchi Y, Keough S, Wong M, Rowitch D, Bonni A. PMID: 19167333; PMCID: PMC2707082.
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124 Fields:
Medulloblastoma can be initiated by deletion of Patched in lineage-restricted progenitors or stem cells. Cancer Cell. 2008 Aug 12; 14(2):135-45.
Yang ZJ, Ellis T, Markant SL, Read TA, Kessler JD, Bourboulas M, Schüller U, Machold R, Fishell G, Rowitch DH, Wainwright BJ, Wechsler-Reya RJ. PMID: 18691548; PMCID: PMC2538687.
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367 Fields:
Acquisition of granule neuron precursor identity is a critical determinant of progenitor cell competence to form Shh-induced medulloblastoma. Cancer Cell. 2008 Aug 12; 14(2):123-34.
Schüller U, Heine VM, Mao J, Kho AT, Dillon AK, Han YG, Huillard E, Sun T, Ligon AH, Qian Y, Ma Q, Alvarez-Buylla A, McMahon AP, Rowitch DH, Ligon KL. PMID: 18691547; PMCID: PMC2597270.
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Glioma stem cells: a midterm exam. Neuron. 2008 Jun 26; 58(6):832-46.
Stiles CD, Rowitch DH. PMID: 18579075.
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Expression and function of Nkx6.3 in vertebrate hindbrain. Brain Res. 2008 Jul 30; 1222:42-50.
Hafler BP, Choi MY, Shivdasani RA, Rowitch DH. PMID: 18586225; PMCID: PMC2555971.
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Myelin abnormalities without oligodendrocyte loss in periventricular leukomalacia. Brain Pathol. 2008 Apr; 18(2):153-63.
Billiards SS, Haynes RL, Folkerth RD, Borenstein NS, Trachtenberg FL, Rowitch DH, Ligon KL, Volpe JJ, Kinney HC. PMID: 18177464; PMCID: PMC2770329.
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Forkhead transcription factor FoxM1 regulates mitotic entry and prevents spindle defects in cerebellar granule neuron precursors. Mol Cell Biol. 2007 Dec; 27(23):8259-70.
Schüller U, Zhao Q, Godinho SA, Heine VM, Medema RH, Pellman D, Rowitch DH. PMID: 17893320; PMCID: PMC2169184.
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A regulatory network involving Foxn4, Mash1 and delta-like 4/Notch1 generates V2a and V2b spinal interneurons from a common progenitor pool. Development. 2007 Oct; 134(19):3427-36.
Del Barrio MG, Taveira-Marques R, Muroyama Y, Yuk DI, Li S, Wines-Samuelson M, Shen J, Smith HK, Xiang M, Rowitch D, Richardson WD. PMID: 17728344; PMCID: PMC6329449.
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66 Fields:
Dlx1 and Dlx2 control neuronal versus oligodendroglial cell fate acquisition in the developing forebrain. Neuron. 2007 Aug 02; 55(3):417-33.
Petryniak MA, Potter GB, Rowitch DH, Rubenstein JL. PMID: 17678855; PMCID: PMC2039927.
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The proneural gene Mash1 specifies an early population of telencephalic oligodendrocytes. J Neurosci. 2007 Apr 18; 27(16):4233-42.
Parras CM, Hunt C, Sugimori M, Nakafuku M, Rowitch D, Guillemot F. PMID: 17442807; PMCID: PMC6672315.
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Insulin-like growth factor type 1 receptor signaling in the cells of oligodendrocyte lineage is required for normal in vivo oligodendrocyte development and myelination. Glia. 2007 Mar; 55(4):400-11.
Zeger M, Popken G, Zhang J, Xuan S, Lu QR, Schwab MH, Nave KA, Rowitch D, D'Ercole AJ, Ye P. PMID: 17186502; PMCID: PMC1774584.
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Olig2-regulated lineage-restricted pathway controls replication competence in neural stem cells and malignant glioma. Neuron. 2007 Feb 15; 53(4):503-17.
Ligon KL, Huillard E, Mehta S, Kesari S, Liu H, Alberta JA, Bachoo RM, Kane M, Louis DN, Depinho RA, Anderson DJ, Stiles CD, Rowitch DH. PMID: 17296553; PMCID: PMC1810344.
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280 Fields:
Expression of oligodendroglial and astrocytic lineage markers in diffuse gliomas: use of YKL-40, ApoE, ASCL1, and NKX2-2. J Neuropathol Exp Neurol. 2006 Dec; 65(12):1149-56.
Rousseau A, Nutt CL, Betensky RA, Iafrate AJ, Han M, Ligon KL, Rowitch DH, Louis DN. PMID: 17146289.
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A novel somatic mouse model to survey tumorigenic potential applied to the Hedgehog pathway. Cancer Res. 2006 Oct 15; 66(20):10171-8.
Mao J, Ligon KL, Rakhlin EY, Thayer SP, Bronson RT, Rowitch D, McMahon AP. PMID: 17047082; PMCID: PMC3806052.
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Cerebellar 'transcriptome' reveals cell-type and stage-specific expression during postnatal development and tumorigenesis. Mol Cell Neurosci. 2006 Nov; 33(3):247-59.
Schüller U, Kho AT, Zhao Q, Ma Q, Rowitch DH. PMID: 16962790.
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N-myc is an essential downstream effector of Shh signaling during both normal and neoplastic cerebellar growth. Cancer Res. 2006 Sep 01; 66(17):8655-61.
Hatton BA, Knoepfler PS, Kenney AM, Rowitch DH, de Alborán IM, Olson JM, Eisenman RN. PMID: 16951180.
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Inhibition of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase destabilizes Mycn protein and blocks malignant progression in neuroblastoma. Cancer Res. 2006 Aug 15; 66(16):8139-46.
Chesler L, Schlieve C, Goldenberg DD, Kenney A, Kim G, McMillan A, Matthay KK, Rowitch D, Weiss WA. PMID: 16912192; PMCID: PMC2924674.
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Origin of oligodendrocytes in the subventricular zone of the adult brain. J Neurosci. 2006 Jul 26; 26(30):7907-18.
Menn B, Garcia-Verdugo JM, Yaschine C, Gonzalez-Perez O, Rowitch D, Alvarez-Buylla A. PMID: 16870736; PMCID: PMC6674207.
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Beta-catenin function is required for cerebellar morphogenesis. Brain Res. 2007 Apr 06; 1140:161-9.
Schüller U, Rowitch DH. PMID: 16824494.
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Transcription factor co-expression patterns indicate heterogeneity of oligodendroglial subpopulations in adult spinal cord. Glia. 2006 Jul; 54(1):35-46.
Kitada M, Rowitch DH. PMID: 16673374.
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Olig gene function in CNS development and disease. Glia. 2006 Jul; 54(1):1-10.
Ligon KL, Fancy SP, Franklin RJ, Rowitch DH. PMID: 16652341.
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113 Fields:
Development of NG2 neural progenitor cells requires Olig gene function. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2006 May 16; 103(20):7853-8.
Ligon KL, Kesari S, Kitada M, Sun T, Arnett HA, Alberta JA, Anderson DJ, Stiles CD, Rowitch DH. PMID: 16682644; PMCID: PMC1472534.
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Evidence for motoneuron lineage-specific regulation of Olig2 in the vertebrate neural tube. Dev Biol. 2006 Apr 01; 292(1):152-64.
Sun T, Hafler BP, Kaing S, Kitada M, Ligon KL, Widlund HR, Yuk DI, Stiles CD, Rowitch DH. PMID: 16469306.
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Expression pattern of the transcription factor Olig2 in response to brain injuries: implications for neuronal repair. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2005 Dec 13; 102(50):18183-8.
Buffo A, Vosko MR, Ertürk D, Hamann GF, Jucker M, Rowitch D, Götz M. PMID: 16330768; PMCID: PMC1312388.
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Specification of astrocytes by bHLH protein SCL in a restricted region of the neural tube. Nature. 2005 Nov 17; 438(7066):360-3.
Muroyama Y, Fujiwara Y, Orkin SH, Rowitch DH. PMID: 16292311.
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Histology-based expression profiling yields novel prognostic markers in human glioblastoma. J Neuropathol Exp Neurol. 2005 Nov; 64(11):948-55.
Dong S, Nutt CL, Betensky RA, Stemmer-Rachamimov AO, Denko NC, Ligon KL, Rowitch DH, Louis DN. PMID: 16254489; PMCID: PMC1557632.
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Smaller inner ear sensory epithelia in Neurog 1 null mice are related to earlier hair cell cycle exit. Dev Dyn. 2005 Nov; 234(3):633-50.
Matei V, Pauley S, Kaing S, Rowitch D, Beisel KW, Morris K, Feng F, Jones K, Lee J, Fritzsch B. PMID: 16145671; PMCID: PMC1343505.
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The Cdk1 complex plays a prime role in regulating N-myc phosphorylation and turnover in neural precursors. Dev Cell. 2005 Sep; 9(3):327-38.
Sjostrom SK, Finn G, Hahn WC, Rowitch DH, Kenney AM. PMID: 16139224.
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72 Fields:
Olig2 expression, GFAP, p53 and 1p loss analysis contribute to glioma subclassification. Neuropathol Appl Neurobiol. 2005 Feb; 31(1):62-9.
Mokhtari K, Paris S, Aguirre-Cruz L, Privat N, Crinière E, Marie Y, Hauw JJ, Kujas M, Rowitch D, Hoang-Xuan K, Delattre JY, Sanson M. PMID: 15634232.
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Mouse brain organization revealed through direct genome-scale TF expression analysis. Science. 2004 Dec 24; 306(5705):2255-7.
Gray PA, Fu H, Luo P, Zhao Q, Yu J, Ferrari A, Tenzen T, Yuk DI, Tsung EF, Cai Z, Alberta JA, Cheng LP, Liu Y, Stenman JM, Valerius MT, Billings N, Kim HA, Greenberg ME, McMahon AP, Rowitch DH, Stiles CD, Ma Q. PMID: 15618518.
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bHLH transcription factor Olig1 is required to repair demyelinated lesions in the CNS. Science. 2004 Dec 17; 306(5704):2111-5.
Arnett HA, Fancy SP, Alberta JA, Zhao C, Plant SR, Kaing S, Raine CS, Rowitch DH, Franklin RJ, Stiles CD. PMID: 15604411.
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204 Fields:
Molecular diversity of astrocytes with implications for neurological disorders. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2004 Jun 01; 101(22):8384-9.
Bachoo RM, Kim RS, Ligon KL, Maher EA, Brennan C, Billings N, Chan S, Li C, Rowitch DH, Wong WH, DePinho RA. PMID: 15155908; PMCID: PMC420403.
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The oligodendroglial lineage marker OLIG2 is universally expressed in diffuse gliomas. J Neuropathol Exp Neurol. 2004 May; 63(5):499-509.
Ligon KL, Alberta JA, Kho AT, Weiss J, Kwaan MR, Nutt CL, Louis DN, Stiles CD, Rowitch DH. PMID: 15198128.
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Glial specification in the vertebrate neural tube. Nat Rev Neurosci. 2004 May; 5(5):409-19.
Rowitch DH. PMID: 15100723.
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Essential role of Sox9 in the pathway that controls formation of cardiac valves and septa. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2004 Apr 27; 101(17):6502-7.
Akiyama H, Chaboissier MC, Behringer RR, Rowitch DH, Schedl A, Epstein JA, de Crombrugghe B. PMID: 15096597; PMCID: PMC404074.
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Conserved mechanisms across development and tumorigenesis revealed by a mouse development perspective of human cancers. Genes Dev. 2004 Mar 15; 18(6):629-40.
Kho AT, Zhao Q, Cai Z, Butte AJ, Kim JY, Pomeroy SL, Rowitch DH, Kohane IS. PMID: 15075291; PMCID: PMC387239.
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Synchronization of goat fibroblast cells at quiescent stage and determination of their transition from G0 to G1 by detection of cyclin D1 mRNA. Cloning Stem Cells. 2004; 6(2):58-66.
Memili E, Behboodi E, Overton SA, Kenney AM, O'Coin M, Zahedi A, Rowitch DH, Echelard Y. PMID: 15268778.
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Hedgehog and PI-3 kinase signaling converge on Nmyc1 to promote cell cycle progression in cerebellar neuronal precursors. Development. 2004 Jan; 131(1):217-28.
Kenney AM, Widlund HR, Rowitch DH. PMID: 14660435.
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Medulloblastoma tumorigenesis diverges from cerebellar granule cell differentiation in patched heterozygous mice. Dev Biol. 2003 Nov 01; 263(1):50-66.
Kim JY, Nelson AL, Algon SA, Graves O, Sturla LM, Goumnerova LC, Rowitch DH, Segal RA, Pomeroy SL. PMID: 14568546.
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Cross-repressive interaction of the Olig2 and Nkx2.2 transcription factors in developing neural tube associated with formation of a specific physical complex. J Neurosci. 2003 Oct 22; 23(29):9547-56.
Sun T, Dong H, Wu L, Kane M, Rowitch DH, Stiles CD. PMID: 14573534; PMCID: PMC6740479.
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Sox9 is required for determination of the chondrogenic cell lineage in the cranial neural crest. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2003 Aug 05; 100(16):9360-5.
Mori-Akiyama Y, Akiyama H, Rowitch DH, de Crombrugghe B. PMID: 12878728; PMCID: PMC170923.
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177 Fields:
Loss of Emx2 function leads to ectopic expression of Wnt1 in the developing telencephalon and cortical dysplasia. Development. 2003 May; 130(10):2275-87.
Ligon KL, Echelard Y, Assimacopoulos S, Danielian PS, Kaing S, Grove EA, McMahon AP, Rowitch DH. PMID: 12668639.
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Nmyc upregulation by sonic hedgehog signaling promotes proliferation in developing cerebellar granule neuron precursors. Development. 2003 Jan; 130(1):15-28.
Kenney AM, Cole MD, Rowitch DH. PMID: 12441288.
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216 Fields:
Development of mice expressing a single D-type cyclin. Genes Dev. 2002 Dec 15; 16(24):3277-89.
Ciemerych MA, Kenney AM, Sicinska E, Kalaszczynska I, Bronson RT, Rowitch DH, Gardner H, Sicinski P. PMID: 12502747; PMCID: PMC187507.
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An 'oligarchy' rules neural development. Trends Neurosci. 2002 Aug; 25(8):417-22.
Rowitch DH, Lu QR, Kessaris N, Richardson WD. PMID: 12127759.
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Medulloblastoma: a problem of developmental biology. Cancer Cell. 2002 Jul; 2(1):7-8.
Rubin JB, Rowitch DH. PMID: 12150819.
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Identification of genes expressed with temporal-spatial restriction to developing cerebellar neuron precursors by a functional genomic approach. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2002 Apr 16; 99(8):5704-9.
Zhao Q, Kho A, Kenney AM, Yuk Di DI, Kohane I, Rowitch DH. PMID: 11960025; PMCID: PMC122835.
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Common developmental requirement for Olig function indicates a motor neuron/oligodendrocyte connection. Cell. 2002 Apr 05; 109(1):75-86.
Lu QR, Sun T, Zhu Z, Ma N, Garcia M, Stiles CD, Rowitch DH. PMID: 11955448.
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Epidermal growth factor receptor and Ink4a/Arf: convergent mechanisms governing terminal differentiation and transformation along the neural stem cell to astrocyte axis. Cancer Cell. 2002 Apr; 1(3):269-77.
Bachoo RM, Maher EA, Ligon KL, Sharpless NE, Chan SS, You MJ, Tang Y, DeFrances J, Stover E, Weissleder R, Rowitch DH, Louis DN, DePinho RA. PMID: 12086863.
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Dach1, a vertebrate homologue of Drosophila dachshund, is expressed in the developing eye and ear of both chick and mouse and is regulated independently of Pax and Eya genes. Mech Dev. 2002 Feb; 111(1-2):75-87.
Heanue TA, Davis RJ, Rowitch DH, Kispert A, McMahon AP, Mardon G, Tabin CJ. PMID: 11804780.
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Sonic hedgehog is required during an early phase of oligodendrocyte development in mammalian brain. Mol Cell Neurosci. 2001 Oct; 18(4):434-41.
Alberta JA, Park SK, Mora J, Yuk D, Pawlitzky I, Iannarelli P, Vartanian T, Stiles CD, Rowitch DH. PMID: 11640898.
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Ectopic expression of Olig1 promotes oligodendrocyte formation and reduces neuronal survival in developing mouse cortex. Nat Neurosci. 2001 Oct; 4(10):973-4.
Lu QR, Cai L, Rowitch D, Cepko CL, Stiles CD. PMID: 11574831.
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Olig bHLH proteins interact with homeodomain proteins to regulate cell fate acquisition in progenitors of the ventral neural tube. Curr Biol. 2001 Sep 18; 11(18):1413-20.
Sun T, Echelard Y, Lu R, Yuk DI, Kaing S, Stiles CD, Rowitch DH. PMID: 11566099.
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Oligodendrocyte lineage genes (OLIG) as molecular markers for human glial brain tumors. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2001 Sep 11; 98(19):10851-6.
Lu QR, Park JK, Noll E, Chan JA, Alberta J, Yuk D, Alzamora MG, Louis DN, Stiles CD, Rowitch DH, Black PM. PMID: 11526205; PMCID: PMC58563.
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Hedgehog-dependent oligodendrocyte lineage specification in the telencephalon. Development. 2001 Jul; 128(13):2545-54.
Tekki-Kessaris N, Woodruff R, Hall AC, Gaffield W, Kimura S, Stiles CD, Rowitch DH, Richardson WD. PMID: 11493571.
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120 Fields:
Oligodendrocyte development in the spinal cord and telencephalon: common themes and new perspectives. Int J Dev Neurosci. 2001 Jul; 19(4):379-85.
Woodruff RH, Tekki-Kessaris N, Stiles CD, Rowitch DH, Richardson WD. PMID: 11378298.
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Six3 promotes the formation of ectopic optic vesicle-like structures in mouse embryos. Dev Dyn. 2001 Jul; 221(3):342-9.
Lagutin O, Zhu CC, Furuta Y, Rowitch DH, McMahon AP, Oliver G. PMID: 11458394.
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Malignant glioma: genetics and biology of a grave matter. Genes Dev. 2001 Jun 01; 15(11):1311-33.
Maher EA, Furnari FB, Bachoo RM, Rowitch DH, Louis DN, Cavenee WK, DePinho RA. PMID: 11390353.
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Inactivation of the beta-catenin gene by Wnt1-Cre-mediated deletion results in dramatic brain malformation and failure of craniofacial development. Development. 2001 Apr; 128(8):1253-64.
Brault V, Moore R, Kutsch S, Ishibashi M, Rowitch DH, McMahon AP, Sommer L, Boussadia O, Kemler R. PMID: 11262227.
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604 Fields:
Protein kinase C-associated kinase (PKK), a novel membrane-associated, ankyrin repeat-containing protein kinase. J Biol Chem. 2001 Jun 15; 276(24):21737-44.
Chen L, Haider K, Ponda M, Cariappa A, Rowitch D, Pillai S. PMID: 11278382.
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Characterization of Pax-2 regulatory sequences that direct transgene expression in the Wolffian duct and its derivatives. Dev Biol. 2001 Jan 01; 229(1):128-40.
Kuschert S, Rowitch DH, Haenig B, McMahon AP, Kispert A. PMID: 11133159.
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Sonic hedgehog promotes G(1) cyclin expression and sustained cell cycle progression in mammalian neuronal precursors. Mol Cell Biol. 2000 Dec; 20(23):9055-67.
Kenney AM, Rowitch DH. PMID: 11074003; PMCID: PMC86558.
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Fate of the mammalian cardiac neural crest. Development. 2000 Apr; 127(8):1607-16.
Jiang X, Rowitch DH, Soriano P, McMahon AP, Sucov HM. PMID: 10725237.
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501 Fields:
Fate of the mammalian cranial neural crest during tooth and mandibular morphogenesis. Development. 2000 Apr; 127(8):1671-9.
Chai Y, Jiang X, Ito Y, Bringas P, Han J, Rowitch DH, Soriano P, McMahon AP, Sucov HM. PMID: 10725243.
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620 Fields:
Sonic hedgehog--regulated oligodendrocyte lineage genes encoding bHLH proteins in the mammalian central nervous system. Neuron. 2000 Feb; 25(2):317-29.
Lu QR, Yuk D, Alberta JA, Zhu Z, Pawlitzky I, Chan J, McMahon AP, Stiles CD, Rowitch DH. PMID: 10719888.
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Pax-2 regulatory sequences that direct transgene expression in the developing neural plate and external granule cell layer of the cerebellum. Brain Res Dev Brain Res. 1999 Oct 20; 117(1):99-108.
Rowitch DH, Kispert A, McMahon AP. PMID: 10536237.
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Sonic hedgehog regulates proliferation and inhibits differentiation of CNS precursor cells. J Neurosci. 1999 Oct 15; 19(20):8954-65.
Rowitch DH, S-Jacques B, Lee SM, Flax JD, Snyder EY, McMahon AP. PMID: 10516314; PMCID: PMC6782773.
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Cystic malformation of the posterior cerebellar vermis in transgenic mice that ectopically express Engrailed-1, a homeodomain transcription factor. Teratology. 1999 Jul; 60(1):22-8.
Rowitch DH, Danielian PS, McMahon AP, Zec N. PMID: 10413335.
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Modification of gene activity in mouse embryos in utero by a tamoxifen-inducible form of Cre recombinase. Curr Biol. 1998 Dec 03; 8(24):1323-6.
Danielian PS, Muccino D, Rowitch DH, Michael SK, McMahon AP. PMID: 9843687.
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719 Fields:
Identification of an evolutionarily conserved 110 base-pair cis-acting regulatory sequence that governs Wnt-1 expression in the murine neural plate. Development. 1998 Jul; 125(14):2735-46.
Rowitch DH, Echelard Y, Danielian PS, Gellner K, Brenner S, McMahon AP. PMID: 9636087.
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GDNF induces branching and increased cell proliferation in the ureter of the mouse. Dev Biol. 1997 Dec 01; 192(1):193-8.
Pepicelli CV, Kispert A, Rowitch DH, McMahon AP. PMID: 9405108.
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Expression of the homeobox-containing genes EN1 and EN2 in human fetal midgestational medulla and cerebellum. J Neuropathol Exp Neurol. 1997 Mar; 56(3):236-42.
Zec N, Rowitch DH, Bitgood MJ, Kinney HC. PMID: 9056537.
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Cell interactions in patterning the mammalian midbrain. Cold Spring Harb Symp Quant Biol. 1997; 62:535-44.
Rowitch DH, Danielian PS, Lee SM, Echelard Y, McMahon AP. PMID: 9598387.
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Proteoglycans are required for maintenance of Wnt-11 expression in the ureter tips. Development. 1996 Nov; 122(11):3627-37.
Kispert A, Vainio S, Shen L, Rowitch DH, McMahon AP. PMID: 8951078.
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Topical iodine and neonatal hypothyroidism. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 1995 Dec; 149(12):1336-9.
Gordon CM, Rowitch DH, Mitchell ML, Kohane IS. PMID: 7489070.
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A single homeodomain binding site restricts spatial expression of Wnt-1 in the developing brain. Mech Dev. 1995 Sep; 53(1):87-96.
Iler N, Rowitch DH, Echelard Y, McMahon AP, Abate-Shen C. PMID: 8555114.
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Pax-2 expression in the murine neural plate precedes and encompasses the expression domains of Wnt-1 and En-1. Mech Dev. 1995 Jul; 52(1):3-8.
Rowitch DH, McMahon AP. PMID: 7577673.
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Neonatal herpes simplex virus infection presenting as fulminant liver failure. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 1995 Mar; 14(3):242-4.
Greenes DS, Rowitch D, Thorne GM, Perez-Atayde A, Lee FS, Goldmann D. PMID: 7761194.
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Effect of coat protein mutations in bacteriophage fd studied by sedimentation analysis. Biophys J. 1992 Nov; 63(5):1293-8.
Molina-Garcia AD, Harding SE, Diaz FG, de la Torre JG, Rowitch D, Perham RN. PMID: 19431854; PMCID: PMC1261432.
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Variable electrostatic interaction between DNA and coat protein in filamentous bacteriophage assembly. J Mol Biol. 1988 Dec 05; 204(3):663-74.
Rowitch DH, Hunter GJ, Perham RN. PMID: 3066910.
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Cloning and expression of the filamentous bacteriophage Pf1 major coat protein gene in Escherichia coli. Membrane protein processing and virus assembly. J Mol Biol. 1987 Jun 20; 195(4):873-84.
Rowitch DH, Perham RN. PMID: 3309343.
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Interactions between DNA and coat protein in the structure and assembly of filamentous bacteriophage fd. Nature. 1987 May 21-27; 327(6119):252-4.
Hunter GJ, Rowitch DH, Perham RN. PMID: 3106834.
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The metabolic defect of methionine dependence occurs frequently in human tumor cell lines. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 1983 Dec 16; 117(2):429-34.
Mecham JO, Rowitch D, Wallace CD, Stern PH, Hoffman RM. PMID: 6661235.
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Extent of DNA methylation in human tumor cells. J Natl Cancer Inst. 1983 Oct; 71(4):755-64.
Diala ES, Cheah MS, Rowitch D, Hoffman RM. PMID: 6578371.
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